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She’s moaning that in Europe when you cross borders there aren’t welcome centres with leaflets (to cut up and stick in journals) like in USA …
And moaning they couldn’t get cash out in Germany because .. they were scared of using the card in case they lost it? Fucking idiots
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Can you imagine being related to Lisa and her arriving for Christmas with mince pies made from mincemeat purchased in 1982.
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I love imagining the face on her when her intended “natural death” hubby Ade sailed through the BP test while she was sending alarms off.
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I switched off the dvc vlog as honestly they just made it sound confusing and expensive fur what you get for you points. I’d rather book my own accommodation at times that suit me not when Disney allows me to use my points. I was none the wiser listening to them explain it so just switched it off.
Their knowledge is absolute shit, they were talking about RCI points exchange when it’s not been partnered with Disney for two years as they now use interval. Also said with RCI you’d get a cheap week for cash which is also wrong as it’s still on the points system
Sounded so smug when she said if you stay in a moderate resort or villa dvc wouldn’t be for you but they stayed in villas before buying in.! Make it make sense
Plus harping on its paid for, well actually that’s not true they might have paid the contract but they still have dues and a $95 dollar booking fee for every stay. They need to add in the cost of their dues when holiday planning, all the garbage of ‘we just need a flight’ is bullshit. Everytime I go I factor in my dues as part of my holiday cost. We don’t use ours much as we rent them out as the rental income is brill and the bought in when it was $2 to the £1. Dvc is alright we just keep it as we got it so cheap and it’s there if we ever need it
They never actually said if it was worth it
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Up early “working” turned out to be her dicking about sticking things in a book and ruining it. What the fuck kind of work is that? Just own it and say it’s your hobby, no need to annoy everyone by trying to pass it off as work.
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Chatty Member
Stayed at the Premier Inn they usually stay at last night as I had an early flight from Heathrow. Remember all the drama they had about the shuttle bus being full & spending extra getting an Uber? I got on the bus right outside the hotel and it cost £1.70 to get to Heathrow! Though I can’t imagine Lisa taking public transport…..
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The ways she treats his family is awful and he doesn’t appear tho have any friends. If the attention isn’t on her 24/7 she’s not happy. What a toxic relationship.
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What flavour? We simply must know what you’ve chosen.

‘I’ve decided to make some vegetable soup because I don’t want to get into the habit of eating cheese sandwiches for lunch every day.’

Mid-morning: ‘I’m feeling quite hungry so I’ve just grabbed myself a plate of this while I wait for the soup to cook.’

*Holds up bread and cheese*

Make it make sense! 😩
Lol ive not watched it yet, lol she will never make sense. I think last I saw was on her other vid and she said she had an update on her fucking tap! They get paid for this?? It be like me going on social media saying i had a huge update on a slice of toast i made..,jam or honey 😆
Makes me laugh at how they pose for that picture like they are achieving something in life other than going on social media and being generic self absorbed, vain twats that from start to finish have nothing else to do except talk about themselves. I have a feeling one of those gay guys has been coaching lisa on the use of clickbait words and how to post the laziest shittest content they can get away with , ie shoving her cam on the floor as she hoovers the stairs and polishes the tops and calling everything cosy. If they think contriving and planning different ways for a set of people to hero worship them and giving their money on patreon to watch her and her frankly quite basic craft skills of glueing and cutting out some pics for a journal. No painting, no drawing, not a single skill except to tear up a book and trashing it with pom poms, which again she bought from china. She buys all her stickers from allie express and mrs brimbles art work. Not surprised she had to run to youtube to pas herself off as a craft business.
Youtube the land where you are praised and awarded for walking round a shop, stuffing your face with food and going off on trips out to places WE have all been to already a million times. Go climb mount everest, go train for a marathon, jump out of a parachute for charity, actually learn how to paint,draw and craft. Give back to the world instead of exhausting it's resources, then and only then will you get an ounce of praise, not from me, but from the universe and the knowledge that this planet despite the mountains of crap produced from giant corporates that youtubers promote will continue to heal and global warming will cease, the polar bears are really struggling right now.
Just to say, fine online beg scrounge your way through life, but please do spare us you're expectation that you deserve a round of applause for it, its transparent and shallow and the fact you have to contrive marketing keywords and plan your videos like a business, but then turn it personal and cry manipulating tears if someone with the right to free speech says something you don't like.
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Ade is the chauffeur that’s why she needs him as she refuses to drive like she’s some sort of princess. The posh voice is going off the scale. You’re not posh Lisa you only need to listen to your mum and sister to know that.
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The way she looks at him sometimes is like she’s got some shit under her nose.
Yep, iv'e noticed that too and have you noticed every time she mentions something it's always WE love this or WE like that. I don't know about you, but I love a person to share the same interests but to also be individual, I don't want a puppet that just follows one persons interests, ie hers. That keyboard piano he hadn't played in years will probably be stuck in the shed. I truly don't think he'd spend thousands going to disney if not for her, I think he would love to travel somewhere new.
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She actually seems smug about her dead marriage where the highlight is eating a massive plate of cheese together once a week. Baffling.
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They do absolutely fuck all. That they have the bollocks to film it and put it out there beggars belief.
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If she’s moved doctors with the house move as she says in the video, she’d have had a new patient assessment with a nurse who would have taken her blood pressure and recorded it on her new patient form (likely in Ardens unless she’s registered to one of the 1,000 GP practices in the UK who don’t use it, but 80% do). I call bullshit on this entire thing. And to say she’s just stopped taking the medication because she feels her BP is fine and it was making her lightheaded is just plain dangerous. Most people will feel lightheaded and dizzy when they start on BP medication, it’s why a lot of doctors / pharmacists will suggest taking at night so that the worst of the effects are when you’re asleep and over time your body adjusts. To just stop because you think it’s fine with a “it’s always around 100” (I’m assuming she means diastolic number) doesn’t mean it isn’t high, and ignoring it can cause organ damage (especially to kidneys). She’s an absolute thunder cunt.
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These fucking idiots at Dunkirk going on about D-Day.
My comment I left on that was deleted, I said Dunkirk was at the start of the war and D Day wasn’t even on that beach. Thick twats, sure they think a dirty delete will erase the face they get their facts wrong
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She wants another set of mouldy old ladders for the hall to put shoes on ffs
Someone saw her coming when they sold her that dying brown plant
Oooo Stig so exciting you bought a jug and a lemon squeezer ffs
They are putting the lemon squeezer on display 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jesus fucking Christ having a she-wank over some Disney books ffs
She’s not right in the head.
OH MY GOD THE JOURNALS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😳


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Just caught up with the vlog where she loses her birthday money from Ade’s parents. She actually doesn’t even lose it. Can’t understand why she mentioned it. She didn’t want to vlog it because she “didn’t want to be disrespectful” I can’t quite put my finger on how, but she seems to never miss a chance to be dismissive about them.

I see you Lisa.
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I can’t believe she won’t drive herself to a dental appointment mid week in the middle of the day. He has to drop everything. She needs to get past that. It’s so restrictive, depending on your spouse to cart you around.
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No you’re not allowed to try and sign people up to mlm companies on you tube. Goes against their policies.
She’s being very underhand with the way she’s promoting it. Talks about how they earned commission on their £65 hotel booking by being a travel agent and asks people to reach out to them if it’s something they might be interested in. Easy to pass of as chit chat until you know what she’s up to then it’s blatantly obvious the sneaky cow.
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