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I’m excited because my cake maker is sending us some cake samples to try 😂 I’m so excited it’s the most weddingy thing we’ve done in a while.

I’m waiting patiently for the announcement on Monday. I know it’s not going to be what we want straight away but I hope we have some sort of positive news 👍🏻

The news about Wales sounds really promising 😀
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I’m finding the run up to the 22nd so difficult, anyone else?

I feel like nobody I know IRL understands how it feels trying to plan a wedding in the pandemic, and now after reading comments online I’m questioning myself whether I’m wrong to wait for the day I’ve envisioned (which is looking like 2022 due to overseas travel limits) rather than just going to my local registry office instead when we’re allowed 😖 it’s all that - if you really wanted to get married you’d do it under whatever restrictions are in place.

I’m feeling extra crap that none of my family or friends have even asked about our plans or reached out to see if we’re okay.. ☹ But before all this happened I used to say all the time that no one cares about your wedding apart from your other half and your parents at a push, so I feel like a massive hypocrite expecting them to mention it.

Sorry for the pity party, just had to vent. I’m driving myself nuts here.

I hope all you UK brides have some good news on Monday.
Don’t worry about what other people think. You will have put a lot of hours and money into your wedding and if you want to hang on and hope for that big day, you’ve got every right to do that ♥ I know what you’re referring to when you mean about reading comments, it’s just a stranger on the internet so really don’t worry.

There’s a few of us here that are due to get married and we will all want different outcomes but that’s because we are all different, there is no right or wrong answer.

I know what you mean about family/friends not asking too. I used to get stressed about people asking sometimes, I just got to the stage where I really didn’t want to talk about it! People expect you to know the answer with something that’s happening further down the line and none of us have a bloody clue! 😂 I wonder if your family/friends have purposely not asked you in case they think you’re being bombarded with questions?

Anyway, we are all here for you to let off steam to just to have a chat 🥰
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The #whataboutweddings people have posted today after their MP meeting that they’re confident weddings will be included in the opening up of restrictions roadmap. I don’t see why they couldn’t start events up once they’ve finished vaccinating the over 50s? 🤞🏻
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exactly, it should depend on the venue. random but the other day i read that in japan you just have to have less than half of the capacity of the venue. that's much more reasonable
Yeh that makes sense.

There are venues near me that can easily hold 300+ for Hindu weddings etc. So I don't see why a wedding of 100 couldn't take place there when everyone could easily socially distance!

My friend is getting married 22nd May, postponed from 23rd May last year. Thankfully 30 works for her as a lot of guests from their original 70 were coming from overseas. But it seems ridiculous that at her venue she can only have 30 in the room that has capacity for 150 and in the restaurant next door they can have 200+ from different households. But because they will be eating dinner with table service it is allowed??

Edited to fix typos
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My son is getting g married in August, postponed from last year. They’ve decided to run with 30 if the rules don’t change but it’s such a shame for the other 60-70 guests who’ll miss out. I’m sure it’ll be lovely either way but it is stressful not knowing what you’re planning for.
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Well with a clear(er) head, we’ve just sat down and read the latest message from our venue which followed up our phone call on Friday.
It’s laughable really, they say they can’t give us a specific cost of what they can retain as “reasonable costs” but it’s likely to be “thousands of pounds”. They also said our contract would be frustrated if lockdown prevents them from opening.

We’ve responded to say that our contract is also frustrated if it’s “radically different” from what was originally planned. This is quoted from the gov website. We have also asked for a breakdown of specific costs of what they’ve incurred from OUR wedding date, not weddings as a whole.

We’ve put a timescale on it and then said that we’d seek legal advice. We’ve also made sure that we make it clear that these costs are only up to the date that we approached them giving notice of our want to cancel.

So a waiting game again now!
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Feel so fed up everyone thinks it’s amazing news and has text me saying we should be so happy that restrictions are lifted on numbers. However they seem to have put more obstacles in place, 6 to a table, masks at all times, table service only, no dancing the list goes on. I can’t help but feeling disappointed when we are paying for the full wedding as well.
12 days away and still no idea what the wedding will look like. Our venue is waiting for the official guidance which should hopefully come tomorrow but doesn’t give us much time to plan
Hope everyone is okay ❤
i feel exactly the same! Everyone messaging me about the good news! I’m now essentially paying the full wedding price for a very expensive meal and no party after! Would have been better having a smaller wedding and getting some money back 😂
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Hi guys, how’s everyone getting on?

Just wanted to share this update regarding weddings in April/May in case you’d missed it - this whole thing really is a shambles at this point. I hope no one is affected 🤞🏻

I was originally September 2020, then May 2021 and now postponed til July 2021.
Im feeling really positive! We have 60 day and 70 evening so think it’s a manageable number. Back to planning in full swing :)
All the best everyone xx
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@Barbie2020 i can’t remember if you’ve mentioned a date for your wedding in June, but I have my fingers crossed for you?!
I’m 19th June so we could have 30 guests but the restrictions end 2 days later so it feels worse than anything 😕 I was happy with a smaller wedding but it still means leaving people out and to know people will start to have the weddings they want two days after feels like a bit of a blow. I know people are in a much worse situation but it’s floored me. 💔

I’m 5 June, a little heartbroken that a non restricted wedding can happen 15 days after 💔
Gutted for you! We are two days before the restriction end. I wasn’t expecting restrictions to end at all this year really so I was happy enough having the smaller wedding. Knowing people can have their dream wedding 2 days later feels devastating. I’m happy for people who are getting the wedding they want but this news feels so rubbish when we were so close 😞
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Blue pumpkin

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I've always had more fun at smaller less formal weddings. You always get that party atmosphere whereas the larger more generic weddings feel like a corporate dinner and dance.
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That’s one of the things that upset my friend about moving her wedding as she wanted to start trying for a baby after getting married. She could do it now, but doesn’t want to potentially be pregnant on her wedding if it goes ahead this year.

My best friend who’s engage hates the idea of a big wedding so we keep saying this is a good reason to keep it small. Only problem is her fiancé is half Spanish, has a big family and his relatives in Spain would be upset to miss it
This is the situation I’m in. We wanted to start trying after our wedding and honeymoon so probably July. So we can either have a small wedding and stick to the plan or delay our wedding and either try for a baby before or push it way back.

I do like the idea of a small wedding. I’ve been hopeful about vaccines and positive news but then it seems to have gone negative again now and saying lockdown will last into Easter and then there will be tiers again.

I feel so sorry for everyone who’s getting married or works in the industry it’s just awful 😞😞
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Chatty Member
We've postponed three times 😭 first wedding was meant to be in May 2020 then we moved it naively to October 2020 and then to May 2021....I really wish we'd just canceled but we didn't realise how long the pandemic would go on for. There is no excitement at all and just feels miserable.

I really really don't want our wedding May, we do not want a small wedding and the whole point is to have a big party.
I also can't see everything up and running for weddings before the summer such as hotels operating, music bands, or food being served on a large scale plus many guest might not want to come and mix.

Legally you have full rights to get your money back. The gov brought in a new law HOWEVER my fecking make up girl won't give my money back, I'm fuming as she has no right.

If you could change it to 2022 which we're hoping to do then the excitement might come back
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Chatty Member
In Ireland we are in the same boat. Trying to get people to sign petitions to get the Government to put a plan in place for weddings. All we've been told so far which was a brief comment was indoor gatherings of 50 wouldn't happen until October 😓
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Oh wow! When was your wedding xx
It was october
All through the summer the north East was getting tighter and tougher restrictions than other areas
And it was the week of the wedding and they announced on the Monday night they were toughing up restrictions again and I was like seriously I’ve made it this far , it was until the wed lunch time that they announced on gov.Uk that weddings were still a go . Then I got married 48 hours later x
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Seems odd that they say receptions can go ahead but hospitality is only allowed to be outside at that point
I think indoors hospitality starts in May too?

The more I read the details, I think the ruling on weddings is appalling. 10,000 in a football stadium is fine (sharing toilets, queuing for food, using all the same entrances and exits) but only 30 for weddings? At the very least it should be capacity based on the venue’s space. I feel so sorry for couples with dates before 21 June.
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We are April, I’m losing all hope that it will happen. I don’t want to have only 15 people or compromise so much on it it’s so far from what we wanted.
I guess the next month or so will be really telling.
It has taken so much excitement away from wedding planning, I don’t know what to do!!!!
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We’re 5th June, and have decided we will get married then with whatever restrictions are in place. Our original number is 120 but we have done 15 and 30 lists, I don’t really want to push in back and know our venue is fully booked on weekends in 2021 & 2022. My Nanna is also in her 90s and is really excited, so I just want her there! ❤
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