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He said something about how the first victim is big and can handle it. Urm no you bloody raped him. You have destroyed both men because you're a manipulative cretin who enjoys being in control.
That’s what made my stomach flip and I felt quite ill. And he giggled about it. Subhuman oxygen thief is as mild as I can go.
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If someone's DNA is inside you I believe that is enough to say yes they raped you, take it to trial and let the jury decide if it was consensual or not. The CPS saying dna is not enough is despicable and would put a lot of people (including me) put off reporting a sexual assault or rape. It makes you feel like you aren't believed by anyone and that's a horrible thing.
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Oh my, this is so hard to watch. I'm only 20mins in, but my heart breaks for the victim.
The perpetrator is the most disgusting human, makes me sick. Il never understand how someone can treat another human like this.
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Chatty Member
The whole thing stinks, yet again the law is on the side of the criminals! I’m as furious at the outcome as you all, but WHY did he go after them 😩 we all know these scum robbers will come out smelling of roses if you retaliate. I know it’s the heat of the moment bless him but they’d gone, they’d left the scene without stealing anything so what was he trying to achieve chasing them? I think he must have wanted to hurt them, run them off the road & I don’t blame him but you have to stop yourself you’ll be the one in trouble! I know hindsight is a wonderful thing but I was shouting at the TV don’t go after them 🙈 different if they got in the house & he leathered them but just completely mad & never going to end well running after burglars who’ve already left the scene, he’s just lucky he didn’t lose his life but lost everything else, horrible the whole thing 😢
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Adam shouldn't have followed them and he's admitted he's in the wrong for that and served his time for it , 2 wrongs don't make a right but doesn't mean they didn't deserve what happend to them, karma!!

It's a well known fact police dont make an effort when it comes to burglaries so it's a load of crap when they say contact us first (again not justifying pursuing them)
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Chatty Member
Poor Rikki never stood a chance in life due to that poor excuse of a mother. She disgusts me as much as the murderer. Rikki would probably have had a dog's life, continually being neglected, beaten, and then inevitably ending up in gangs and into crime. So sad.
This. It absolutely broke my heart seeing how neglected and mistreated he was. The woman was an absolute monster and doesn’t seem to have ever acknowledged how cruel and negligent she was.Who on earth lets a six year old roam the streets all day? As you say - he didn’t stand a chance. Utterly heartbreaking.
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I'm sure someone (maybe Curtis) said something about people hating each other for being in a different postcode so basically they were rival drug gangs. It was never really mentioned what started it all off in the first place apart from one brief comment saying it was about a girl but sounds like they hated each other for years , obviously more to it than that
Yeah no way was it over just one silly fight. These people hated each other. And Anthony’s car was absolutely trashed, like someone had gone at it with a bat. No doubt they were all off their faces on coke as well. That’s got to be one of the most brutal nonsensical crimes I’ve ever seen. And the poor people who witnessed it, they’ll have nightmares for the rest of their lives. Truly horrific.
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I found tonight’s episode disgusting. All those amazing people from the community offering really objective viewpoints and everything was quite literally white washed. The guy that had an aneurysm!!! Left lying in his vomit for 3 hours till a nurse takes one look at him and calls an ambulance. It was sickening viewing.
Why didn't they check on him before 3hrs? I get that maybe they thought his symptoms were due to the vodka he said he'd had, but surely even drunk people can choke on their own vomit? And they have cameras in the cells.
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I thought this week’s episode was really weak. They didn’t go into the details much and there was no real detail on investigations or evidence. They seemed to focus more on the parents and want to turn it into some sort of exercise in warning us all not to help our kids if they murder someone
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Just watched the episode. Absolutely appalled with our justice system. Are people not allowed to defend themselves? What if it was a young woman attacked and punched the attacker in defence, causing the attacker to hit their head and die? They would probably go to jail as well. The law is a mess at the moment.

I can sort of see the judge’s point from the angle of Adam driving at a high speed and potentially injuring an innocent member of the public, however where do you draw the line when your home and family (including an unborn child) are being threatened. Those two work-shy lowlifes have become career criminals. One of them was moaning about being a mechanic but quite frankly he should be grateful for a job in the current climate and with his criminal record. They only think of themselves. The Bedford guy was talking about his children but quite clearly couldn’t give a shit about the mother of his own child!! Even the custody officer. I saw them taking absolutely 0 responsibility for their actions and so the judge was talking absolute shite when they said that. Adam on the other hand was so cut up and clearly showed remorse for his part in the crash. The sentences should’ve been the other way around. The only reason those thugs are going for compensation is so they can continue to live off the hard work of other people. They need to take a long hard look at themselves.

I really felt for Adam when he was speaking about having to abort his and Lindsey’s child. It’s one of the hardest decisions to make and not for others to judge. A child would’ve out a huge strain on their already fraught situation and I wish them all the best for the future as they move away and hopefully make a fresh start. I hope Adam can get his conviction overturned one day.
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That "Dr" was vile. Consent can change at any time. He had no thought for anyone else but himself when meeting with those men. The 2 who came forward were so brave to share their story
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Chatty Member
I honestly don’t have much sympathy for the lady on the bus. She used her child as a shield and despite asking her numerous times to get off she refused.
I’m actually on the side of the police on this one.

The stop and search was out of order.

But the guy with the aneurysm was a truly difficult watch. They clearly thought he was just drunk and hind sight is a wonderful thing. But I wish they just had the nurse come and check him out. He could’ve died and all that would’ve been avoided by just letting the nurse give him a once over.
I do however disagree with his mum that this was a racial issue. This was police not having empathy for a “drunk” person
The woman on the bus was a dick. It seemed like she was rude to the bus driver, refused to get off the bus, the police were called and she used her baby as a shield ? Then got paid compensation ?
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The guy who did the stabbing had a similarly confusing way about him. Capable of stabbing three people over nothing yet shaking while being interviewed and writing heartfelt letters to his grandparent's. I guess the human brain is a complex thing.
This is exactly why people shouldn't carry weapons. A completely OK person can in the heat of the moment, with adrenaline pumping, do stupid shit. One being using the weapon on you which ends up killing people.
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