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the funny thing about her claim is that she is pretending that a child therapist in 30 years never heard of a father that doesn't want to see his kids (lmao). This is the issue with her lies, she is always going too far.
That's what I thought too. The stuff about Ioan might have been believable for a casual reader seeing that post and not knowing any backstory. But claiming that about a child therapist with 30 years experience is just eye-rolling. A bit like the gay therapist who couldn't believe Ioan left her for his mother. Oh and said she's the most amazing woman he's ever met.
Imo Bianca liking that post was definitely a reference to Alice. And fair enough given that's exactly what Alice has threatened Ioan with numerous times. If she doesn't like her abuse publicly called out in black and white maybe she shouldn't be doing it in the first place.

Given the abuse Bianca herself has had to put up with, and the abuse she's had to watch her partner cop, she's been more than just restrained for 3 years - she's been a fucking saint. I'm not sure I could have stayed so quiet under such extreme provocation. The only thing that bothers me about Bianca liking that post now is it makes me wonder and worry what's going on bts. We all know that when Alice is relatively quiet on SM, she's usually ramping up the real life abuse, and given that post mentioned the kids, I'm worried she's working even harder, and succeeding, at alienating them from Ioan even more. She would have been absolutely raging at Bianca being on set with Ioan in Miami for Bad Boys, and that she was seemingly welcomed with open arms by his co-stars.

PS: Not having a go at you @SaltandPepperChicken. Hope that you are feeling better, or at least flying high on all those meds. ❤
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I'm going to be honest and admit I think she looks absolutely fucking terrible in that first photo. Her makeup is a mess, so is her hair and she's filtered herself to fuck. 🤷‍♀️ And her coy comments about going out and she thinks she'll be doing more of it in the future smack of her typical attention seeking and breadcrumbing another stupid and damaging scheme to try and fuck things up.
I honestly think she's just trolling people in more ways than one. She's clearly not had a haircut, she's not even put a comb through it. It's like she thinks what shit can I post and these idiots will still kiss my arse. Same with the baiting about meeting someone. Whoopdedoo. If she were actually doing something of interest she would post it, not fake a life she's not having.
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The other reason Ella would need courage was if the plan was to take the lift and then accuse him of CSA in the car. Ella knew there was likely no chaperone which is why they tried to do it last minute.

Also it's a little rich to be abusive and refuse visitation and then expect him to be a last minute Uber. It was all a scam anyway and IG didn't fall for it.
Imagine being a loving father whose children are cruelly taken away from him who no doubt desperately wanted to spend time with them and then having to say no to this request in case it was a trap.

There are no words for her wickedness.
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I meant what I said!

I think some of the comments about Alice’s hair and skin are harsh. I think she looks good now, especially for her age. My issue with Alice has always been her reprehensible behaviour.

I know she insults other people about their appearance, but it doesn’t mean we should sink to her level. It’s one thing to make fun of her bizarre clothing choices. But she can’t help the density or length of her hair.

If she has confidence in her appearance and is happy to the leave the house (for good reasons, and not to cause trouble for Ioan and Bianca), then that’s a good thing. The more normal things she does, the better it is for her and the girls.

Sadly, I do think her Instagram posts are always performative and contain hidden messages/threats to Ioan, so perhaps I shouldn’t expect too much.
I have defended my right to criticize Alice’s appearance on a gossip site before but I will add that on this occasion I was actually pointing out what I perceived to be a lie. I don’t believe she has cut her hair. It looks exactly the same as it has for years (broken - it’s clearly not freshly trimmed).

I agree with your last comment though, I think it’s assuming a lot to say she isn’t making trouble for I&B. The cryptic ‘someone special’ is a tale as old as time as she has never relented in her disgusting bullying campaign so I fully expect this to be no different.
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Chatty Member
So if that's accurate she's paid for over 60k followers? Eeesh
I checked as after scrolling comments on one of her recent posts, after getting through the top comments I found a lot of bot like comments, all very similar one word replies and a single emoji.

All private (not unusual) but quite a few with zero posts.
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Little E seems excited to have the chance to ride a bike even though her mum is walking. Most kids would be bored to tears by that. Christ, there’s something very off about their childhoods. I guess we’ll read all about it soon enough.
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If my stepdaughter had kicked my dog she'd have needed a fucking restraining order, and I'd have needed a good lawyer.
Yes. She may have only ’pushed the dog away’ with her feet but major 🚩
If anyone did that to my dog they’d be out the door and never asked back. My kids cherish our girl and even if I imagine a scenario where they’re angry at me, they’d never EVER treat our dog that way. Period. It’s the worst thing Alice has done to her kids reputations, filing that fake Restraining Order. Abysmal parenting
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Alice sounds just the type of mega burden which has so far eluded him
Bernal schmernal. I'm now shipping Alice and Steve. Their ship name will be SteAl and I am sure he will delight us with stunning shots of her tits akimbo in moody black and white photos.
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B was also in an abusive relationship with a narc, so not everything is about Alice… deapite what she might think!

This is the issue with her lies, she is always going too far.
She is always going too far, FULL STOP/PERIOD!! 😉
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freeloading is indeed a good way to define "getting through the day"

she completely ghosted someone that asked her how she managed to lose so much weight btw
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Stop the press!! Alice Evans has got out of fucking bed!!

Says I who has been sent back to bed while my S & D are wrecking the kitchen downstairs making me “something”. 🤔

Happy Mothers Day everyone! ❤
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Do a search for the term "panic" in Welp's PDF of Alice's social media postings, it's quite illuminating.

She uses the terms "panic" and "panic attack" a lot. Where most people would write that they would "worry", or would be "concerned", Alice "panics".

And look at this tweet from c. Dec 2022.

How dare Alice put the burden on whether she should go to the ER on Ella (who would have been 13 at the time):

View attachment 2810177
Sorry to come back to this again Ametrine, but this has made me so angry and is one of the most abusive things she's posted and possibly done to her kids. How any adult, let alone a parent, could look at this BS and support her and say she is a good mother genuinely appals me. There is so much that is so terribly wrong in her post that I can't even list them because it's making me too angry.
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In that video you can see she’s desperate to jump in. She would have done better either standing next to him and look at him as he speaks or get the fuck out of frame.

She’s so fame hungry. And she’s lost all that now. That’s what galls her about this whole thing. Not necessarily that he left her, but him and his red carpets left her. She will only ever be known as his ex from now on. She won’t be invited to red carpets any more. That stings.
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Aww, is poor Alice having panic attacks? I assume that someone has told her that she needs to get off her lazy arse and get a job 🙄
No wonder she's panicking!
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I'm actually glad she's heading out somewhere.

I hope she is doing something nice, and she realises that she would be happier if she left the house and did normal things.

Of course, I retract this statement if she's in fact up to some mischief.
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fun fact about the panic attack: after she tweeted this she continued liking random stuff on twitter while her minions were panicking about her. It was so obviously fake. Though I have no doubt that she told the kids that Ioan left them with no insurance etc
Wasn't she fully covered by medical insurance that Ioan was paying for?
She's really done a number on those two girls!
She's a monster!!
she was claiming the weeks before that she and the kids (!) no longer is (which was later disproven), funny how her mate at the DM a year later wrote that she is about to lose her insurance. It's one long slow burn that sooner or later will turn out to be true (like the house sale that she was banging on about two years before it actually happened)
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To me it doubles down on the fact the kids are estranged and nothing is going to change that, sadly.
This is obviously clear. A co-parenting relationship where the kids love both parents is impossible because Alice doesnt love her kids to allow this, even if Alice made a 180 (which I'm sure she is pretending to: "oh, I would love it, but the kids just don't want to, too bad") it would be impossible because she injected her kids extremistic world views, at the very least the eldest. to undo them would cause a huge breach of trust between Alice and the kids since she has trauma bonded them, which would either cause them to switch sides, or become hostile towards both parents (the goal posts regarding Ioan would just move, you need emotional intelligence that is hard to obtain if you are raised by Alice, and time to accept that his actions were reasonable).

The best indicator that Ioan and his kids relationship may be improving is when Alice increasingly starts to badmouth them online. I dont mean the subtle digs she is already doing, and that she did on Ioan years before their separation, but outright badmouthing (she started on this with Ioan in July 2020, anyone with a brain knew at that point that their marriage was broken). Because of the custody fight this aint happening any time soon, but after this it might. during the "be a mother" time Alice was hardly posting positively about the kids, so just silence about them while posting self-centric shit could be a indicator.

If by any miracle Ioan and the kids relationship improves earlier than this we will notice it by her being more erratic. Based on the court docs visitation went very well when it resumed in october 2022 and as soon as it looked like Ella was warming up to meet Bianca Alice withhold them for weeks, made them walk out of visitation after this and went off the rails online and likely also in private (see Ella's rant to Ioan in january 2023), I reckon there is where she did the most damage which resulted in Ella's horrendous behavior in may.

I however don't think that Bianca liking posts like this means that, by that logic it would mean Ioan is also homeless. It's a fact that Alice destroyed his relationship to his kids, whether and to what extend it has been rebuild is unknown.
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