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It wouldn't make a difference to the ownership shares even if it was in joint names - he still would have the right to get his initial contribution back and there was still a massive mortgage. The name on the "deeds" to the property are actually irrelevant.
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Arctic Ocean

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I just arrived at Heathrow for a quick business trip; whilst I hate these endless meetings with a passion (I so hoped the travel wouldn’t return to pre-pandemic levels, but here we are 🙄), I can never help but think how much I still prefer them and all the stress to the non-life that Alice is leading. So I‘ll have my lovely British tea now and go to my boring meeting with a smile on my face just because I don’t have to be her. ☺
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It’s such an odd thing to say. NOW she is a full time mom. Excuse to not work incoming
She's probably too scared to put "single mum" in case she gets another warning from Yo's lawyers 🤭
The lazy-arsed bint has been using the baybeeez as an excuse not to work for years. Conveniently forgetting the two nannies/housekeepers that her ex-husband employed so that Alice wasn't inconvenienced in any way by motherhood.
@Ally Pally ...I remember the Thatcher years well. I didn't have children then, but I did have two part-time jobs as unemployment soared.
I've always worked, apart from 3 years as a SAHM, during which we drove a 15 year old car, had no holidays, and lived in a one-bedroomed flat. Alice was very lucky to be able to freeload off Yo for so long, baybeez or not. But she's going to have to finally start thinking about fending for herself. Hopefully those kids will manage to shake her off when they're adults, I have no doubt that she fully intends to leech off either or both of them for as long as she can. Wouldn't it be lovely if both girls emigrated to Australia to join their dad and step-mum, far away from the clutches of Alice...(who won't be allowed in as she has nothing to offer!) 😁
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View attachment 2810560
underwater = rolling on the floor, drunk, tits akimbo...
Alice stans need to go to Specsavers...

View attachment 2810586

ETA so does Alice! All that's missing is the moustache attached to these glasses.
I know some turds don't like criticising her looks, and I am genuinely not being nasty here, but I really think these last photos look quite frightening. A few mental health professionals have commented here saying that there is a certain look with certain patients, and I don't know if I'm seeing that, but there is really something very unsettling in her expressions in these last few selfies. She has a look reminiscent of The Joker here.

ETA: it makes me worry for what she's been up to bts.
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Absolutely @CookieMonsta, I completely agree with everything you said. My view is that post struck a cord with Bianca because of Alice but it seems out of character for her to like it. And I too wonder what new shit Alice is pulling that we don't know about, that pushed Bianca to like that post.
I have huge admiration for Bianca and wish I had role modelled her back in the day when dealing with my own "Alice". I've learnt a lot over these last few years that has made a massive difference in my personal life. I wish nothing but happiness for B&I and hope the kids find their way back to their dad. As for Alice, she can rot for all I care.
Sorry, it's been a very long day and a very long week. I'm tired and have zero tolerance, can't even find much empathy right now. I've just got off a plane and I'm headed to my 4th function in 4 nights and all I want to do is go home and fall into bed at 6.30pm. But I will smile and say kind words to strangers and make small talk for the 4th night in a row so that they think Mr Brie has a lovely wife, when really I'm thinking dark thoughts. I will be better tomorrow. (Tried to put this rant behind a spoiler but my brain is not quick enough to figure how to do a retrospective spoiler half way through a post).
I doubt she searches for something just because Alice did something recently. it probably just popped up on her timeline and she thought "that's relatable". Alice does this too, just in her case "relatable" is fiction
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I haven’t forensically examined the latest photo but she looks much better and healthier to me. I am sure she has used filters, and if you saw her in the wild you would see she looked a bit different to the photo, but she is a million miles away from spam face. (BW also uses filters occasionally. Very few Instagram photos are au natural.)
Am I the only one that sees multiple patches that are either PS going very wrong or some weird issues going on with her skin? A filter is meant to gloss over them. This picture looks like Kate Middleton made the edits lol

Swivel-eyed loon, anyone?🤪

Definitely implying that she‘s poverty stricken. Poor woman can‘t even afford a trip to the hairdresser‘s, while the husband who abandoned her gallivants around, blah blah blah.🤬

A good haircut and the right products would work wonders. I‘ve always been blessed with thick, healthy hair, but now at nearly 70, it‘s thinning, especially at the top. Plantur 39 shampoo and conditioner are a bit pricey, but they work. And keeping a chic cut. But all the money she‘s raking in from Ioan has to go into ridiculous rent and $100 skin creams by the dozen.🙄

Don‘t even get me started on the joke shop glasses.🥸
it's so odd though. On the one hand she does this but on the other hand she posts about living in Bevery Hills and getting her dog a expensive groomer. I think she understands that her fans are too dumb to realize this, but on the other hand I bet she is frustrated that none of them took the "im soo poor I have to cut my hair myself" bait even on her 2nd attempt.
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I thought her scarf being dirty (it is, right?) is a bit disrespectful for something someone paid $65 for and that lasted less than a minute with a shaky camera. It would be bad already if she was an A-lister, but someone that is a D-lister at best has to put a lot more effort into this for this kind of money (she bumped the prices last year to a level where she doesn't belong to)

The only good thing about this is that she did it and that she didnt start talking about Ioan/how she is so poor etc
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(SS courtesy of @welp )

Alice’s insistence that I’M QUIRKY!!! always gives me strong Monica vibes:



This is the hill I will die on.

Did she take a change of scarf because she was wearing a red one in the “Uber” and then a black one in the next
Alice can pull this off because (say it with me) SHE’S QUIRKY!!! 🤪

(Major editing because my internet is glitching, Your Honor)
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I just popped on as I'm curious how she lost the weight.
Stress from being blindsided

Heartbreak from being dumped for a bikini acrobat bogan accountant

Serious debilitating condition of fibbermyalgia

Utter, utter defamation

Massive dose of cuntitis

I mean, take yer pick 🤷‍♀️
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Is it just me or does her chin look massive in this photo?
I instantly started to think how she (and Ella?) made mean jokes about Bianca's chin (and she has a fine one).
She is always projecting, isn't she?

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I'm off to Costa Rica for 8 days. Here's to hoping Alice doesn't lose her shit and leaving me with much to catch up.
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House of Tea

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Alice didn’t have a date. She didn’t have a shag. She didn’t go to the Oscars. She lives on social media.

Ioan has set a date. I have no idea about his sex life but he looks happy enough. He went to Miami to work in the movie industry. He has a real life (with soon to be wife)
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