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Active member
Yeah there’s a video from a good whole back now that’s how I found her cos she posted how much she got and it was over £1000k due to back payments so she caused loads of drama 😂

Oh Abbie has revealed one of her holiday destinations, back to Disneyland! I’ve just got back from Orlando and let me tell you it costs £1000s, unless she’s going paris but it would still be costly. She irritates me
What the hell!!!!!!!!
Was this before she had atticus???


Chatty Member
I am convinced she has bought/been given or is renting a home of her own and that’s her announcement. She was home things buying not too long ago all new stuff that like are staples to the home.


Active member
Her latest video bragging about do it all alone has a single mom has really irritated me she is hardly doing it alone she literally lives with her parents so has support daily both with raising her son and financially she wouldn’t cope very well having to actually be a single parent raising her child on her own


Chatty Member
Abbie getting a dog 😬
- she said she commutes 1 hour ish to work
- she work 2/3 days a week
- has a SEN child
- holidays constantly
I do worry for this dog and wonder how long until she’s selling it for being too much


Chatty Member
this!! My son's SEN and we have a Labrador, they're so good with eachother and the best of friends
I also have a SEN child and a dog, I was talking about it all in total 🤦🏼‍♀️ she’s not in enough for a puppy with commuting to an hour to nursery and work, working, holiday and has a child whose in hospital a lot was what I was saying.
Hi Abbie
I know you read here next time you drive your 22XOX plate Audi get off your phone then you wo t almost crash into me. THANKS
You can see from allot of her TikToks that she’s always recording while driving too!!!
That’s crazy that you live right by her and saw


Active member
Anybody seen her most recent 😂😂😂 and she honestly still expects us to believe she’s a stereotypical “single mum” nah Abbie fuck off mate. You’re a very privileged woman who has mummy and daddy’s money. “I’ve done all this on my own” no. You still live at home. You go away MORE than the average uk family never mind uk single mums, and I mean the proper single mums who are running a home and paying house bills, not running off on holiday and driving Audis.


Chatty Member
It is fabricated illness.
And the surgeries were monitor hence why it’s done at a minor hospital. It’s actually easy to claim DLA without needing it. Especially during covid they were even asking for evidence at all


VIP Member
The constant shit got views is pathetic, if you nearly got arrested then tell your followers. She just irritates me. She also lives with her parents and I reckon they are well off so she probably pay no bills, and claims along with her part time wage that’s the only way she could afford all this.


Active member
Imagine acting like tattle doesn’t bother you and then taking your hair extensions out and cooking a roast dinner at home and acting like it was “filmed on a Sunday” 😂 she’s hilarious


Chatty Member
Literally looked at it in disgust hahaha. One of the comments on that video is “aren’t you vegan” and she replied “I tried it for like a month x” 😂😂😂😂😂
I find a lot of people with restrictive eating disorders will “go vegan” in order to make it “easier” to restrict their diet and make it easier to explain away not eating.
I know this from not only first hand experience (I was “vegitarian” which made it super easy to not eat around others because they didn’t have an option) but through also watching family with ED’s so I feel like that plays a big part in her choosing that for the time she did


VIP Member
going by comments on here i think its his private area
Is it which is why its even more fucked up! I presume most will be able to guess what's wrong now people are picking up on what she's posting and the body part it involves. I don't really want to be as bad as his 'mum' an put it on here.
Poor kid is going to eventually grow up and become a teenager/man for everyone to see that his mother who's supposed to protect him has decided to make content from him and his private parts selling his privacy to nearly 200k strangers on the Internet. She said he's autistic too which makes it worse that, like others on there, they are exploiting their vulnerable kids for views which equals cash! Things people will do 🤦🏾‍♀️


Chatty Member
All the tiktok mums alluded to a holiday booked within the group chat planned by Abbie or pushed by Abbie. My theory is she was pushing for a much greater budget then some of the mums had but was judgy and rude ( similar to why I believe she’s fell out with jade) especially when maisie, annais and possibly hani are single mums but are probably working with a lot less “fun” money then she is they possibly got annoyed at her bull.
Who is jade? I don’t think I’ve seen her