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VIP Member
How are you all managing with dresses? I didn’t book my wedding until Feb last year for this September, so I haven’t gone shopping yet because of the restrictions. I wish I could go with my mum, MIL and two sisters but it’s not looking likely ☹

I’m also trying to lose weight so don’t know when I need to start looking but trying to leave it as late as I can.

I’m also having a destination wedding (all being well) so have to think about not being too hot on the day, which throws my lifelong Kate Middleton dreams out the window.

I’m planning on going to web2b and buying off the peg rather than ordering one from scratch.. I’m not sure how long it takes for alterations though.

Any advice?


Well-known member
I really don’t know. I’m thinking restricted numbers. Maybe 30? I think that will be the worse case scenario.

I still have a bit of hope in me that things are really going to turn around with how well the vaccinations are going and cases are dropping. I keep having to have hope because I need to lose some weight for my wedding dress so I need to try and keep myself motivated.

Are you getting married in June?
Yeah we are supposed to be getting married in June. I don't mind having a smaller wedding at all I've come round to the idea but likewise I need to stop eating my way through isolation and start some exercise for my dress. When are you supposed to be getting married x


Well-known member
Our venue have got back to me today and they’ve been pretty helpful to say they don’t know much more than we do.

Up to now we can postpone, hold an extra date just in case we can’t go ahead or wait to see what happens after this lockdown. She also said if we go ahead with a smaller one there will be cheaper options so I feel a bit better.

I am happy with a small wedding but I think my fiancé is really starting to be disappointed about not having a stag and a honeymoon. I completely get that because it’s such a big part of it all.

I’ve told him we will have to decide on what to do but if we want the wedding we were going to have with all the suppliers we want I would say we are going to be waiting 2 years for that so we might start trying for a baby this year and have the wedding after. It’s hard to know what to do.

Hope everyone is doing ok 😊
When are you due to get married? When we’re your stag and hen dos xx


Well-known member
On Saturday me and partner sat down and literally planned all of our wedding in a day. We were originally aiming for 60day/100nights. Got it down to just over 40. I don’t know if I’d been optimistic by that🤣

All over 50s are supposed to be offered the vaccination by the end of April which seems amazing. Surely if the vaccines are the way out of this mess then things like weddings and events are going to have to start happening again.

Would you be ok with cutting numbers down from 50 if you had to?

Edit to add we get married in June too.

Ahh we have done the same. We originally had 60+ We have made lists of 15 / 30 / 40 / 50. To be honest I'd be happy with 30 and 40 would be great but just want to know what we're looking at now.


VIP Member
I emailed our wedding venue last Friday. Asking for a bit of advice about whether we’d be able to go ahead with a really small wedding in June or what our options are. I completely understand they know as much as we do but think it makes more sense to be realistic and cut our numbers dramatically.

They haven’t responded to us in a week. I understand they must have loads of weddings to sort but that’s why I sent an email so we weren’t being pushy and phoning them. I’m pretty pissed off that they haven’t even had the decency to reply to an email. Our menu tasting session should have been in the next couple of weeks so surely we should here from them anyway.

I’m at a point of thinking fuck it and cancelling. I wanted to try for a baby after the wedding but wanted a nice big honeymoon first and a lovely wedding. Now I don’t know what to do for the best. I’m 30 on Sunday I don’t really want to think of having to wait a year to try for a baby when it might take a while to get pregnant. I know it’s not the end of the world but like many on here I’ve had my plans set out and now it’s all been taken away.

I have really bad depression and this is just not helping 😢

Thank you for letting me rant on this thread 😂


VIP Member
I posted on the recap this afternoon that I wasn’t sure about wedding receptions in April. I think it’s been confirmed that they’re not happening now all the info has been put on the government’s website.
Wedidng receptions of 15 go ahead from April
It increases to 30 in may


VIP Member
Sounds like a good response and hopefully has helped ease your worries a little. It’s hard to make a choice though when you’ve had your mind set on something!

We’re in talks with our venue too and have confirmed that we’d like to cancel our wedding. Now to have the talk about how much money we’re getting back...
Ah I’m really sorry you’re having to cancel. I know whatever you choose to do instead will be lovely and perfect to you. I am a believer in everything working out for the best but I know it’s still hard to cancel the one you had planned 😞

When are you due to get married? When we’re your stag and hen dos xx
June 19th. Hen and stags were going to be around April/may time. I was only going to have a day do so hopefully by that time we’d be maybe be able to go and have a meal and a few cocktails. My partner is disappointed because he wanted a big city break type stag. I’m hoping if things improve he might be able to get something like that maybe even a couple of weeks before the wedding 😄🤞🏼
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VIP Member
How many are trying to bring kids? We are having my friends 1 year old at ours and my partners cousins will have a baby who’s a few months old. Everyone is getting pregnant atm though and id have to put a limit on at some point 🤣
Check with your venue whether there are any restrictions around children.

A friend of mine her venue had a real that if you had more than 10 kids you had to have a children's entertainer during dinner! She wasn't impressed as she wanted a wedding not a kids party, but she couldn't get it down to less than 10, even though 4 of the 11 kids were less than a year old!


VIP Member
Yeah we are supposed to be getting married in June. I don't mind having a smaller wedding at all I've come round to the idea but likewise I need to stop eating my way through isolation and start some exercise for my dress. When are you supposed to be getting married x
Ah well if you are happy to have a smaller wedding then I think it will be lovely! I think we will be in a much better place than now. We are supposed to be 19th June. We are happy to have a smaller number of guests but we are waiting to see how much cheaper it will be.

If you are looking for exercise I am doing the Chloe Ting 28 day challenge on YouTube which is quite good 😃


VIP Member
guys sorry if this is a bit ot but what is a normal cost for a wedding band in the uk?
i feel like my local bands are giving me ridiculous quotes for the situation we are all in
I don’t have a clue sorry 😞 we have a DJ included in the price we aren’t bothering with a band. What prices are they quoting you if you don’t mind me asking? I wonder if they have put their prices up because of Covid 😔


Well-known member
I'm in Ireland, the options during the other phases of restrictions have been 6 (that's what it currently is), 25, 50, 100. We don't seem to be getting much of a road map here, just being told what the current restrictions are for so many weeks! Some people cancelled last year when they could've had 100 and decided to wait. Feel so sorry for them now
Oh wow that would be absolutely gutting to cancel from 100! Fingers crossed we get some answers soon xx


New member
Hey 👋🏻 We’re the first weekend in September.

This is our first date so luckily we don’t have much money tied up, but that’s interesting what you said about flights.. Who did you book with? None of our guests have booked anything, we’ve asked them not to until the April announcement but now I’m worried if we get a clear plan which doesn’t require full vaccination and quarantine, that prices will skyrocket so not sure if that’s good or not 🤦🏻‍♀️ Our route is run by Ryanair so I know I won’t get my money back 😂

I totally sympathise re worrying about getting everything ready in time if it does go ahead - we have nothing! We have amazing planners who are dealing with a lot but because of closures at the end of last year we haven’t been able to get our dresses or suits, or those for the wedding party. No invites either. We planned a small wedding even before Covid but I honestly don’t know how people manage 🤦🏻‍♀️ I know what you mean re wanting to postpone if you didn’t have money tied up, I feel like this has taken a lot of joy out of planning the wedding. I can’t believe another year and we’re pretty much in the same position.

Ive got my fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻 Grit your teeth until the 12 April xxx

Ah that’s good then that it’s later, it gives most of the summer to try and sort things doesn’t it so hopefully you might have more of a chance!! 🙏🏼

We were flying out with Ryanair and home with EasyJet. Both cancelled and moved them to the days either side which would be an extra 2 nights for all of the guests which isn’t ideal!! Yes I know what you mean, it’s a tough one isn’t it as to whether to risk it and book whilst it’s cheap or wait 🤦🏻‍♀️

My biggest regret is doing it ourselves and not having a planner, because we’re having it all at one venue we thought it would be easy enough to do ourselves. Which it was until bloody Covid, then having a planner would have made things much easier! I completely agree it really has taken all of the joy out of it and it’s just a stress - we’ll just have to wait and see (which I feel like I say about 10 times a day at the moment 🤣) but we’ve got so much to do if it can go ahead I’d have no idea where to even start 🙈

Thanks lovely, you too!! 🙏🏼🤞🏼 Xx


Well-known member
We have a few weddings to go to this year but really not sure what’s going to happen regarding number? Staying positive but then can’t see huge weddings going ahead? Who knows anymore tho!!! Our wedding was cancelled for April this year x


VIP Member
We were meant to be July 11th 2020. Postponed until April 2021. Can’t see it happen. Our venue want an extra £2000 to postpone again until 2022 as they have no dates available for 2021. I just can’t be bothered with the whole thing any more! I feel guilty telling my fiancé how I feel, but I don’t even want a wedding any more. I’d rather just pop down to the registry office and sign the papers. But doing that would upset so many.
Should be the happiest time but it’s really not.
What happens if you don’t pay it? Will you get your money back?


VIP Member
I think indoors hospitality starts in May too?

The more I read the details, I think the ruling on weddings is appalling. 10,000 in a football stadium is fine (sharing toilets, queuing for food, using all the same entrances and exits) but only 30 for weddings? At the very least it should be capacity based on the venue’s space. I feel so sorry for couples with dates before 21 June.
It was more april 12 Is wedidng receptions but only outdoor hospitality so not sure how people are expected to have a reception


VIP Member
guys sorry if this is a bit ot but what is a normal cost for a wedding band in the uk?
i feel like my local bands are giving me ridiculous quotes for the situation we are all in


VIP Member
How are you finding planning? Had you already got most things sorted anyway? We’ve still got quite a bit to sort and I’m terrified I’m not going to get it all done in time. I’m actually having nightmares. Last night I dreamt that I’d forgot to buy most of my decorations for the reception 😂😂
We needed a new cake maker which I think I have got sorted (doing cake tasting twice has been a bonus NGL) and the suit hire company we were using has closed so will need to sort that and a few other small bits but pretty much everything is done. Finding planning is quite hard due to people being on furlough so difficult get things booked/sorted! Main worry ATM is losing lock down weight so I can fit into my dress!

At least they are things that are quite easy to get sorted 😄 I know what you mean about the dress, I’m struggling to lose any more weight and when I’m feeling stressed I just reach for the chocolate 😂

We are May 😩😩😩😩 I give up wedding planning
I feel for you it’s such a rubbish situation 😢