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VIP Member
I found the whole story very confusing. Why didn’t those girls just drug him on their own and steal his watches themselves. Why the need to involve the 2 lads? None of it makes any sense.
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I haven’t watched it all yet so I’m going to comment quickly but not read comments on here until I’ve finished it. However, this has got to be one of the worst episodes I’ve seen and I’ve seen them all. I've never been so upset over an episode before & seeing how many people were there when they lit up the sky!
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Watched it tonight and he definitely got off on discussing the “allegations”. I 100% believed he was guilty and he also definitely has a sex addiction.

However I do have some sympathy for the CPS. Rape are often a “he-said-they-said” allegation. Most people do not go to the hospital or police immediately and by then the “evidence” are gone.
Even if they do go to hospital / police right away it’s still treated as a he said she said allegation. The system is barbaric and in favour of the perpetrator. It needs an overhaul.
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Targeted for his Rolex watches and at the end it was mentioned they were fakes!
Like my husband said if they were real he would have just traded them in at the jewellers for cash. And what intelligent criminal goes around wearing a £1300 coat! Talk about sticking out like a sore thumb!
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If people are interested there is a new series of Forensics: the real CSI on BBC iPlayer
Forensics: the real CSI is fab. Not overdramatic, to the point, love it. The episode on Sunday re the man in the freezer broke my heart. He literally got away with murder (well, allegedly haha). I’ve binge watched most episodes this week, there are quite a few on YouTube outside of iPlayer too
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Just found an article online about this case - will post it when it has finished. Can't find out what "kind" of Dr he was except he is an expert in AI - he is now appealing his sentence.
He's got a PhD. He's not a medical doctor. That's why his arrogance has been highlighted by the judge because most people with a PhD don't insist on being called Dr.
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VIP Member
Yeah I noticed that too but like others are saying, very high stress situation. I did feel for the two men who were clearly unwell, exacerbated by drink and drugs and unable to get mental health support but I also really felt for the officers involved, must have been so scary for them and they clearly did not want things to escalate.
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Chatty Member
Watched this last night. I couldn’t believe the mum that let her 15yo swap numbers with a 30 odd yo 😳 I know the detectives were saying it’s part of their grooming to get on with the family but I have a daughter and would never allow that.
He was 21 at the time but totally get what you mean, she was still a child at 15 & he was an adult & the mother should have told him to get lost!
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Did anyone else find the custody officer a bit strange? She seemed overly sympathetic towards Nick. I get that it's "innocent until proven guilty" however she should remain impartial. She clearly had taken a bit of a shine to him which is so strange.
Agree. Very unprofessional.
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VIP Member
I think part of the reason for sending him down was to deter other people from trying to take the law into their own hands
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VIP Member
Do they show reruns anywhere? I feel like there’s some I don’t remember 🤣
There are some on all4 i think but apparently not all there. The originals were good as they were actually showing the countdown of the 24hrs they had to charge them
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VIP Member
A horrendous episode. The sentences are nowhere near long enough as per. Our justice system needs a huge overhaul.

I do wish I could stop seeing people describe them as 'animals' though. An animal would not do this sort of thing, even top predators such as tigers. Those so-called men are monsters.
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VIP Member
Did anyone else find the custody officer a bit strange? She seemed overly sympathetic towards Nick. I get that it's "innocent until proven guilty" however she should remain impartial. She clearly had taken a bit of a shine to him which is so strange.
I thought that too. At first I thought she was going to say she had sympathy for him because of his daughter and her situation. But she didn't really mention that part of it! She just said he seemed like a nice bloke???!like wtf?? How??... I did have a slight bit of empathy when he had the phone call with his daughter, but only as a parent and imagining how his daughter must feel. It soon left- because if he can do what he did, on cocoaine or not, she's better off without him. He was a shit parent, end of.
From a mental health practitioner point of view - at the core of our training is being non-judgmental and empathetic. It is incredibly difficult working with people who have committed heinous crimes and keeping emotion in check. There is nothing to be gained from being confrontational; it’s easier for everyone to remain calm and as a previous poster suggested we treat the individual with empathy.
It would appear there were a lot more people involved, arrested and interviewed. As viewers we only saw a fraction of the work put in to solving the case. Her comments were a snapshot of all her interactions and perhaps she had a moment when emotions got the better of her.
Let’s not forget- 24 hours in police custody is a very well edited program and not everything is shown in the context of what actually happened in that moment.
Very good point to be fair. I admire people who can be non judgemental in such circumstances.
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Poor Rikki never stood a chance in life due to that poor excuse of a mother. She disgusts me as much as the murderer. Rikki would probably have had a dog's life, continually being neglected, beaten, and then inevitably ending up in gangs and into crime. So sad.
At the end when someone said 'I wonder what he would have done when he grew up', sadly because of his environment it would have probably led to a difficult life. Mum an abusive, disinterested drug addict and a father in and out of prison. I did feel sad for his sisters, but couldn't bring myself to feel anything for his mum. She only seemed concerned with how Rikkis death affected her, never mentioned his siblings and how they were affected. A very selfish woman. I wonder if the neighbour who used to send the drugs via Rikki, also faced charges, strangely that woman looked similar to his mum, but her justification was if she hadn't put the drugs up his sleeve the mum would have 'battered him'. Lots of neighbours clearly turned a blind eye to what went on, but once he died decided to take the moral high ground and turn on her.
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And when he was arrested from the hospital and his demands of 'I need a comfortable seat' 'I know my rights.... I want someone trained to help me to the police car'.
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VIP Member
That programme was shocking. This is only one police force so imagine the cases across the whole country. They wonder why no one respects the police, this is why
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The interview of the girl who he’d raped, as a viewer it felt intrusive, like I shouldn’t have been watching it. The poor thing had to write certain words down because she couldn’t say them. I don’t know, as a mother of a daughter it’s important that awareness is raised but also as a mother of a daughter I’d be damned if that interview was shown on tv, especially as she was described as vulnerable. It just left me feeling really conflicted 😐 Like what was the justification of the programme makers for including it?
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VIP Member
I think he had it for Movember but that plus the glasses made him look a bit creepy
And the cocky comments like how young he was to be in his role, and how he talks to prisoners to befriend them before interview, hope he grows up and cringes about it one day.
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