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Mad Betty

VIP Member
Her social media habit was most definitely a factor in the breakdown of their marriage. She said herself it was an ongoing problem for him. Fights on Twitter, meltdowns, threats of self-harm, and oversharing clearly caused him a lot of stress and contributed to his decision to leave.

People leave toxic/abusive/dead marriages all the time. People find the strength to leave and they often meet someone that is more aligned with their core values and ways of existing in the world. Seems to me that's exactly what he did. Marriage isn't a blood contract that binds you until death. If you stop growing in a marriage and it harms your well being, leaving can save your life. He clearly saved his.

Kids survive divorce. You don't stay in a bad marriage for your kids. That's like slowly feeding them small doses of poison while you yourself are consuming bucket fulls. Hard no to that. We are not here on this planet to sacrifice our lives to maintain the status quo.

I do recall her saying she'd cheated in every relationship she'd had before she got married. A Tweet perhaps?

If you're still posting a Father's Day passive-aggressive dig post aimed at your ex, you most definitely have feelings for him. That's what therapy is for. Maybe she should take her own advice?

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Mad Betty

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We're mostly legal people here who know each other, often lunch together, and attend hearings related to this case when we have the time. We're also collaborating on a 4-part documentary about high conflict celebrity divorces and how the Los Angeles legal system handles them including the more complex aspects of these cases including but not limited to: contentious custody issues, forensic accounting and financial abuse, and those that involve domestic abuse/violence.

It has been a rewarding journey and I'm grateful to those who have included me. You know who you are.

Off to have lunch with Andrea soon.

Have a wonderful day!


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Mad Betty

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When you join most websites they ask you to create a user name. Save for those who use their real name for work or social connectivity on places like Facebook, most create anonymous account names.

I personally don't use my real name on almost any website to protect my privacy. I was told ages ago by several LE folks it's safer that way.

It's what everyone does on places like Reddit, Tattle, Mumsnet, Instagram, Twitter, etc. It's insane that she tries to make it a shocking event that people have anonymous names here. It's a gossip website, not the DMV online portal.

The histrionics continue.

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I love that Alice is so unhinged that she's contradicting herself in her own post multiple times.

So do we work for the court, buy the documents with our own money, or "get fed" the documents for free? Make up your mind!! 😂😂
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Custody was settled and all court docs are sealed although Alice’s chum Bitchoff from the daily mail slipped up and shared a tidbit that wasn’t public knowledge.

BB4 is a hit and Ioan got nice reviews for his (pretty large “extra” (ahem) role.

Bianca got her hair did and shared cutest bubba pictures

Alice effed up a cameo and went to a vampire diaries convention where the panel she spoke on had an audience of 6. Maybe 10.

Ioan is off to an Italian film festival in Sardinia next week and we are enjoying watching his career start to recover.

Ioan also got the sharpest buzz cut ala Clooney, prompting hair transplant debates.
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brie l

VIP Member
So I had a very strange experience yesterday. I went to get my eyebrows and lashes done and the woman who does them said she doesn't normally do this but she reads people and was getting a very strong read from me. She asked if it would be ok if she read me. I said sure as I was lying there with my eyes closed for the next 45 minutes.

So she starts telling me that she is reading a very aggressive woman in my life. That she is very angry and wants revenge. That there is money and a house involved and that is fuelling her anger. At first I thought she was talking about the ex Mrs Brie as we had just gone through issues over child support and their family home that she has lived in rent free for 12 long years finally gets sold at the end of the year. I'm fairly open minded to all things supernatural but she could have been referring to a number of general things with the way she was talking and I was simply associating what she was saying.

But then she said this woman has two daughters that she is weaponising against their father. I shit you not, I nearly jumped up off that table. She started saying this woman had been speaking negatively about their father to them and that she was screwing up her kids and I should be aware of the evil acts she was doing behind the scenes. She said a lot more, nothing that is new news to us but that is the main summary.

Holy fuck, maybe Alice is right and I spend way too much time thinking about her. I will admit it was freaky.
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My ex was very controlling, there are no photos of him anywhere on my socials. He is dead to me.
My ex was financially controlling. He would take away my cash card when I’d been paid and withdraw what he thought he was “owed” for the month. Sporadically a Facebook memory from 10+ years will come up that I can’t untag or delete and I feel sick. I rarely post, but I follow knowing I’m not alone 🤍
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I can't believe Ioan and Bianca are in gorgeous Italy and instead of enjoying themselves they're managing the entire Tattle website to take shots at someone they legally barred from coming anywhere near them.
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See if there was a page on the Internet with over 7000 of abusive messages I’d sent, I’d probably not advertise it on my Instagram. Fucking tube.
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brie l

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Alice Evans back in her happy place - fighting strangers on the internet. Same shit, different platform. She never changes.
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Turning violent is a hallmark of Alice supporters, not us.

The same person that posted this on Alice's most recent Instagram post..


...also posted this.


(The "Tony" to whom she's referring is Alice's brother, who also threatened to slit someone's throat on Twitter.)
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I’m pretty sure it was Janelle k from law enforcement, their inside source 🤭
Don't any of the FMs ever wonder where these super invested "Alice supporters" with insider information disappeared to? 😂 Janelle K, Judge Mercy, Saint Joan, Dog Lady, Juventus, new lips? They all up and got lives all of a sudden? 😂😂 Most obvious sock game ever.
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Alice is playing her best hits in the comment section

So I take from this that my post was spot on (although all I said is from public available docs with the sole assumption that nothing changed, but duh)

Also no one has ever threatened her kids or her, and child pics are always censored.

Everyone knows English is only like my 4th language at this point. Sorry, I only need it for programming and its way above the requirements to communicate on travels 🤷‍♀️ - still far better than 99 % of her fandom though, and most are natives! 🤣
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It's quite strange that they are all up in arms about it. It's a perfectly rational commentary and they are all clutching their pearls with invented violence and obsession. It's just weird to be kissing someone's arse like that. How many are Al? The account trying to make Welp into Yo or Bee is surely Alice because no one else could be that fucking desperate to make things up.

Here's some caps for you:
Well, I'm tonight in Gelsenkirchen (for the big match). Cant imagine something more contrasting to beautiful Italy!

actually I dmed Bianca once to warn them of something, she never acknowledged me. Guess its hard to reply to yourself :(
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
And for those visiting, a little history might help.

The majority of us had never heard of Tattle until AE advertised it. Many of us had just read her intensely dramatic DM article and arrived at her Twitter to see who she was only to be directed here.... by her. The very thing she's currently doing on her Instagram.

None of us brunch with her ex or his fiancée. There's no secret Whatsapp chat group to feed info. to post. Isn't that historically her thing? That's my understanding.

She's essentially a Tattle.Life Influencer at the rate she promotes it.

That's certainly my opinion.
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meanwhile in Italy 🤭

edit: link not working? here is a screenshot

I remember that Alice tried to tag her into one of her rants about Ioan. One of my favourite actresses isnt disappointing!

Also I remember that Alice said that Ella was obsessed with Alexandra on set of San Andreas. Another thing she has now missed out thanks to her
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