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You're the kind of human I cherish. Despite what life has thrown at you you just keep on keeping on and find ways to grow and adapt. No victimhood. I bow to you and your absolute fucking tenacity! ❣

I will raise a glass to you tonight, dear @ponyboycurtis. I hope your surgery is a great success and your insides mend and your world shifts in ways you can't even imagine yet.

Alice could learn a thing or five from you. 👌🏼

(Keep us posted)
Thank you @Mad Betty ❤ My grin is now wobbling a bit. 🥹 (I don't know if that is the right emoji for the happy/cry face I'm currently making). It's been a tough few years.
My heart is full now, and I will *clink* glasses with you tonight (sparkling water in mine) and toast to tenacity. For all of us.

I will update as soon as I'm coherent, lol 😁
I just read this article. It's about children who grew up with moms that exposed every aspect of their lives on SM. These children are asking for laws to stop this behavior. They also talk about the repercussions of having their lives shared on SM, and having it be on SM forever. It's an eye opener to see it from the child's viewpoint. Here is the article if interested:

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My mum was at the performance of Nye at the Wales Milennium Centre last night and says she saw Ioan Gruffudd there so I think they might have had a night out. She didn't notice who he was with.

Oh why didn't she invite me? 😭
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Since it's quiet on here, Prius Rat has decided to give us a fashion show ( as someone said in the previous thread, it dresses better than Alice)
I hope my spoiler worked. If not,my apologies.
ETA spelling
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Very telling, isn't it? She mentions Ioan every chance she gets. Always trying to lead the conversation into a direction where she can mention her ex husband. Still, after three fucking years. Someone explain to me how that's "moving on".

And then there's Ioan himself who's not adressed her publicly at all since he escaped, right?
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When I saw the photos I literally thought I'd have pages and pages to catch up on 😅
I'm so glad they went to the premiere! Don't care about the hair transplant (though I know that's all MonoTone will fixate on) or the dress Bianca's wearing, I'm just so glad they're just out there doing life and red carpets and a big FUCK HER. Not even a fuck her cause she's inconsequential,really.
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This is most likely a reference to '70s UK comedy 'The Two Ronnies' whose outro was always:

*Shudder*. What it implies is that both Alice AND her brother are signing off (as one). It's clearly a "Na-na, na-na-na." What awful, awful people these Evanses must be. Those poor lovely girls deserve so much better in terms of role models.
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Alice tends to attract the White Knight types that want to save her from herself. Ioan was one until he was totally depleted and exhausted and ultimately had to save himself. It doesn't help her as she doesn't want to change and all people on here who have tried to help her did is waste their own time. In the earlier threads here, there was a lot of "Alice you need to do this, this and this" and while I know people meant well, I also know AFE from old and knew that she's a hard core cunt who has had a charmed life and didn't appreciate any of it. She has abused every one she has come into contact with, aside from high profiles like Celia Walden who she doesn't want to lose as they are good for her celebrity (lol) image.

I saw this on Insta and I worry for Ella in particular as she has been parentified to the hilt and has become AFE's substitute spouse. She will need a lot of therapy but she isn't ready for it while under the grip of Mommy Dearest.

View attachment 2948825

PS I see Loopy as a fake White Knight. He latches on to 'damsels in distress' but he doesn't give a fuck about them - he's a narc so it all about raising his profile and appearing to care. Then he swiftly moves on to the next 'damsel in distress'.
When Ella said she could ‘fix’ her father so Alice would not be angry, that was a sign of her trying to save their family, really sad because she couldn't have been but 11 or 12 years old. I hope Ella gets the help she is going to need, but she never will as long as Alice has her in her clutches.
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She says “we won”. I’m sorry, and I probably should put a trigger warning. Having someone say a crude thing to you isn’t the fucking same as what some of those women went through. She co-opts so much trauma and distress while living a fairly privileged life. The worst thing that happened to her is she got dumped.
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"The shock of my husband leaving me and the horrendous trolling that ensued changed me as a person".

Yes, the horrendous trolling that Alice carried out should have changed her as a person...
The shock of my victim escaping my clutches and the full on and incessant harassment, abuse, and trolling that I have carried out has exposed the nasty and vicious person that I am.
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Old Soak

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Excruciating is a perfect word - I just get this icky feeling she’s an even more unwell person than we think when she’s caught in the wild.
Courts and prisons are full of unwell people who knew what they were doing and are responsible for their actions. It’s the innocent people that suffer who deserve our sympathy….that’s my take on it anyway
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Prospective Thread Title: Could have married rich if she hadn’t been a bitch.’

I really hope you’re recovefing well. It will be such a relief for you to be able to get back to the world. So much love to you.
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Ally Pally

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"The shock of my husband leaving me and the horrendous trolling that ensued changed me as a person".

Yes, the horrendous trolling that Alice carried out should have changed her as a person...
Presenting herself as the victim whilst all the while she's the chief troll abusing her ex and his fiancée behind sock accounts.
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I just had a look at the AG account for the first time in months. You have to laugh, the vitriol is so pathetic that it's amusing.

"Ioan is a deadbeat dad!"
"He's bald"
"Bianca is a bug!"

This person needs to get help for their mental health. This isn't the behaviour of someone healthy and happy with their life.
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