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Swamp Life

Well-known member
The carry on in the lead up to this party has been ridiculous. The apparent stress and mental toll it’s taken to plan a party makes me question why she’s having a party at all.
100%. Each to their own, but it seems over the top to me. Looks like she also asked everyone to wear black, so she would stand out in her dress.
A lot of people in Melb wear black, but I haven’t seen one photo of a guest in anything other than black.
Imagine what the wedding will be like, if it happens.
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Fuck me, anyone wonder Abby has problems. When she was a baby, she crawled so far out onto the road she nearly got hit by a truck and then got hit by a car when her and her brother were crossing the road one day. Sounds like her Mum was fucking useless as a parent. Explains a lot
I find this SO interesting
she seems to have a great relationship with both her parents - dad seems normal but there is something off about her mum
but she is also always going on about how she is parenting differently to how she was and there is unresolved trauma there etc
will be interesting to see how much more stuff she shares like this as she does the 'work'
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Boss move going with KJ to Barbie. Thought they both looked really great too and it's not something I think of old Abbs often.
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I don’t find Abby super problematic compared to other influencers she has got ALOT better

butshe is pretty blasé about a few things

but her new spiritual thing is whack
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This! I can’t stand the fawning over the fact this woman is such a hypocrite. As if she can hand on heart tell her daughters to focus on their own dreams when all she did was follow her partner and his career. Even if they stayed together, it’s not a good example. Not everyone has to have passions, but she has no hobbies, she doesn’t volunteer, she doesn’t do anything except be a parent - and my god, she’s not even half decent at it at times! The lack of care for her kids’ safety is mind boggling.
And realistically, everything she’s ever done of note (plagiarising things for a ‘column’ with the Herald Sun etc), has come from her fame/infamy after her partner cheated on her. No ‘success’ she’s ever achieved has come from her own doing.
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This mornings story shows she has the male kitten in for desexing. The other 2 must be female. Unlikely they will be desexed because her family seem to be puppy/kitten mill runners breeders.
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I don’t have kids, but is it normal to have to jump into the pool to save them? And then film yourself getting out?
I saw her thread mentioned in the SC one yesterday, and decided to check on her page (I used to follow her many moons ago) and well, we’re all on the same wave length… I took this screenshot and was like “gotta ask the tattlers!”

I assume she’s “saved the kid” then decided to set the phone up, hit record and jumped back in? I don’t get it. You look like an absolute dingus. The underpaid mum comment is torally unnecessary.


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Abby is getting her Mirena out and she’s just going to ‘learn how her cycle works and take her temperature’ instead of getting another one put in.


Hope she’s ready for baby number 4.
That whole series of stores was made all the more painful by her fried orange hair and pink lips. She literally looks like a cartoon character
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I don’t think it’s uncommon I love my husband and heck we spend more nights apart than together because we both value our sleep 😂😅 but everything else is good. We do have 3 kids under 8. I love my sleep. My husband breathes too loud
Best thing my partner and I did last year was him move into another bedroom to sleep! He’s like sleeping with Henry the Octopus on crack 🥴
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I never post my relationship. Doesn’t mean we aren’t happy. It’s odd that people feel entitled to that info tho. Why does she need to post him? Don’t get me wrong she’s can be annoying but I agree with her on this.
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I love how Scabby acts like some kind of co parenting expert… like did you really think back to back baby trapping an AFL footballer at 19 was going to result in healthy/ well balanced children? There was zero long term planning there, but now she’s some kind of child psych?
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Chatty Member
I fucking ate her woo woo bullshit empath crap some grifting life coach imparted on her which makes every single word and thought her children utter apparently ground breaking and needing hours of introversion and unpacking. […] like she’s trying to heal herself through her kids. It’s weird and inappropriate.
It’s weird to me that she needs a life coach. Lol. Remember when she positioned herself as a breakup guru and facilitated workshops under guise of ‘I’m on chapter 40, I can help women on chapter 4’; and doesn’t she have those cards for kids? What a laugh.

I suppose you have to give it to her for her business acumen, she has turned much of her own therapy into getting paid (which is more than we can say for ol’ mate Sloppy Pyjama Mogul).
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Chatty Member
Yep, let's just snap some pics for insta of Nana's passing. It's ok if you want a picture but posting on SM is really rank.
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papi’s mistress

Well-known member
Danni her sister posted with Leigh but I also find it weird there wasn’t a pic of Abby and him. Maybe she will post one on the grid. Tbh it looked like a nice party and lots of fun. When we think back to Smoph’s 30th lololol quite the contrast. I think she is probably a genuinely good friend as she’s been friends with a lot of those girls for years
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Wot Now?

Well-known member
I don't mind Abby, she just seems a bit ... stunted?
I do clasp my pearls at the children through. I had a friend tell me she saw her in a pub in Melbourne and she was (pissed/distracted)? and one of her children injured themselves and someone else called for medical help. The child was bleeding from a head wound. This was a few years back.
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Yeah the rant about his priorities being the “wrong place” last year was odd. Like he’s got qualifications, he’s built you a house, fathered you a child, supported you financially for the past 4 years so you haven’t had to work…what else do you want lady? What are you doing?!
I couldn’t believe she wrote that, imagine if a man said that shit, she’s atrocious.
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