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VIP Member
Personally, I don’t judge her/them at all for deciding to have a termination in that situation… I wouldn’t be talking about it on national television though… that’s a situation to share with close friends and family (if you choose to).

I can’t believe the poor bloke got sent down for all that time. How can the judge think that it was in the public interest to send him to prison?

Them two little scrotes should have been sent down and I hope they feel the consequences of their actions everyday for the rest of their lives.
They won't give a F. I've seen people sharing tik toks on twitter where they're basically bragging about being on TV! Absolute waste of space the pair of them. They're apparently suing for a million aswell for their injuries 😒
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I've seen TED talks by mothers of murderers. It's entirely possible to love your child and find their behaviour incomprehensible and beyond belief. The mother was horrid
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Chatty Member
The part where he said to give the woman a hug from him made my blood go cold. Evil bastard!
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Wow I’ve put it on. I feel sick! I reported a police officer last year for sexual misconduct. It’s currently being investigated. This is making me glad I have.
Quoting myself here but I can’t praise the police enough in my situation. I didn’t want to provide a statement but I’ve had it through today that looking through his phone he’s been taken off frontline duty and although they don’t believe there’s enough for malicious communications (I agree because I don’t believe he meant to cause harm, I think this is just his normal behaviour) they are going down the route of misconduct and feel confident there is enough for a hearing and she said she thinks there is a reason to be concerned about this police officer. They have asked me to provide a statement and I have agreed. I hadn’t wanted to but knowing I wasn’t alone (which I knew I wouldn’t be but it’s proven now) and that there could be more to his behaviour I have to.
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The interview of the girl who he’d raped, as a viewer it felt intrusive, like I shouldn’t have been watching it. The poor thing had to write certain words down because she couldn’t say them. I don’t know, as a mother of a daughter it’s important that awareness is raised but also as a mother of a daughter I’d be damned if that interview was shown on tv, especially as she was described as vulnerable. It just left me feeling really conflicted 😐 Like what was the justification of the programme makers for including it?
They would’ve consented to it being shown. But I’m glad it was. It’s shocking and should be a wake up call to others about what is going on.

His scummy friends pissed me right off. They should’ve grassed him up or fucked him over
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Watching it so many times on the show was uncomfortable for me, a description of it or showing just once would have been ample , to now know his family didn’t approve of the show is really unsettling really low of ch4 that is
He was just so vulnerable in his final moments wasn't he? I think that's what made it even more shocking and uncomfortable. The poor guy was naked and literally dying on the camera. Just didn't seem any dignity in showing it.
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VIP Member
IMO the woman on the bus was just nasty and aggressive from the off. She threatened the police and then tried to use her child as a shield! I think she should be the one apologising to the police. Cannot believe the police attended for such a minor incident anyway. I dont think "we'll give you ten minutes to get off" would have worked and they would have had to get her off that bus in the end anyway. And why give her ten minutes? She hasnt paid her fare, she's making everyone else late and traumatising everyone around her, get off the bus!

The Rion case was terrible but, again, how on earth are the police supposed to know he's got an aneurysm? They pick him up after breaking into someone's house and peeing on the floor, he's acting strangely and says he's been drinking vodka, no doubt the police labelled him drunk/having some sort of mental health episode. shocking that they didnt check on him for so long. I bet most officers dont even know what an aneurysm is, let alone how to spot one. Im glad he made a good recovery, he seemed like a nice bloke.
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The guy who did the stabbing had a similarly confusing way about him. Capable of stabbing three people over nothing yet shaking while being interviewed and writing heartfelt letters to his grandparent's. I guess the human brain is a complex thing.
Yeah I didn't get him either , I don't think the shaking was an act the only explanation would be he was on something the night he did it , not that I'm saying it's an excuse it just crazy to think he stabbed 3 people multiple times!! He was probably scared who would be after him, I reckon there will be people in prison wanting revenge and he will be an easy target
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They 100% shouldmve had a nurse attend BUT you clearly haven’t been around a lot of drunk people. I’ve seen people act worse and just be drunk.
But he got more and more "drunk" as time went on. As they kept saying, they are not trained nurses/doctors which, is even more of a reason to call a nurse right away.
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I know , i do love this series and the new episdoes but I liked how the original episodes , actually focused on the fact they had 24hrs to get a charge
I’ve thought this for a while. Has the law changed because I’m sure they used to do a countdown timer on screen about the fact they only had 24 hours
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Chatty Member
I found the lack of reaction from both of them when the policewoman was listing the life lasting injuries and damage that their child had suffered totally chilling. It didn’t appear that either of them were even asking about him either. Horrendous.
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They have as much of a duty of care to those who they believe to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs as any other detainee. And he was clearly confused/acting erratically.

I get that policing isn’t an easy job but when you have officers saying, with a straight face, that if you don’t get complaints you’re not doing it right particularly when it comes to matters concerning minority groups… words fail me.
Shocking that their tutor/mentor was telling the rookie cops that if you're not getting complaints you're not doing policing right!
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Chatty Member
I honestly have no words for this programme. It’s just showing us how bad policing actually is, they’re getting away with everything. Even the stop and search guy, he done nothing to even be stopped! And the poor guy with the bleed on the brain wow! I get that they may mistake him for being drunk but he asked for a nurse, I don’t see why they need to be told why first before they call her, especially when he’s already complained about head and neck pain several times.
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The younger girl was not some innocent uni student before this she was just in the background of it all and never been noticed by Police.
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