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Was it? Sorry, that’s my mistake. I read about it after the show aired & I thought I read he’d taken his life afterwards. Just googled & it & you’re right. That was another extremely sad situation, needless violence with another innocent man & his family paying the price.
I was so sad when I saw that at the end of the programme. I found the programme fascinating to see how they try to take down OCGs but the fact that this poor guy got needlessly caught up in all that and it eventually cost him his life was so heartbreaking.
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Im sure there was similar comments about not agreeing with the show being aired from the family of the guy from another episode who was murdered in the flat and they showed him stumbling to the main door of the building. The one where that girl would meet people off Snapchat to rob them.

I thought they would need permission showing such graphic scenes and they had photos of the victims
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I don't have children yet but I'd like to think if I'd found out my son had been involved in a stabbing I'd be taking him straight to the police station to have it resolved. The mother kept emphasising on what a "good boy" he was, but he had stabbed someone 15 times, and when arrested seemed to be more concerned with who had "grassed him up".

Then as noted Rob's mother seemed to be implying that her son was somehow deserving of sympathy because he would now be incarcerated. My sympathy lay solely with the little boy and Alex's family.
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I stupidly read the DM comments re this episode. Some fucker blamed the victim because she was drunk, had she learned her lesson blah blah. Fuck off. No one should go out and have to worry about whether or not they can have a few! It’s dangerous men like the rapist who are the problem! One of my girls is at uni and last weekend someone squeezed her bum in a club. She had no idea who and whilst she recognised this was sexual assault she said to me what could she do? It’s not on!
Indeed, I don’t care how drunk she was, she should have been able to get home safely.
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Even if it was a lad of the same age I wouldn't allow my daughter to swap numbers with a complete stranger no matter how friendly and charming he might seem.
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Chatty Member
Wow. Just seething watching that. The two officers that's punishment was to speak to their line manager after mocking the lady in the wheelchair 🤷‍♀️ Can't wait to go to work tomorrow and call a client a fucking bitch and all I'll need to do is have a chat with my manager...

Oh and the officer getting away with rape, full pay and pension. Disgusting.
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I was shocked to see tweets last night feeling sorry for HIM 😤😤
To quote the evil bastard 'I beg your fucking pardon!?!'..... People feel sorry for HIM. Did they watch the show? Did they hear the injuries an 11 week old baby suffered? Did they hear the interview of Teddi's sibling? Hear the recording from the neighbour of him losing his temper?
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Watched this last night. I couldn’t believe the mum that let her 15yo swap numbers with a 30 odd yo 😳 I know the detectives were saying it’s part of their grooming to get on with the family but I have a daughter and would never allow that.
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The ending felt really abrupt though. A quick google shows the guy is being sentenced next week. Which they should have added at end as I had to rewind thought I’d missed it!
I do find it very odd that there’s no real motive for the attack? Did he get the wrong house? Or was the dad involved in some sort crime/ connection to the brothels?
As I said I hated the beginning and yes the ending was abrupt. The people involved were Vietnamese as the mobile phones had a message - chuc mung on his phone which is congratulations in Vietnamese and other things pointed me to this (we have lived in Vietnam) and they are in the nail business which in the UK is very Vietnamese based as is the growing of cannabis and paying Vietnamese to mind them. I think the Dad is very involved in the drung business , he was shown as a nail tech but he has a big house, a flash car but you do not get that from sitting in a salon all day. More to this than shown and hope they show this.
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That ended a bit abrutly o_O I had to look at the TV Guide at 9.58 to see if it finished at 10.30 and was suprised it has almost ended.
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They were all awful. I was shouting at the telly so much.

One time I was waiting in the lobby of a homelessness charity as I had an interview there and a client came in quite distressed and wanting to speak to his keyworker. He and I got chatting and he told me a similar story to the first woman in a mental health crisis from the show, that he had gone somewhere to attempt to take his own life and just wound up being arrested. And, like the woman on the show, not arrested under police’s mental health act powers. I can’t think of anything more awful for someone in such deep despair.

I’ve seen arrests under the mental health act done properly, always with as much dignity as possible, always treating the person in crisis with respect. Always a point where I’ve thought ‘this is what this person needs and thank god the police are here’. I know which type of police officer I’d want, should I ever find myself in a crisis.
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The rape statistic is absolutely horrifying. I mean, I knew it was low but that is shocking. I assume it's because stanger rape is rare and so many cases are a muddle because of the he said/she said or whatever. This guy was appallingly cold wasn't he? When he said to the female detective, something like, you get it, because you are intelligent - she just gave him a look that was so withering. He's used to dominating because he's so "smart" and she was having none of it.
It was heartening to see the police championing this case - having met on Grindr and agreeing to meet for sex made it so much harder to argue rape I think. But if they could do it for this, why then is the statistic so damn low.
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He didn’t defend himself that’s the problem. The boys ran away and he chased them when he was no longer in danger and by doing so could have injured anyone else on those roads. I’m 50/50 on his intentions and think he was most likely not thinking straight. The two boys should absolutely have been punished though, they had a career of wrong doings so why would they change now
100%, he put so many innocent people at risk by driving so dangerously. Vile, I’m glad no innocent bystander was injured (or worse) because of his recklessness
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I agree you can't be confrontational and have to be impartial no matter the criminal but for her to show sympathy on camera when he wasn't even there was still odd
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I was sickened when they showed him flicking through his phone ‘I can have him and him, I can have anyone I want’
Very disturbing
Even my bf said "he has zero respect for these people, can't remember their names" it's so true, the way he was saying "I fucked him, I fucked him" it just comes across as so wrong. Then he's on about moving back home and marrying a woman. Wtf!
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Can anyone watching tell me his sentence please, my daughter woke up so missed the last 5 mins
14 years extended which means 9 years jail 5 years on license plus sex offenders register.

But he was already on the sex offenders register and was still able to do what he did, so I doubt that will stop him.

He'll be back up to the same stuff as soon as he's out. People like that don't change.
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Chatty Member
I found it really chilling too. I was crying when they listed his injuries and yet his parents showed nothing. Poor baby. I hope he’s now loved and cared for.
when the policewoman said the baby would never recover from his injuries and mum goes "well that I didn't know" as if she'd just said a random fact about giraffes!! I couldn't believe it!! It was appalling
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