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Nothing wrong with Topman - but Millionaire loaning a suit of Topman hahahaha seriously? You'd think he'd have got Hugo Boss or something at least. No sign of Zoe - Sure he'll have his dopey cameraman tagging along as his plus one or something

WTF Even is this pose? 'ooooh theres a lightbulb in the lift, lets look at it and add to my atmospheric shot' He honestly needs to do some of those skillshare courses he keeps touting to learn photography skills

Are his posts advertising Zoe’s collabs not technically ads?
At least it looks like he is wearing something that isn’t three sizes too big for him and hanging off him like a potato sack for a change.
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I actually think it’s Alf’s most pathetic video yet. Just an ego stroking project and basically he’s desperate to get people to stop making videos slagging him.

This video with him being quite aggressive in his tone and swearing shows the really Alfie. Not positive vibes only Alfie.

Actually such a wasted opportunity for imalexx (hope Jackmaate roasts him on the podcast they do together) and inabber ( who sorry I don’t usually comment on people’s appearance but he just looks like a spineless little twerp anyway)

Alfie bought up Olis merch too trying to defend it. Can not believe the amount of praise for this on Twitter
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Zoe has the same mentality a lot of other weak-minded and insecure people do. Journalists are her enemy because they don't fawn over her so called accomplishments like her ghost-written books and that disaster of an advent calendar she did. There is a certain orange colored President who also dislikes the media and dismisses them as "fake news" for criticizing him. I'm glad the journalist pointed out how nasty Zoe is in a very subtle way (as to hopefully fly by their empty heads). We've all known it all along as seen in both her and others' vlogs just how cruel and mean she can be.

It took Alfie forever to acknowledge the Guardian article on Twitter. I'm thinking he thought at first it was an article that was giving him high praise and when he read the comments and probably lurked around some of the gossip sites, he saw that wasn't the case. Which is probably why he didn't promote the article right away once it was released. I don't think he came to his own conclusion the article was not favorably written. He's not that smart as clearly evidenced by this article.

I can't believe he willingly let someone follow his 'life' for the day afternoon and thought it would work in his favor. He hardly does A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G. Sure they have a beautiful home (and I guarantee 5 out of the 7 bedrooms are stockpiled with all the endless crap they buy) and an office. But what good is any of that if only the appearance looks great but the depth and work that is actually accomplished is pretty much nil. I mean how impressive is it to own your own company that you only hired your friends for and more importantly the fact Zoe is still at Gleam... It shows she doesn't believe A to Z can get the sponsorships and pulls that Gleam can get. A to Z has no merit or bargaining power. I knew these guys were dumb but their cognitive dissonance is just... there are no words for that level of sheer idiocy and lack of optics on their part. You don't even need a PR company to realize this was a BAD idea. Common sense--if they had any--would have kicked in.

He's opening a pub?!?! Wow... So he did that shitty little gin and tonic stand over the summer and now he thinks he's capable of running a full-on pub. Just because you like to drink gin and tonic and pose on IG with a bottle of beer (and his ? teeth never far behind) doesn't mean you should open a business. They barely go to their office and it's run entirely by their clueless friends. No professionals in sight. Running a pub doesn't mean you get to stop by 1-2x a month for an afternoon and call it a day. It also makes a lot of sense why his parents were able to retire early if they get additional side income overseeing the flats that Alfie and Zoe bought up. So who is going to manage the pub since Alfie's friends work at the A to Z office and Alfie's parents manage the flats. Is Nala going to run the pub? Sean and Poppy? Zoe's non-existent friends?

Lastly, not related to the article but WTF at Alfie getting a turtle. Stop.getting.pets! Pets are not for amusement. They are for companionship and as a pet owner you are responsible for providing care to a pet that is wholly dependent on you in order to thrive. UGH. Someone please report them (as I am not in the UK). They do not deserve pets. They do not deserve to have the unconditional love and joy pets bring when they neglect their previous pets time and time again. I hate these two so much. ?
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Welp, I watched more and my full opinion of him is that, I hate him even more. Alex and iNabber, I'm not particularly fond of the latter though I like Alex alright, are there to and would be open to, being called out on their own s* for the most part. ALL Alfie is there to do is be petty and bring things up and when he's told the truth ( watered down and sort of vague so as not to offend him there in the flesh) he STILL can't humble himself enough to see what they're saying. It's all vanity and him describing his way out of every statement trying to twist questions so that they give him a more favorable answer. The guy KNOWS how low-down he is, which is why he gets that whimpy and semi anxious face as he listens to them, trying to figure out how he can turn it back around to justify each and every thing he does.

For someone who preaches so much about change, and bettering yourself for the future, this guy is the LEAST likely to ever put one foot in front of the other in the first place. He will never be anything other than what he is. He's on a journey that revolves around stealing ideas ( no matter what they are) from other people and touting them as his own. He believes he is too good to fail, yet he's going in circles and he has 0 humility to see where he needs to change. I see it to be that the kids never found his purpose, doesn't care to, has peter pan syndrome and thinks his only reason for existence is to just keep being recognized for things he doesn't deserve and value he doesn't contribute.

This is definitely the continuation of the beginning of the end for him imo, and it's coming fast. He thinks nothing can make him obsolete, but it can. Every attempt to make something people care about fails miserably. Maybe when he takes the fall he'll realize it isn't about money or being approached or praised, but about feeling like a good person ( which, despite the quotes he repeats and revelations he appears to have), he actually doesn't.

Sorry for all that, I just really needed to unload o_O

edited for typos
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His only acknowledgement of the article is saying thanks to somebody thirsty that gave him a compliment. Failing to understand that his ego thatvhas been fed by these industry magazines and events that say he's "changing the game", "taking YouTube by storm" and all that crap is exactly what lead him to this situation. He learns nothing.

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“you can’t really criticise his work ethic... he’s still publishing away after ten years”
you really can criticise it though, Phil, and for the very reason you have stated. He is doing what he did as a hobby after school ten years ago as a job now, why is that impressive, just because he stuck with it ? And ok it has grown and he has made a lot of money and bought some property and a forest (lol) since then but he actually uploads far less and has barely matured or developed his content
We all know he won the jackpot in terms of finding this “career” that he never showed any particular spark or creativity for compared to others but a bunch of 12 year olds in Wisconsin found him cute whatever dross he uploaded. Add to that the very favourable hard work to money made ratio of said career ... why wouldn’t he keep doing it ? What else is he going to do ? And as I’ve said, he’s never worked that hard but daily vlogging is a commitment - he does the absolute bare minimum these days, just look at his 2018 achievements - or lack of ! Basically this guys argument is total nonsense. I looked at his page and he claims to be some kind of social media / PR expert, so no wonder he’s full of crap.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
I'm enjoying it reading it again sat down and not in a rush. Even in his short tweet yesterday he lied and said it was a day, when the writer makes it clear it was just an afternoon.

He really thought it would be that easy to get a puff piece but gets a dose of reality that it's not that easy outside of gleam.

I bet he will have told all his family to get a copy. Funny that he's still not said anything today.

It’s not hard to get up to speed with his work, though
It is the gift that keeps on giving. I agree with you in that he thought he could manipulate the press and charm them by simply graciously allowing them into his life. Funniest thing is he invited this all upon himself - his tweet yesterday was definitely disingenuous & implied vaguely that they had asked him, not the other way round. I wonder if horrible Zoe had an idea it would backfire & was distancing herself. Don't know if she is that clever tbh. I bet Alfie thought it was go along the lines of 'thrusting young entrepreneur Alfie Deyes is articulate, bright and focussed. He speaks with passion and intelligence. I predict a long and brilliant future for this impressive media star'.
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Chatty Member
So won't be signing everything PB anymore? It'll be AD instead, very apt :p
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That article is absolutely hilarious, and makes him and Zoe look like utter twats?

Also, just realised with the new rules he's going to have to #AD every time he opens his gob??
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I want to meet the writer of that article, I am obsessed. He has licherally sent it! It is so savage, but in quite a subtle way at times so Alfie won’t be able to realise. Although at times it is quite blatantly ripping him one. And Joe Sugg’s sister comes across as a total bitch - like we didn’t know.

More expensive merch coming, membership option for more money. More money less content.

A bar, who for? We know his remaining 12 viewers are 13. And Brighton presumably has lots of trendy bars already. Very competitive area, not easy to make money in. Won’t work.

He doesn’t even realise how much Pls Like is wrecking him.

Fat dog, not surprising!

Why do Audi want to work with him, he doesn’t drive his Audi anymore. It is probably still on the drive way though.
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Chatty Member
is it really likely it would go to press without him seeing it?
Yes! He's no A lister as the article mocks him and not in any position to be making any demands.

Agree his teenyboppers are way over him, his channel grew around the same time as one direction. Most of their fans ripped down the posters years ago and would be embarrassed about it now.

Him having easy money, benefiting from the buy to lets and the asset price bubble has made him so lazy that he's never really tried to work hard or develop himself. I know people hate Felix but he's actually grown his content naturally, developed himself and has a work ethic.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Alfie was at his poetry slam last night (the poet was the gang leader in his vlog). Who else has a horrible feeling this might lead him to be inspired and start writing his own?
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Chatty Member
Anyone else think the 9am "meeting" he was saying he had was just going to the lame brunch launch thing late morning?

He lies about timings just to make himself look busy.
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Active member
Idk why he posted that pic AGAIN
We already roasted him for like 3 pages long when he posted that exact pic on his insta stories a good month or 2 ago
He’s not even giving us new content to hate on

This new content 2019 isn’t going too well Alf!!!
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Chatty Member
I just have visions of his mum knocking on tenants doors demanding rent arrears :ROFLMAO:
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VIP Member
1. He did not make that because someone obviously took that pic. Zoe the control freak made it
2. He looks mentally deficient in this photo
3. That outfit....SEND IT to the bin
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is he still opening a pub?

yeah we're kinda weak now because he's so dull we got nothing to roast. there's only so many ways to laugh about his horse teeth.
wish he'll do a exciting video soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pretty sure we are all just waiting for the breakup video. ??
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Well-known member
Neither one of them wants to cook a wholesome dinner, and think about it... cooking food for someone is like giving love and life to someone else. I’m aware not everyone cooks, but there is an aspect that cooking a meal for someone means to provide nourishment and love and life for them.
Alfie and Zoe can’t stand each other’s guts.
Think of how bonding and fun and even sexy it would be to cook a meal with your partner in that grand kitchen.
They both just totally suck and don’t appreciate a damn thing they have.
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I feel vindicated that Alfie is every bit as pathetic as I suspected.

He deserved this blowing up in his face and dragging down Joe Sugg's sister with him.
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