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Generally, it’s a bad business practice to employ friends/family. Nepotism is real and ugly. I’ve seen this stuff go down and it takes years to repair that friendship, not to mention the money you lose when you have to re-hire and re-train for that position. They’re absolute idiots for employing their friends. Their company will[emoji1376]not[emoji1376]last[emoji1376]
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Does he really think people will just drop everything at a moment's notice to have a licherally savage time with him? So presuming Zoe went to London for the launch then went straight home again. And what does he look like here - that hat! :LOL:
Zoe shows more affection for this dude then she does in any photos of her and Alfie !
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Ahh, ok. I still think people blew both things way out of proportion, but I don’t really care about anything like that in general lol so maybe it’s just me. It just came across like they were these horrible people who sold kids into slavery or something wild but it’s just an overly priced advent calendar and a shitty challenge video. Thanks for the info, though. It clears things up a bit
Well maybe you should care a bit more ???. Perhaps you don't get it. You should probably watch more of their drivel and your eyes might be opened????
Nah I’m not diluted. Just don’t really care enough to be bothered what 2 people on the internet are doing.
I don't care whether you're diluted?????. You most certainly are deluded?
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Idk why he is all over Instagram
With his croaky voice
“Acting” like he is half asleep rubbing his eyes
Laying on the couch
“You gaaaissss I edited this videos for 2 days”
Omg Alfie... wow... you want a cookie?!
Normal people work 8-10 hour shifts ever single day!
He uploads 2 videos a month and he always complains in like 10 insta stories leading up to the upload of the video just how many houuuurs he put in to it
just film and upload.. just that
Stop these entire rants about how tired you are, and that u had to edit it.
If you are this tired all the time and you are only .. what? 24 or something? There is something wrong with you!
It’s like he wants people to hit that like button and praise him in comments for working a normal persons shifts twice a month

He is never in his work office
He is always laying on the couch “editing” aka.. watching movies.. getting some food.. check Twitter.. play around on insta etc.
No wonder editing takes you hours and hours if ur just lazing around the house doing other things
Take your laptop to your second house and work until it’s done, I bet it will get done in half that time.
But yes we are so sorry you live such a hard life working on ur couch. You should take a little trip maybe to Dubai to rest from it all.
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His next tattoo should be of the equine [emoji206] variety. To match his savage new dentures that he loves showing off any given chance.
Maybe if enough of us suggested a horse but gave him a false reason for it? “Horse signify great power and freedom - they were an important part of historical battle” or some shit like that. He might actually get it [emoji1787]
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‘We’re just bits of meat on bone, walking around a big green ball’ Alfie Deyes, 2019

Please please hope he puts this savage quote on his new merch.

His examples of things being fair were wrong.
‘It’s not fair if you drop your phone’ etc. What’s not fair Alfie is people slogging their guts out working hard and you being a millionaire for doing nothing.

edit He also got the charity rant COMPLETELY wrong, saying that the girl said he didn't support charities. She didn't she said on that specific day there was a more important world xxx day than Nutella.... He knows that he does good charity work, so that comment didn't bother him, didn't bother him at all, not even enough to reply to it and give it a few minutes in his video, nope didn't bother him AT ALL. Good way to get in how much charity work you do though Alfie (slow clap)

His example of 'trying everything' made me actually LOL - Elon Musk is bloody going to space - yeah we can all do that, its accessible.
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You know how people subtweet about people, well Alfie is definitely sub Insta storying about me. I tweeted him about not putting #ad on his posts, hiding the #gifted and not always tagging Audi. View attachment 5746View attachment 5747

He has now posted on his Insta story about why he is posting all these posts with #gifted, ignored that he should be tagging Audi and putting #AD. And I know he is aiming this at me because in my tweet I refer to both the CMA AND ASA, and so does he in his Insta story. ?? And having read the guidelines earlier today, which I posted links to earlier, I know perfectly well he isn’t following the latest guidance properly.
View attachment 5748
He’s barely even putting gifted though when he’s delibrately trying to hide it behind username etc. He’s such a fucking cockwomble
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He can’t even talk about the cause of the Charity just needs to say he is complying with CMA/ASA guidelines - he isn’t! He probably thinks just going to the event is evidence of his loads of charity work.

View attachment 6110
HAHA little bitch is STILL bitter he has to declare stuff - The amount of stuff he's had to declare in the last week shows how much he was getting/doing before and not mentioning.

Just caught up on Joe's blog and Joe is way better than him at slack line already and Alfie is talking about getting a halfpipe in his garden for summer hahahah

That one with Alfie's search history made me LOL
The video shows how awkward he is, his stance with his arms crossed is very defensive
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Hold the front page??... should we be excited for this??????. He's got the stupid, badly rolled up chinos on again, different trainers though. He's trying to look edgy, but just looks like he got dressed in the dark????
View attachment 6036
I know Alfie's New Year's Resolution was to put less effort into how he dresses but I say he's still making effort in how he styles himself--as terrible as his style it is. Like rolling up his sleeves and his chinos. If he truly didn't care he wouldn't be rolling anything up and going full force in his hobo but cool dad look and just have everything ill-fitting. Seriously... even my dad wouldn't roll up his chinos like that to ironically expose his tube socks. Is this a thing now? Like wearing the beanie with the ears exposed therefore rendering the beanie useless. Everything about Alfie just screams try-hard in the worst way possible. From his teeth to his trainers. For a 'man' who claims he's so business-savvy, he definitely doesn't come across that way both in his demeanor and in his appearance.
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He bitches and moans EVERY time he’s uploading a video. For God’s SAKE!

Here’s my theory, maybe he’s trying to be like Shane Dawson, who kept pushing back the release date of his conspiracy video due to editing (and legalities), and perhaps Alfie is trying to replicate that, maybe thinking it builds suspense for his audience ?
In actuality it just pisses people off.

I hate when he constantly says he’s going to do something and never does. cringgge
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Chatty Member
Make sure to report the Teeth video to ASA - doesn't have Ad in title or thumbnail and he made sure to hide it in the very bottom of the description.
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Chatty Member
It warms my heart that he's rightfully being dragged for these Nutella ads. Oh what a difference a year makes!

I think he's deliberately doing Nutella ads to rub it in people's faces that the ASA cleared them.
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Nothing wrong with Topman - but Millionaire loaning a suit of Topman hahahaha seriously? You'd think he'd have got Hugo Boss or something at least. No sign of Zoe - Sure he'll have his dopey cameraman tagging along as his plus one or something

WTF Even is this pose? 'ooooh theres a lightbulb in the lift, lets look at it and add to my atmospheric shot' He honestly needs to do some of those skillshare courses he keeps touting to learn photography skills

Are his posts advertising Zoe’s collabs not technically ads?


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View attachment 7201

  • Vlog starts with an extremely disengaged Zoe in the car -- Alfie asks "you wanna play with my fidget spinner" and she ignores him and talks about how perfect her parking was LOL
  • Alfie getting out the car exclaims "Oh shit we are late" (because swearing is how he has transitioned from PointlessTwat to FullAdultTwat aka Alfie Deyes)
  • Are they late to a meeting? Noooo breakfast with Soppy and Steve and his wife
  • Alfie: "It's so nippy,by nippy I mean cold. not nipples" --- Sarcasm You would think because his audience is 90% over 18 he wouldn't need to exclaim this
  • Alfie: "This is the same spot I filmed you from Zoe" (Shows shot) -- WOW such great footage
  • Moves to the cafe and you get an understanding of the reverting convos they have -- how do you pronounce kombucha and acai --- WOWWW --- quality content
  • Tbh "quality content" would be better merch as we know it would be 10000% ironic
  • Then Alfie bullshits he is doing a kayak trip with Steve (Steve actually is doing it for charity) -- But Alfie is just bullshitting "I was looking at kayaks, I own a blowup kayak"
  • Zoe dragged Alfie to Nandos -- he goes to in and some man is filming "I just stared at his camera and filmed me. Said its a bit weird to film a stranger" - Alfie better not ever cross me, because I would reply "But you do it all the time so fck off"
  • Alfie: "I don't think I have ever been to a good sushi place, there are high-end sushi places that I don't go to" -- proceeds to buy shit sushi from Marks and Spencers
  • TBH the reason he doesn't go to high-end sushi places because HE HAS NO FRIENDS
  • Alfie is so pleased with his XMAS gift from his Dad -- chopsticks GET DAT SAVAGE SUSHI IN WITH DOZZZZ CHOPSTIXS BOYYYYYYYY
  • He JUST realised he has used the clickbait title "OKAY, LET'S TALK ABOUT IT" 2 years ago -- "I upload so many Youtube videos, I didn't even notice"
  • "The style of videos I do now have changed. I do in-depth talks, a series called The Secret Out...PointlessBlog doesn't fit anymore. It's not a big deal" --- Not a big deal, but you click baited the video with the title "the END of PointlessBlog!
  • "I loved the name PointlessBlog, I like the way it looks, PointlessBlog got BILLIONS BILLIONS of views" --- he was so smug at this point
  • "I am back, I am treating this channel super chilled...creating fun vlogs and on my other channel creating long formed better-produced videos" -- What he means 'I am too lazy to daily vlog, but want dat money so will vlog when I can be bothered and film dees dumb ass videos I call quality content when the only quality is the camera not me"
Billions and billions of views. He’s not bothered about figures though? God I hate this cretin.
As for moaning about someone filming him don’t get me started. There’s so many clear shots of others in his vlogs

‘I’m treating this channel super chilled’
Translates to, I’m going to he super lazy and upload when I need a cash injection or have some shite to advertise
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Okay not sure if anyone has mentioned this before but you know the blonde chick that works for him? The one who always takes all of his photos? I seriously think he has a thing for her. I don’t know her name, she seems playful/adventurous and laid back/not so serious, and I think Alfie likes that. I swear over the past couple months I have seen that girl in more of his vlogs than I’ve seen Zoe. Plus she looks like she is fit, not just skinny but actually has muscle! Unlike Zoe’s cankles.
ALSO this was a whiiiile back and a photo he posted on his Instagram story, it was at night on the pier or by the ocean of the back of a girl walking, first I was thinking, is that Zoe? But then I looked closer and it totally wasn’t! It was the girl he works with! Because after that picture a few days later he showed it in a vlog that him her and maybe two other of his guy friends where walking at night in that exact place and showed the girl in the vlog too.
If your significant other was posting a picture of JUST another girl walking along, kind of like showing her off or bragging he’s spending time with her, wouldn’t that piss you off too? I swear he has a thing for her. If you haven’t noticed start paying attention and let me know what you think! Even at the Christmas party they had when they did the gifts she opened that jake paul calendar and it was like the only gift he reacted to super excited saying “ohhhhhhh that’s so siiiick”. No wonder Zoe is such a sulky bitch. I wish he would cheat on her and they finally end their joke of a relationship. She wants a family, not gonna happen with that man child. Plus she needs to grow up too and I think she kind of stays immature by the influence of Alfie’s immaturity, they feed off of each other in the negative ways! And make each other worse over time. It’s a ticking time bomb.
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Chatty Member
This knob trying to claim they celebrated Nutella day in the office a few days early because it worked out better for everyone rather than because it's an ad and Nutella wants the video going up in time for people to buy shitloads of Nutella. Why is he still fucking lying? Sneaky shit.

PS: Happy World Vego Day - Vego spread is the equivalent to Nutella but better and vegan. ✌ (not sponsored).
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