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VIP Member
Just watched it and horrified by it! The show just proves the corruption even more!!
Absolutely disgusting , why not question why the police officer had a woman alone in the car and agreed to stop in a lay by , when they showed his photo at first before he came on screen I was convinced he was now in prison

Also felt ill at that poor suicidal woman being treated the way she was
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Why didn't they check on him before 3hrs? I get that maybe they thought his symptoms were due to the vodka he said he'd had, but surely even drunk people can choke on their own vomit? And they have cameras in the cells.
Yeah, the lack of basic humanity was appalling. Surely you’d go in and clear the vomit and provide a bowl and some water at the very least?! I know he’d said he’d been drinking but he seemed confused from the point of arrest (well, the fact he’d wandered into someone’s house at random too but we didn’t see him do that) and didn’t appear to be acting drunk-confused, either.
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Well-known member
Omg i have just finished watching the latest episodes!!!

Can't believe it! I am in shock. Poor baby Teddie!

Best episode to date but a disturbing one to say the least!

So shes had another baby and got a new partner, apparently her new partner is selling all of Teddies things!

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Sadly the scum doesnt have to actually take anything for the damage to be caused,psychological damage is much slower to repair and quite often is lifelong. The anger can take over in situations like this,so I can understand his reaction. Im just glad no innkcent person was caught up in the carnage,sadly there was significant damage caused to other people's vehicles. As for the 2 scum bags they were picked up in an uninsured vehicle,the bike they crashed had been stolen,they will always be criminals because they dont have the intelligence to earn money legally. Their punishments were an absolute joke,the laws,the courts and the judges in this country are failing decent members of society
They DO have the intelligence to earn money legally, they just don’t WANT to. Nothing stopping them becoming builders/ labourers/ working in shops/ whatever but they can’t be fucked. Too easy to take a crowbar to someone else’s house and nick shit, then get a pathetic slap on the wrist.

The crux of the matter re Adam, is as said previously above, that he could have killed someone, and what was he trying achieve by driving like a nutter after them, other than to injure them? Hence the 22 months.
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That statistic is so shocking I knew it was low but I didn’t realise how bad the conviction rate truly was.
it’s terrible, I admire those men for sharing their story with the police and media. Can’t imagine the intrusion which comes from reporting it
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VIP Member
This was horrendous. It’s a shame his suicide attempt failed because he’s a waste of oxygen.

And as for the mum, I don’t understand how she doesn’t have an instinct screaming to protect her children. She probably needs to be sterilised.
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His description was very specific.

Edit: Seemed too coincidental that the 'mistaken' description he gave fitted one guy perfectly.
Why, he’s in a high stress situation and then see the people being arrested. This is actually far more common than you think and why eye witnesses are rarely considered reliable. There’s a whole pshycology behind this. Makes for interesting reading if anybody wants to google it.
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VIP Member
I really think shows like this should be aired, it could prevent someone making a huge mistake like these men. It’s all just so sad all round.
Trouble is, once people are under the influence of drink and drugs, I don't think this will make any difference sadly.
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He did say his car was his absolute pride and joy… shame he wasn’t so bothered about his family!
Everything he said was so materialistic. What he did was revenge not protection. He would anbe stayed with his family of he wanted to protect them, it was all male pride
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These men, in this situation, are not bad people. They are mentally ill with no support. Despite being on the radar. Left with quite serious disorders to their own devices. The system has failed them enough without getting shot.
I don't disagree that they have been failed to some degree but at what point does their lives matter more than innocent bystanders
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VIP Member
I’ve just sat down to watch last nights episode while I’m off with covid. I’m not bothering as going by what I’ve just read it’ll piss me off!
Oh Meringue - I can't believe you've got Covid again. Definitely don't watch - it will infuriate you.

The guy was trying to protect his family - the red mist came down. In my humble opinion he WAS guilty and perhaps the jury had no choice given the evidence to find him now. HOWEVER the judge, given the mitigating circumstances and no previous, good character etc etc - could and should have given him a suspended sentence. The bloody scrotes got suspended sentences and they've got a criminal record as long as your arm.
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When she said to him ‘if it was up to me I’d bail you’ (or something to that effect) I was like ?? You’d bail a man who has been charged with murder?? Such a strange thing to say
I think perhaps, she was trying to ensure the situation didn't escalate and he kicked off at her. I have heard psychiatric nurses will use a similar approach when a patient is distressed about something, for instance the patient is highly agitated saying, I am not sick, the nurse will agree with them to diffuse the situation and calm the patient, even though the patient is obviously sick. Perhaps her approach is similar, it is not my decision, I dont make the rules so don't take it out on me. I mean this was a guy who ran over someone in cold blood because they pissed him off, you would want to keep him as calm possible I would have thought.
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I don’t have twitter but my friend told me earlier they tweeted they are donating some of the money (but keeping over 130k) in memory of their ‘lost baby’ ie the baby they chose to abort. I am pro choice but what a pair of utter insensitive twats speaking as though they had a miscarriage/tragically lost a baby.
I feel sorry for them but both of them made some really stupid remarks on the show and I honestly don’t feel they deserve that money
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VIP Member
Just watched the second part !
It’s so sad how those children were being treated and nobody was helping them.
Rikki didn’t turn up at school but no alarm was raised I know things were different then but it’s so sad !
His mother is as guilty as the person that killed him in my opinion !!
Who are these people who seem to think it’s acceptable to treat small children worse than animals and then act surprised and upset when something happens to them !
Poor little boy let down by everybody 😢
Well done to the police for re-opening the case and not giving up !
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