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Excuse me? I'm 51 and I'm not nursing an older man. My husband is actually 10 years younger than me. FFS.
Not referring to regular people in that comment, I think. This is more about if Alice wants to land a wealthy man - the only way for her to do that is land someone older and extremely senile. No younger wealthy man is going to see a mess like her as a catch. Plenty of older women would be, but not her - she looks like she just climbed out of a river and fell asleep on a garbage bag in the sunshine to dry off.
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Still getting expensive food deliveries while ol’ benefit street Tone thinks the kids are starving. How disingenuous of them. Pretty sure that’s disparaging Ioan who is protected under a DVRO, including by proxy or Alice is in fact allowing her kids to starve while she buys expensive creams and Botox. Which one is it Tone you ball sack?
Want la mer??
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Why is she still talking about her husband leaving her? It’s been more than three years! As for the trolling, there has been only one troll in this saga and she’s called Alice.
Because, like the narc. she is, she is a victim and he’s the perp., it’s all of her being now. This will never be history, it will always be a reason why she struggles - after all, it could never be her fault. My mum is sensibly pretty NC with her narc. sister, and it was only a couple of years ago when I told mum that my aunt is still swerving the convo. around to her ex., and how hard-done-by she has been by him. They were divorced in 1987.
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Oh my goodness. I thought you were joking, but crikey, it's like word for word from the emails Alice sent Ioan. Alice better hope she never gets compared to Fiona publicly enough for it to become a 'thing', because she is a dyed in the wool Fiona, with all the evidence to support.
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Someone posted this excerpt from Richard Gadd's Baby Reindeer book on Reddit. It's an email that Martha sent to him.

I am blown away by the similarities, right down to:

Hurling the word pedalo at him (the word keeps being corrected here)

Saying he has shit parents

Bragging about how smart she is and how stupid he is

Telling him he has no future as a comedy writer/actor

Oh, and the last line. Amazing.

"My contacts are considerable and they are all very angry with you."

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Best English degree in the whole country but doesn't know how to proofread. Very Alice. They have similar evergivetic peonalities.

She DARVOed us by calling us the Marthas. Sure Jan...
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You don't need to speak French to understand what she says in the Cameo "Baby Angel left me brooooké with mes bébés and sa bogane de girlfriend, and joyeaux anniversaire 5 days too late, et oh, you are a makeup artist? Have you seen mes selfés, et blah blah blah blah.... basically imagine the one she does in English but in French lol
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Remember by my count we're up to at least 7 differing versions of what happened with HW. She's never told the same story about what happened.
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I wonder if her Harvey Weinstein story has been proven to be untrue and has been used for him to get this appeal. I hate to not believe a woman when she shares such a story, but there’s something off about Alice’s version. I like how she clarifies that HW didn’t affect her already non-existent acting career. It wouldn’t have been hers affected anyway, it would have been Ioan’s.
As usual, Alice was being overly dramatic. The NY Attorney General has already announced he’s going to be retried. The reason the conviction was tossed out was because the appeals court found that the testimony from three witnesses was evidence of prior bad acts, but not actual evidence regarding the two women whose cases had been brought against him. Bringing in prior bad acts is routinely disallowed by courts.

And he’s still convicted in California. Even if he wasn’t and was released from prison pending the new trial, it’s not like this is Charles Manson so all of her “this is terrifying” commentary is just such bullshit. Sadly for Alice, her made up story had nothing to do with this.
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My point is this is a place for banter. We all have a lot going on in our lives some more than others. This is supposed to be escapism. I’d be smoking 60 a day by now if I didn’t have this little refuge of chit-chat.

Most of us have real lives to live and use Tattle for some downtime. Spouting off political opinions about people and places you’ve never seen and basically know jack shit about on a gossip forum is pretty pointless.

It took me a very long time to realise that for some people it actually is their lives and they think it matters. They genuinely think their clueless rants somehow matter more than others. So much so there is no place and no subject they won’t spout opinions on. .

Anyhoo I’ll see ya when the banters back. 😘
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Wales’ first family has ended me. She’s a deluded cunt never mind a filtered one.
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I don’t think she will fully disclose her financials or cooperate with the court. For that, she would have to admit to a whole host of bad acts and lies. She would rather be the “victim” of a judgement that goes against her. Then it will be the fault of Ioan, the lawyers and the judge. I’m sure Ioan’s accountants can show she took the money and cannot account for what it could reasonably have been spent on. It won’t be marginal sums, we are talking 100’sK. I can very well see Ioan walking away with only child support payments and that she will be expected to pay part of these.
Mostly lurking these days
cos I changed jobs and upped my working hours, cos I have two young kids I’m providing for, imagine that Alice
but I wanted to highlight this bit cos I 100% agree, Treacle. She’s a professional victim, every thing and every one is always against her, nothing can ever be her fault. She’ll stall and mess everyone around as much as she possibly can, she’ll never provide accurate financials cos she knows how damning they’ll be for her. She’s counting on the system just throwing its hands up in despair eventually, and proceeding regardless of her cooperation, so that she can bleat about how “rigged” everything is against single mothers, she couldn’t afford decent representation, she tried her hardest, blah blah.

She will never, ever take *any* responsibility for any of this (utter utter) shitshow.
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Omg the ‘just wait til she is back’ 🙄 I can’t eye roll hard enough at this boring narrative. It’s so utterly pathetic that this is still where Alice’s focus is and Tone who is actually Alice repeating this over and over in a Dick Dastardly fashion is really just embarrassing now. Is the idea that Tones account being on private reduces his reach to get around the fact that it’s constantly breaching the DVRO? I don’t understand why Alice thinks she’s being fucked over at this point either. $10k a month and she’s squeezed him out of the girls lives like she wanted. Winner winner chicken dinner 🤷🏼‍♀️
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The BB4 Premiere is here in LA this evening and it's a big one. The Chinese Theater is the best premiere theater here.

As you were. 😎

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This movie is going to be huge and put Ioan in the spotlight in a way he hasn't been in quite a while. Even if his role is tiny, he still will have the success by association.

People will want to see what Mr Fantastic is up to, and by extension, what his alcoholic ex wife has been up to as well. I have a feeling a lot of people are going to do a lot of deep diving into that wiki in the next month or so.
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The only person to blame for Alice ending up with a poor divorce outcome is Alice. Ioan offered her at least what she was entitled to without 100ks of legal costs. She would have a lump sum and a tidy regular income if she hadn’t fucked herself over. Enough to relocate to the UK or France or a cheaper part of California. She can’t afford the later if she wants a naice area but she is to blame for her lack of earning power and own pension. If she had gone for a more lucrative career and or stopped wasting money on staff and tat they would have been better off and had more to share.

I have the same educational background as Alice and am about the same age. As are most of my peer group. None, and I mean none of us are financially dependent on our husbands and wouldn’t be post divorce to maintain our lifestyle. That’s a decision you make even with children and it was very real for people of my generation and educational background. Because women up to the 80’s got shafted in divorces. When Alice got married there was every chance the marriage wouldn’t last, especially in their industry. You make contingen

Alice has leeched off men from the minute she left university. Never trying to find a viable career, just a mark to pay her way. She’s not even fucked if the award is what we think it will be. She has or had a stash of cash. If she blew that then it is on her.
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My sister is a lot like Alice. My take on it is that they constantly judge people. Constantly. And, they judge on the surface things, like looks etc.. Therefore, when something happens to them they think everyone is judging them just as harshly. For example, my sister's car was dirty, and she said "everyone will think I don't have a husband!!" So I said," umm, no one really thinks like that. And, women are capable of washing cars, just like men" She said that about her yard, too. That if the lawn was not cared for, people would know her husband left.Jesus, I don't know about you guys, but I really could give a rat's ass if the car beside me has dirt on it. And I certainly don't think "that poor woman, her husband must have left" ffs.
Oh, and her "boys" are all adults but she refers to herself as a single mom. I get second hand embarrassment from that one. Once my kids reached adulthood, I switched to "I was a single mom". Her ex also left when the kids were all adults., so there is no reason why she would say this. Anyways, she's nuts like Alice. And she never was/is a single mom, just like Alice.
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Congratulations @Hiraeth on the thread title, and thank you @Ametrine for starting another new thread and @Old Soak for the recap. ❤

I wonder if she has developed social anxiety and it's a big part of why she won't work. She still seems to have money stashed and/or she's grifting off people but that's not going to last forever.
I have wondered this for a while actually. It can't be full on agoraphobia because she can leave the house, and I used to think it was because of her alcohol problem that she didn't do anything or go anywhere, but not sure it's that either. She has a few acquaintances rather than friends, so it may just be that she's not being invited anywhere I suppose. But she doesn't take the kids anywhere either. The weirdest thing to me is her utter neglect of herself, considering her whole career was built on how she looked - and her looks still seem to be her main focus in a strange way. Her hair is non-existent, she doesn't exercise, doesn't walk her dog, doesn't buy herself new clothes, just flops around the house all day playing dressing up in old dirty clothes that don't suit her and weren't in fashion even when she bought them.
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Imo nobody should feel bad if they feel pity for Alice or someone like her but neither should anybody feel bad if they don't. We all come at this with our own experiences, perspectives, opinions and prejudices and they are all valid. We all also have our own characters, some are more rational or logical, some more emotional, but again neither one is better than the other, just a bit different. Those differences are interesting and good, this place would be boring AF if it was an echo chamber and we were all sheep just parroting each other. We haven't been assimilated into the feline borg yet! 🐈
Since it's quiet on here, Prius Rat has decided to give us a fashion show ( as someone said in the previous thread, it dresses better than Alice)
I hope my spoiler worked. If not,my apologies.
ETA spelling
Are we going to get accused of bestiality again if I mention Ratty has surprisingly big norks?
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