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I don’t see how it was in the public interest to procecute White.
I think there had to be some kind of consequences for putting other road users at risk and damage caused to the other vehicles in the crash,I suppose its a way of trying to deter others in the future. I dont agree with him being given a custodial sentence and the scum bags were given suspended sentences,this all stemmed from their criminality,pure and simple. They clearly thought that by carrying weapons ,they were hard men and safe. Sadly the law sees it as the home owner was no longer at risk after they ran off,but by persuing them he had then gone from 'self defence' to 'persuing ' and 'attacking'/'assaulting' whilst endangering other road users. The laws need to be updated so criminals,especially career criminals are not protected or treated leniently when injurred whilst commiting or attempting to commit crime
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I'm afraid I was feeling less than charitable regarding the injuries of those two low-life bastards, but that would've meant an even worse outcome for Adam White. I'm glad to see he has so much support - the GoFundMe has now reached nearly £33,000.

There are some people who seem to not want to work, but spend their lives thieving all around them, terrorizing others who do work and making decent people's lives a misery instead. Those scum are now trying to sue Adam White, and it won't surprise me one bit if they're successful. :mad:

One of the thugs has kids, if the mother has any sense she'll run for the hills and take the kids with her. He doesn't even know when her birthday is - he probably doesn't even know her full name.

I'm still furious after watching that programme last night.
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Bloke was an absolute vile piece of scum.

Very uncomfortable viewing, but If it raises awareness about grooming behaviour & even 1 child is saved from suffering anything like this, job done.
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100%, he put so many innocent people at risk by driving so dangerously. Vile, I’m glad no innocent bystander was injured (or worse) because of his recklessness
This is it in a nutshell and that’s why he was convicted. The sentence seemed harsh though. His wife says these two would not have been identified withoutbeing chased. No they wouldn’t but neither would there have been that massive smash, an innocent member of the public injured and the huge cost of the investigation, emergency services input etc. Police chases are closely regulated and they are also told to cease if it becomes a risk to life.

While I feel sorry that he got that prison sentence I won’t be donating to any GoFundMe, I’d rather the cash went towards the enormous financial cost to the taxpayer for his reckless actions.

the would be burglars are wasters but in the end they took nothing and ran the moment they realised they had been spotted. He went after them while angry in a vehicle which everyone knows is a loaded weapon when driven by someone in that state of mind. Would you still be defending him if he’d killed a relative of yours while chasing the,?
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Chatty Member
My understanding is Curtis didn’t do anything from what we can see? He arrived at the scene after everything had gone down. It was Nicholas who ran the victim over, and Anthony who did all the stabbing
(Appreciate social media says more happened than the viewer is let in on)
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tbf to the bloke, it’s really easy for us to sit here and say that but imagine 2 people rocked up to your family home in the dark wearing masks, yielding a crowbar. Im not by any stretch justifying his actions here as they were reckless and disproportionate but to suggest he flies off the handle like that for anything because of 1 reaction to a situation that would put the fear of god in any one imo is a bit of a stretch.
Exactly , everyone has situations that make you see red and act out of the ordinary , like you say not justifying it but he recognises he shouldn't have done it , he didnt seem to dispute his sentence either, I think the worse part is the fact they got away with it and continue to go on thieving
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VIP Member
Wow I’ve put it on. I feel sick! I reported a police officer last year for sexual misconduct. It’s currently being investigated. This is making me glad I have.
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Chatty Member
So so angry
Feel so sorry for Adam and his family
Like most on here, been fuming since it aired
27 years ago, I returned home to find I was in the process of being burgled
I was livid
I am only 5ft and a woman and I got hold of one of the burglars, a lad of 15 and literally battered him, he ran off
The other burglar, another 15 year old was dragged back into my home by my husband and he gave him a good hiding and held him until the Police came
Obviously both were arrested
We were ‘spoken’ to for our actions and although their solicitors tried to pursue, it got nowhere
I was never the same after living there and moved
But hopefully those scumbags never forgot that night either
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The way Anthony wrote that letter to his grandparents makes it seem that he knew what he had done and that he was going to prison. At least he reacted to the video, Nick watched it like it was a normal thing to see everyday and that's very concerning. However, it was Anthony's choice to do drugs and then stab 3 people. The self defence was absolute bull, he was looking for them and used the knife. People are so cowardly these days, need to use a car or knife as a weapon because their ego is a bit bruised.
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I gave money to him, gladly, and will give more when I get paid. Not one of us knows how we'd react when seeing scummy bastards trying to rob us or break into our homes. These bastards came prepared, they were no novices at this sort of thing, have you seen their police record? And no, maybe he 'wasn't in the right, either' but he was the only one who lost his freedom, his home and his job, and is no doubt now feeling terrified and traumatized by the whole thing. The scummy bastards are laughing and trying to sue the actual victim.
I would like to think most people wouldn't give chase in a car. It was always going to end up in an accident
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VIP Member
Just started watching the first part, it's shocking. What makes these men do these things? The footage is beyond awful. I bet it was over something so senseless too. Makes me worry about the world my little boy is growing up in.
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Miss Havisham

VIP Member
A male police officer can’t push a drunken woman off him (or as he described it, he couldn’t “mentally” do it). I am shocked at him getting off with that. We know she didn’t pin him down on the drivers seat - he raped her as she was incapacitated.
And the awareness “training” of the other two who assaulted a woman who was clearly unwell - I am appalled.

I work in mental health, and understand the complexities of personality disorders - particularly some women with EUPD in crisis. I understand that the police are under pressure when dealing with mental health issues. Those officers were goading her and assaulted her. I am shocked at the outcome.
I am also shocked that the officer who lured the drunk woman to a lay by, showed his face on TV? His wife kept hers hidden - she chose to believe his lies but at least she had some sense in keeping her face hidden.
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Chatty Member
Why didn't they check on him before 3hrs? I get that maybe they thought his symptoms were due to the vodka he said he'd had, but surely even drunk people can choke on their own vomit? And they have cameras in the cells.
They have as much of a duty of care to those who they believe to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs as any other detainee. And he was clearly confused/acting erratically.

I get that policing isn’t an easy job but when you have officers saying, with a straight face, that if you don’t get complaints you’re not doing it right particularly when it comes to matters concerning minority groups… words fail me.
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I know no one looks like a murderer but it’s terrifying what seemingly ‘normal’ young men can do. Are there more and more cases recently.. ones that spring to mind are Lily Sullivan, Bobbi-Anne McLeod, Grace Millane.
The grace millane case breaks my heart. Her family have set up a good charity where people donate handbags containing toiletries for women's refuges in graces name and I'm going to organise a collection at work next year.
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This is one of my favourite tv episodes of any show. Just rewatched it again with a cuppa for the laughs. The selfie, the biscuits, the French invented flat pack 😂
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Someone i know knows the man from last weeks. Apparently he had to move away from the area after he got a girlfriend pregnant and had a huge reputation of being a creep
  • Wow
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Sorry but she should have also been thrown in jail she knew he was violent and left him with the baby!
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