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There's a policeman in my area that is awaiting trial for gross misconduct he's pleaded not guilty. He's been suspended on full pay since Feb 2020 and his criminal hearing isn't until later this year. Ironically he has been suspended on pay for the majority of his employment, obviously the partner is standing by him and since the incident they've had 2 more kids. Everyone knows he's dodgy because he is known for running his mouth off i.e. letting people know when there's going to be a raid or arrest.
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Just a shame they could only impose a sentence fitting with his age at the time of the murder. Excellent police work in the end. Poor Rikki. Truly horrifying.
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Just finished the second episode and wow, that was honestly one of the worst I’ve seen. The CCTV was horrific. The poor families, the boys were clearly so loved and that should never have happened. Heartbreaking
There’s a hell of a lot on Facebook too, I feel awful for them having to re-live it all and the nation not being told everything that happened
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From Facebook it seems like nicks daughters mum got murdered by her partner 3 years ago? Which is probably why he says she doesn’t have anyone else
I thought it was really awful that there wasn’t one family member who could’ve taken her in, obviously got no relationship with the mum’s side either
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Shame they couldn't convict the first babies parents.:mad: And the dad of the second baby is totally guilty did you see him in the interview room he didnt give a shit no emotion until he realised they had got him.
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@stardust1 that’s interesting, I wonder if he was more involved than the show made it seem then.

This was the most shocking one I’ve seen. Anthony was shaking like a leaf, it was obvious he knew he was guilty.
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I don’t have twitter but my friend told me earlier they tweeted they are donating some of the money (but keeping over 130k) in memory of their ‘lost baby’ ie the baby they chose to abort. I am pro choice but what a pair of utter insensitive twats speaking as though they had a miscarriage/tragically lost a baby.
That has left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm pro choice and if they felt it wasn't the "right time" then that's their call no judgment. But they didn't lose a baby.
How many women have been left in the shit (myself included) with a pregnancy or a young baby, but they just make it work because they want the baby.

Don't act like you lost a child when you chose to give it up.

I feel for the wife. But what happened was because of her husband's shitty toxic masculinity. It was clear on the show he cares more about his "stuff" than the law or staying out of prison for his wife and kids.

It's never ok to take the law into your own hands and "Red mist" is a shitty man's excuse. He had plenty of time to realise what he was doing and stop that car. Using your car to try and kill two people is not a proportional response to theft.

And if attempted murder is how he reacts to theft, I worry what his response is to other upsets in his life.
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Just the fact they didn't even shed one tear over the babies injuries is horrendous , the poor older children too😭 more than hearbreaking
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Yeah the second bravest people to the incredibly brave victims are always the interviewing detectives. I would be unable to contain my rage. I usually get infuriated when someone goes ‘no comment’ but I found this cretin even worse for what he was saying and how blasé he was about the awful things he had done to his victims.
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I thought that - I can’t help but think his crimes would have escalated into being a killer like Wayne Couzens did, if he hadn’t been caught for this.
Hadn't he just rocked up in the town as well? That was one of his justifications for going out at night, to let off steam or something because he didn't know anyone. God knows what he got up to where he lived before.
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They DO have the intelligence to earn money legally, they just don’t WANT to. Nothing stopping them becoming builders/ labourers/ working in shops/ whatever but they can’t be fucked. Too easy to take a crowbar to someone else’s house and nick shit, then get a pathetic slap on the wrist.

The crux of the matter re Adam, is as said previously above, that he could have killed someone, and what was he trying achieve by driving like a nutter after them, other than to injure them? Hence the 22 months.
There are no deterrents for career criminals, until the law changes,incidents like this will keep happening, sadly.As you rightly said,their mentality is,'why work hard,when you can just take what you want'
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Disgusting that the two have that history yet walk away.
there is a massive gang of 17-21 year olds in my area repeatedly stealing peoples cars and motorbikes. They terrorise the town and nearly knock you down when they go through red lights. They even make tiktoks about what they take but police do absolutely nothing. A few months ago a 4x4 rammed 2 of them off the roads but they still asking people to identify the driver of the 4x4 so they must have got away with it.
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I think perhaps, she was trying to ensure the situation didn't escalate and he kicked off at her. I have heard psychiatric nurses will use a similar approach when a patient is distressed about something, for instance the patient is highly agitated saying, I am not sick, the nurse will agree with them to diffuse the situation and calm the patient, even though the patient is obviously sick. Perhaps her approach is similar, it is not my decision, I dont make the rules so don't take it out on me. I mean this was a guy who ran over someone in cold blood because they pissed him off, you would want to keep him as calm possible I would have thought.

This is exactly my thoughts on it too. I wouldn’t wanna piss off crazy eyes papworth if he was in front of me. I know the mate with the knife was for Anthony, but imagine if Nick had managed to bring in a knife and attacked aomeone, you wouldnt want to be on the wrong side of him.
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Far bigger things for you to loose sleep over
Is there though? I had someone break into our family car on the driveway in the summer and I lost sleep over that. My husband chased them off but I was absolutely petrified they would return and finish off what they started. It's awful to think you are not protected in your own home. And what's worse if you defend yourself you're the one prosecuted!
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It's a weird series these days - they'll throw out a couple of episodes then vanish for half a year.
I know , i do love this series and the new episdoes but I liked how the original episodes , actually focused on the fact they had 24hrs to get a charge
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Honestly made me feel sick watching it last week. What a vile person. I know the female bouncer helped her but why the hell did they turn her away initially? Like, is a drunk woman in the club worse than a drunk woman on her own in the streets?
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but they’d gone, they’d left the scene without stealing anything so what was he trying to achieve chasing them? I think he must have wanted to hurt them, run them off the road
Yes absolutely. The homeowner was probably full of adrenaline to protect his home / family, but what was the aim in chasing them? To harm them?

The wife said something like they wouldn’t have been identified without this crash. Which is probably true. I doubt the police would have responded as quickly to an attempted Burglary compared to a road traffic accident.

Lots of people on Twitter criticising the jury. Based on what I’ve seen I would have found the homeowner guilty.. The sentencing seems harsh but is down to the judge and their guidelines.
I wonder if any of the jury watched, would it change their mind.
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