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ah lovely! I hope you have a lovely wedding and still plenty of time to get organised and plan now. Will just have to wait until Monday to see what they announce for mine. I’m ok with a small one but my fiancé will be disappointed he can’t have the party bit after with his mates. It’s the money and working how much we will still be spending on a small wedding that annoys me!
I just hate how we’re made to look really trivial by the media if we do want bigger weddings? Yes, I could get married in the registry office (and full love and support to people who choose to do that) and I KNOW marrying my best friend is the biggest most important but...but funnily enough I have been thinking about this day since I was a little girl, we booked it in 2017 and I’d quite like to have a party and celebrate 😤
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I just want to say to all those brides with weddings approaching, that we had our day on Sat, we were originally 120 but went ahead with 30. Our venue in Cornwall were fab and it felt like a normal pre Covid day!! We were able to spend time with all our guests and we had just the best day ❤
I’m so happy you had your special day and enjoyed it 😅 we are 26th June! Expecting it to be 30 guests now because of everything being said in the media and are going to go ahead. I’m happy to have the smaller wedding but the stress beforehand has been horrible. I’ve heard so many people say how perfect their small weddings have been so that makes me feel more positive!

Hope you’re settling into married life nicely 😀
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I just want to make a point now, that I really do feel for anyone in the industry. They’re having to have horrible conversations and it can’t be easy. Whatever I say isn’t personal and I hate that we’re all in this situation. However, I don’t feel like our venue are doing themselves any favours at all.
i AM in the industry and i don't feel like they've handled this well. it is a business, but one where you need a lot of empathy!
but as you said, i'm sure it will all be fine for you in the end. it's already almost february and i think they won't have a choice but to refund you
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Chatty Member
Hi ladies ♥happy new year. I just wanted to say good luck for 2021!
I completely agree that you have to do whats right for you. We got legally married last year, just 2 guests hence why our wedding will be more like a party when we do eventually get to do it and why we're not desperate to have it until a restrictions have gone.
I would say to anyone thinking of getting legally married to do it. I didn't think it'd be special but it was amazing and a little bit of happiness in 2020.
So if your priority is to be married and perhaps not have a big wedding do it! You can always celebrate in 2022!

Our wedding celebration is meant to be in May. I cannot see it happening so we'll be cancelling or postponing for the third time 😑
If you have insurance read it but also do go on the gov website as new legislation was brought in to basically say weddings that couldn't go ahead the couple are rightfully owed their money.

I'm 37 and just started to try for our first baby. Wish we'd started 12 months ago. My priorities have changed and I've realised there is no need to even think or worry about a wedding. It'll happen but probably in a few years time.

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My heart goes out to all of you having postponed before I know exactly how you feel and what a nightmare it is with suppliers etc 💖

We are on the 26th June so 5 days after restrictions are potentially lifted. We’ve had a chat and decide to go ahead and plan that we can have all our guests etc. If things change then obviously we will have a back up plan but I can’t face postponing again.

I have had mixed reactions from people one bridesmaid is adamant I need to postpone as it won’t happen but postpone to when? I don’t know when we can move it too and know 100 percent is definitely going to go ahead and be restriction free. Our venue also has no dates left for this year and we don’t want to move to next year etc

I am not saying it will go ahead restriction free but I am more optimist about it with the vaccine. Without the vaccine I wouldn’t think it was possible. Going into spring will help cases go down same with the flu and no travel coming in should help as well but we will just have to see. But I completely get why other people feel different and everyone has different ways of coping

It is nice to have some sort of idea what things will be and plan, we are at the stage we just want to get married now and if we have to change things we will deal with it then
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The unknown is just horrfic. I have worked in the industry for over a decade, won awards, working at the top of my game and career and I have NEVER been as stressed as this.

Every couple wants answers and I just don't have them. BUT we are in such a better position from March 2021 than March 2020 so I really want people to hold on a bit. But at the same time, of course I completely understand how special the build up is...hen parties, dress shopping etc
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Our venue have got back to me today and they’ve been pretty helpful to say they don’t know much more than we do.

Up to now we can postpone, hold an extra date just in case we can’t go ahead or wait to see what happens after this lockdown. She also said if we go ahead with a smaller one there will be cheaper options so I feel a bit better.

I am happy with a small wedding but I think my fiancé is really starting to be disappointed about not having a stag and a honeymoon. I completely get that because it’s such a big part of it all.

I’ve told him we will have to decide on what to do but if we want the wedding we were going to have with all the suppliers we want I would say we are going to be waiting 2 years for that so we might start trying for a baby this year and have the wedding after. It’s hard to know what to do.

Hope everyone is doing ok 😊
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I’m getting married on the 8th July, 30 or not after postponing twice but I am fuming at the headlines today about weddings. Think it’s so bloody insulating and there’s no reasoning behind any of these restrictions now. Been in a right grump all afternoon! Only have 57 anyway for the day, 80 for the evening
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So happy for the people that are happy to downsize or rearrange numbers to go ahead with their weddings.

My original date was spring 2020, then spring 2021 now looking at August 2021. My fiancee is adamant that he doesn't want to go ahead with a smaller wedding so I have no option other than to wait, wait, wait some more. :cry:

I absolutely hate this entire situation, totally agree with others that weddings are seen as the least important thing when in actuality many people's lives are on hold as a result.

My fiancee gets annoyed when I say that I feel like my life is on hold and while I can be prone to dramatic statements at times I do genuinely feel like this horrible limbo situation is having a devastating impact on so many people. Even in terms of knowing when to start a family or when we should move - everything requires planning and the whole wedding thing is now just hanging over us.

Hope everyone is okay overall, it's so hard not to feel overwhelmed and mentally beaten down by the lack of control.
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Hope all you ladies are doing ok ☺

I’m probably being a bit too positive but 4/5 months away from my wedding and I’m throwing myself into planning as I’ve not done any for over a year. I’ve got all my suppliers sorted but I’ve had a bit of panic thinking I’m so disorganised.

Is anyone else still planning for a wedding when they haven’t got a clue how many people they can have? We are going to have to borrow some money off parents to get it all sorted after furlough and the whole Covid situation stopped us saving like we needed to.

Ive found a nice table plan and table names but obviously can’t buy them yet because we don’t know how many guests we will be having 😂

I just feel a bit anxious about it all. I don’t want my wedding to be shit because I haven’t done a good job or sorting it all.
I’ve been relatively positive the last couple of weeks,my wedding is 4 month this Friday... I’ve started planning again, I feel like I’m planning for about 4 different weddings, but I have made lists of things that I need to start getting/doing and then a list of things I want to buy (ie table stuff etc) that depends on numbers.

I ordered my shoes and veil this week and it made me so hopeful and excited for the first time in bloody ages!

I just don’t want it to get to April/May and a wedding be allowed in June and we’ve done nothing and it be a massive panic!

I’ve left all the Facebook groups I was in that were wedding related as they were just super negative and making me feel worse about it all! I feel I am in a much better wedding mindset and am feeling hopeful!
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My anxiety is sky high working in the industry. I feel dread at the could bes. To see such flippant comments online makes me think noone cares about us which is so sad as weddings are a huge life event....a right of passage.

For what it's worth, you are not silly for wanting to wait for the big wedding and celebration, but at the same time you are not silly for wanting to no longer put your life on hold and wanting a small simple legal ceremony.

Lets hope we get some answers on 22nd Feb. I know they are hearing us it's whether they care enough xxx
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My son is getting g married in August, postponed from last year. They’ve decided to run with 30 if the rules don’t change but it’s such a shame for the other 60-70 guests who’ll miss out. I’m sure it’ll be lovely either way but it is stressful not knowing what you’re planning for.
Definitely 26th June and no idea 🤷‍♀️ we will be going ahead with 30 after postponing last year but would be helpful to know. Can’t help but get annoyed when we go out for a meal and 200-300 are allowed to sit indoors (social distanced) but weddings are capped to 30 regardless or whether it’s indoor or outdoor makes no sense!
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VIP Member
I just hate how we’re made to look really trivial by the media if we do want bigger weddings? Yes, I could get married in the registry office (and full love and support to people who choose to do that) and I KNOW marrying my best friend is the biggest most important but...but funnily enough I have been thinking about this day since I was a little girl, we booked it in 2017 and I’d quite like to have a party and celebrate 😤
The comments on the daily fail article about a couple set to lose a large amount of money if they have to cancel their wedding are disgusting. It’s their money and if they want to spend a large chunk of that on their dream day what gives other: the right to judge???. We’ve all had a crap year and we should be embracing positive happy life events like weddings!! The worse are comments from the older generation “we didn’t need to spend that much in our day”. Well the cost of living was a lot lower then, they are clueless as to how much venues and suppliers cost these days!
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VIP Member
I just hate how we’re made to look really trivial by the media if we do want bigger weddings? Yes, I could get married in the registry office (and full love and support to people who choose to do that) and I KNOW marrying my best friend is the biggest most important but...but funnily enough I have been thinking about this day since I was a little girl, we booked it in 2017 and I’d quite like to have a party and celebrate 😤
I know! Like we are vain and superficial. You feel like you can’t say anything because people will just snap and say there are bigger issues in the world. I understand that my wedding doesn’t mean a lot to most people but we’ve all spent so much money and took ages planning it just to have a nice day with friends and family.

rumours swirling around that they are still going to increase numbers for weddings on 21st 🙏🏻
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I’m finding the run up to the 22nd so difficult, anyone else?

I feel like nobody I know IRL understands how it feels trying to plan a wedding in the pandemic, and now after reading comments online I’m questioning myself whether I’m wrong to wait for the day I’ve envisioned (which is looking like 2022 due to overseas travel limits) rather than just going to my local registry office instead when we’re allowed 😖 it’s all that - if you really wanted to get married you’d do it under whatever restrictions are in place.

I’m feeling extra crap that none of my family or friends have even asked about our plans or reached out to see if we’re okay.. ☹ But before all this happened I used to say all the time that no one cares about your wedding apart from your other half and your parents at a push, so I feel like a massive hypocrite expecting them to mention it.

Sorry for the pity party, just had to vent. I’m driving myself nuts here.

I hope all you UK brides have some good news on Monday.
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I feel you all!

I am at the point where we just want to get married this year now. After postponing once I really couldn’t face going through it all again I know that sounds dramatic but it’s such a rollercoaster! There is nothing to say that next month, winter whatever will be any different (not saying it won’t be!) but we postponed last year to have the wedding we wanted and enjoy the run up but how that’s backfired again! I really couldn’t face the same happening again moving to another date

Really annoys me when people are like oh you want a big wedding then! No I don’t just want the people I love and talk to there and for it to be a celebration. Not after Westminster abbey and live coverage over the bbc

Its such a stressful time anyway, my partner is a key worker so is really stressed with work as it is. Then this not knowing and this wedding cloud over us isn’t helping. We are prepared to compromise on a few things guest numbers etc but want to to feel like a celebration etc!

fingers crossed we all get some answers on the 22nd 🤞💖
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I do wonder what this year means for weddings 😐😫
I know wish we could fast forward a couple of months and see what everything looks like. Think we are still going ahead with a small one. I can’t be bothered with the hassle of changing everything. I’m happy to have a small one 😊
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Chatty Member
Is anyone else still in the boat of waiting to see what their wedding is going to be like in June /July? I know it’s probably going to be 30 guests but wish they would just tell us now 😂
No but have two weddings to attend as a guest in July, one was only planning for 30 guests anyway but the other there is supposed to be around 80 guests I believe. Feel so bad for our friends, we postponed from April and wanted to postpone to July but our venue made us go for September as they didn't trust the government! MP's just do not understand how long weddings take to plan and arrange, a weeks notice is just not good enough
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I absolutely feel for everyone in this nightmare situation. My wedding was supposed to take place in April 2020 but of course we all know what happened... Postponed until April 2021, then August 2021 now not sure what to do...

The entire situation has been a really bitter pill to swallow because I think people make an assumption that a wedding is just a 'big party' and that it can be had any time. But I feel like my life is on hold. We want children, but when? I totally feel for anyone who is mourning the excitement of a forthcoming wedding and doesn't want a COVID-friendly version.

Without wanting to sound too dramatic I feel like I'm grieving for this weird ghost wedding which never happened other than in my mind! We still have all the decorations in the spare room, my dress which I now no longer fit into is still in my wardrobe. But no certainty about when we can put an end to this chapter.

My fiancée reminds me that our relationship won't change after we get married. Sometimes he seems less bothered about it all than me which annoys me in the moment but I know he's right. I recently started wearing my wedding ring just to remind myself that it will all work out one day and it is a good reminder to be grateful.

Love to you all, it will all work out one day!!
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