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VIP Member
This girl has so much growing up to do.
The click and comment baiting with her sons hospital procedures but apparently won't say for his 'privacy'. A lot of people already know what is wrong and thats so fucked up considering its something so intimate and he will be a grown teenager/man one day but clearly that dont matter because his mom loved making content (£££'s) from it to nearly 200k strangers on the internet more than she loved his privacy! Poor kid.
im i the only one oblivious to his condition 🤣


Chatty Member
I hate the internet for this mentality of “I know your kid more than you bc you post it online”
I’m in no way saying he’s autistic or not but you have 1 autistic child not all of them so you don’t know all the criteria and you don’t know her kid.
She isn’t a creator to show real life she shows a show reel of her pretend perfect life it’s all fake so we can’t comment on her kid really
He’s almost 4. He should be on the pathway by now if she’s that concerned. And if he was on the pathway it would be blasted over the internet. So I’m calling BS
Anyone else notice that Abbie posted a video a few days saying she was meeting up with all the tiktok mums but she wasn’t there today, and she posted the video saying she was meeting up with them before all the stuff with Anastasia brother came out !! Maybe they didn’t agree with it all…..??


VIP Member
Slightly derailing from our Abbie here but That Meg who she was supposed to be going out with definitely fraudulently got her HA flat how can she claim to not be able to rent or buy when she is flaunting designer bags and expensive dresses I reckon she also claimed to be single also when she was wasn’t.
I watched there live earlier, some of the girls seem nice others not. Don’t know who that Dakota is but she’s so childish, you can tell from her attitude she is young. Meg was living with her mum in a flat, she may have been classed as overcrowded but not sure.

wonder why Abbie isn’t out with them, she said due to personal reasons yet on the live when asked the other girls said babysitter


Active member
Honestly the whole tiktok mum group thing I feel is so forced and staged just for tiktok - I genuinely feel like some of them in there (defo not all) only chat to each other for the tiktok content people like Abbie
I agree she’s defo the worst out of that whole group she comes across so passive aggressive and the content she posts is just pure shit ! It’s Clear she does certain things for views and she sets such a bad example!
I also believe jade and Abbie definitely fell out due to how Abbie was around money, she use to also make TikToks on jade and post stuff on her insta stories trying to make jade book things, her whole life just seems to be a shambles and she’s trying to make it out to seem it’s the best life ever by taking him away left right and centre- but in reality she really needs to focus more on Marley and his health then showing tiktok she’s off on another holiday
This!!! 100% agree with everything you said. Needs to focus more on her child. Honestly if she had been pulled by police on her way to Heathrow for how he was in that car seat I honestly believe they would of gotten social services involved

I honestly can not stand the majority of the “mum group”.
lozzij 🙄 her entire life is funded by exploiting her kid (and step kids when she has them)! I don’t mind so much vlogging etc but her own child is scripted for ads at not even 2 it hurts me that kid won’t have a life without a phone in her face- she also dropped her hours seemingly to create content.

maisie FAKE if you’ve ever been in one of her whatsapp groups the people she calls friends are vile and she eggs it on in the background so no one can call her out.

annais her undisclosed ads wind me round the bend (the wowcher holiday) plus all her content now being how she’s so single
I can’t really comment on the WhatsApp groups or Lauren dropping her hours etc, I was just saying in my opinion they’re my favourites out of this “mum group” they’ve created and the ones I love to watch on tt. We only get to see 15/60 second videos of their lives. Or 3 minutes etc. But the way those 3 are showing their parenting is a hell of a lot better than the way Abbie is parading Marley around like she’s this single mum god for being able to afford the best holidays etc. It’s like a contest with herself of how many holidays she can take her child on.


VIP Member
I thought this!!
I’ve followed her for ages, and one tiktok mama who I really actually respect and admire as a single parent is Maisie with Nova. She’s openly said she claims to top up her part time wage BUT she saved up since she was little for her house. Maisie literally says it how it is and how her financial situation is decent because she doesn’t splash the cash on expensive clothes/toys and shops second hand which I honestly respect as Nova is thriving and you can tell. As well as just getting back from their first holiday which Nova looked like she adored.
Abbie has taken Marley to where now? Dubai, Disneyland, New York etc. And broadcasting she has another like 3 I think booked. She definitely comes from money. She’s also obsessed with being slimmer than she is! It’s really hard to watch them videos knowing there could be people out there with ED if she doesn’t have one herself. She’s absolutely tiny as it is.
I just have really gone off her content. I’m sick to death of her saying “I do this by myself” because no single mum in the country could pull of what she has in the time Marley has been born. No way. The holidays the cars the lip filler. she also lives in an expensive area of the UK.
I just get bad vibes about her as a person now. Nobody likes a show off
Yep something doesn’t add up somewhere but she should just be honest! Her reply to whoever asked that question was ridiculous cos she’s acting like she saves ect when clearly comes from money. I just can’t stand her and jade, oh we’ve booked another holiday can you guess where, go on my insta to see where we are going it’s like who even cares!! I found jade from when she posted a video a couple years back abour universal credir but she 100% is lying about something maybe she slaume being single or something idk but she’s constantly out, out shopping holidays ect