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I definitely feel like she only try’s to show the picture perfect parts of her life to make her life seem better than it actually is , she just seems to show her splashing random money around - never any nice days out with Marley or meeting up with different friends

I also have a feeling Marley doesn’t eat well because she doesn’t either ! Toddlers will pick up and watch so many things and if she’s not eating meals he’s not going to eat meals - as she always says he doesn’t eat well - maybe if she set a good example to him he would really improve
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VIP Member
Fully agree ! If she used some of her money wisely and actually got him a decent car set what fits him well she wouldn’t have all these issues with his car seat - she clearly can’t care about his safety that much if she’s still not bothered to change anything about his car seat
Marley should still have his insert in and wedge in, hes way to small to be without. that’s probably why he’s getting out. hes got too much space behind him and beside him


VIP Member
I also have a SEN child and a dog, I was talking about it all in total 🤦🏼‍♀️ she’s not in enough for a puppy with commuting to an hour to nursery and work, working, holiday and has a child whose in hospital a lot was what I was saying.
I wasn't having a go at you ♥ I get what you mean x


Chatty Member
More and more daily I’m adamant that jade and Abbie fell out over money. I remember clearly Abbie saying she wouldn’t dare go on a holiday in the U.K. and jade is shopping at charity shops (0 judgement from me) and buys fake designer etc


Chatty Member
Is it which is why its even more fucked up! I presume most will be able to guess what's wrong now people are picking up on what she's posting and the body part it involves. I don't really want to be as bad as his 'mum' an put it on here.
Poor kid is going to eventually grow up and become a teenager/man for everyone to see that his mother who's supposed to protect him has decided to make content from him and his private parts selling his privacy to nearly 200k strangers on the Internet. She said he's autistic too which makes it worse that, like others on there, they are exploiting their vulnerable kids for views which equals cash! Things people will do 🤦🏾‍♀️
My daughter is autistic he certainky doesn’t fit criteria.


Chatty Member
i can’t even say this surprises me neither would the fact that if this was true she hasn’t owned up to it and has continued to act like this super successful self sufficient mom who pays for everything because she saves from her part time job
Benefits. Think she’s taking in over 2k of benefits a month then tiktok money ontop soon adds up


Active member
I saw the comment they’re talking about, Abbies friend commented ‘lord Farquad’ and Abbie replied with laughing emojis. I feel like they’re making it sound so much more extreme than it was 🤣


Chatty Member
Tbh I think it’s clear he’s quite unwell he has had 3/4 surgeries in the past 2 years, obviously babies hasn’t shared the cause for these but I doubt they’d be doing surgeries on a well child 🤷🏼‍♀️

Plus if you actually watch her stuff it’s not too hard to work out what he struggles with and he’s having recurring emergency surgeries for it not correcting
I do watch her stuff and I get machausen vibes. :) I’m under the same hospital and can guarantee it will only be something minor as they only do minor surgeries there and if it was “serious” they wouldn’t send the child home the same day 😊
Tbh I think it’s clear he’s quite unwell he has had 3/4 surgeries in the past 2 years, obviously babies hasn’t shared the cause for these but I doubt they’d be doing surgeries on a well child 🤷🏼‍♀️

Plus if you actually watch her stuff it’s not too hard to work out what he struggles with and he’s having recurring emergency surgeries for it not correcting
I do watch her stuff and I get machausen vibes. :) I’m under the same hospital and can guarantee it will only be something minor as they only do minor surgeries there and if it was “serious” they wouldn’t send the child home the same day 😊


VIP Member
Does anyone remember when she said he was being tested for diabetes!!! And whatever his illness is, can be linked with diabetes why would you not have a better diet in place for that reason alone. Also the car seat thing 🙄 the fake rear facing (he’s always forward facing she just got too much backlash) the cybex seat that’s “only for McDonald’s” she’s a joke
My wee girl is 22 months & about 26lbs, so younger than Marley but probably double his weight. Shes still RF, the only time I ‘turn her round’ is if were parked, and eating.

Its absolutely ridiculous to have a spare car seat thats about £150 just for food, If his current car seat isnt 360, she should be sitting in the back with him to watch.


Active member
Lyrics to her last video she has definitely been reading here. Idk why tattle offends some people especially like her. Don’t post videos like you do about Marley climbing out his car seat and appalling diet and we wouldn’t have a reason to talk about you?….


VIP Member
Has anybody seen the video about the day before Marley’s birthday? “Marley wanted an iPad so I just brought him one” WTF. I don’t know ANY “single mum” on a part time costa wage apparently claiming NO benefits and having NO help from family who can buy their child an iPad just like that. She’s an absolute joke. Does anybody else think Marley’s diet is absolutely appalling as well? All he does is eat chocolate/sweets/take out. And drinking hot chocolate in a bottle…his teeth will be horrific and he will be needing fillings in his baby teeth never mind his adult! Honestly she grinds me so much. People are currently wondering how to feed themselves or pay the gas and electric and then you have her with her 24 pushchairs going on holiday every other week stuffing her child with chocolate.
i saw her latest videos of Marley and the other little boy walking to the shop in a baby grow!! It’s bloody freezing in the evenings get s coat On them! Then they were drinking juice before bed from a bottle ⌨😩