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People will tell you all you need to know if you just sit back and listen.
Everything Caroline is projecting is everything that's eating away at her. She's gasping for a man, kids and the big house. She did struggle with alcohol, a long time follower I distinctly remember her saying when she first gave it up she was bordering on being a functioning alcoholic.
And see this "I've just moved back from Australia", Caroline that was in December 2022, 9 months ago, not 9days ago 🙄 Give it a rest.....she's going back in a matter of weeks, like seriously. She absolutely melts me but like any other train wreak I can't look away 😆
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Oh dear. . I quite like this insta person, but someone needs to tell her there's been an earthquake on the continental of Africa killing thousands. .therefore she shouldn't be so dramatic about missing a connection flight to Africa. Unable to charge phone etc. . Oh dear dear some perspective required
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There's a stigma because in years gone by only people in a state of arrested development stayed home with the parents out of choice. She's claiming she 'could' live in a house down the road....which sounds perfect to me. Her own space and close to her folks, what's not to love? I'm sure mammy and daddy would love their house back too....
If she’s at a point where she doesn’t want to commit to a mortgage or area to buy and doesn’t want to waste money on rent then it makes perfect sense to move in with her parents. She’s single and has no ties so it’s the most sensible option for her right now. She doesn’t need to justify the reasons why it’s so nice being back home, just be upfront about it no one really is bothered.

it’s the validation for everything that’s so unhealthy, I find myself agreeing with her actual message most of the time, but she does not live in what she’s saying in the slightest. Also she will never see that because she’s so consumed with the fact she ‘thinks’ she’s living the dream. When it comes down to it, living the dream is simply not caring what anyone thinks and going about your day doing the things that make you happy and content and maintaining strong, healthy and loving relationships with family and friends. She thinks she does that, but it’s not the same when you’re showing it off or preaching it,
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Not that I was ever a fan but Caroline is becoming so unlikeable. Constant flashing the trips and holidays and look at me lifestyle when people are struggling to make ends meet
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I can’t see her returning to teaching anytime soon
She was so unprofessional over there, filming conversations with her students and posting them on her story, making TikTocs with them, the kids wouldn't get a look in at school It would all be about Caroline. She had a really random collection of subjects too, she was not a specialist. I don't think any school here would touch her!
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“When you don’t drink anymore and the girls take you to a spa”
What the fuck is the correlation between the two???
🤣🤣 honestly what a dose she is. Yes I'm sure thats why they took you to the spa Caroline. There is no correlation but she obviously can't miss an opportunity to drop it in somewhere. I'd say the fucking postman knows she doesn't drink 🤣.
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Find it so desperate when insta huns who never post about make up suddenly are muas when it comes to a bperfect collab
She needs to pick one lane and stay in it, she’s crying about oz, preaching how to breathe, how to hike and now an mua
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The big creep filming him from across the room, zoomed in to the last to make out almost like she was with them. No shame. They were trying to relax and have a drink after the race
I know for 100% fact that’s not her photo of the F1 drivers. She screenshot it from someone else, then posted that she was “partying” with them, which makes her even more of a desperado
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This girl has really fumbled the bag, she could make her content so empowering about moving back home giving up drinking navigating being single in her 30’s but everything is such Debbie downer negative vibes. I really think the person who posted about her spiraling when her sister fell pregnant is absolutely right. I feel like she can never seem to be happy for anyone else
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She’s already on gurning because she’s tired and she couldn’t charge her phone.
Pretty sure a 7 day climb will be slightly more tiring…
It actually scares me how far removed from reality she is.
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She doesn’t seem to have a thick enough skin for influencing so I don’t understand why she’s trying so hard- she seems upset all the time
She pays her sister to read her insta messages and filter out the negative ones so she doesn’t have to see them 🤫

Just wants to live in her wee delusional fantasy world
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God I really liked her when she was in Oz but she is doing my head in. I lived abroad too but do I mention it every 5 minutes? No because I have moved on and have other things going on now. How many people can actually relate to her? Most people who move home just settle back in to normal life, work, groceries etc. Not sure who she is trying to target here? Reminds me of a (sober) Siobhan O Hagan. If you are so happy with your life get on with it, don't keep telling us about it. The lady doth protest too much?
When she is looking at going back to teaching, is she going to put her bikini pic on her CV ?
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With “her team” 🙄🤣🙈
This so reminds me once she took a break off social media and put a story up saying Caroline sees all your messages but she can’t reply right now , and I read that and thought that’s absolutely you replying pretending your someone on behalf of yourself 🤣🤣🤣
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