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Well-known member
It is quite dismissive to imply only the mainstream media are suggesting the proud boys as extremists, as though it is therefore invalid, when the FBI classifies them as far right extremists.
It was mainstream media who reported that the FBI classified the Proud Boys as far right extremists when the FBI later said they didn't.

That's what I mean. That the FBI considers certain individuals in the group as extremists is concerning (to say the least), and I'm happy to agree on that.

But the MSM can't just chop it off there, and serve up a report of what was actually said, they've got to add arms & legs to it.

They do that with Trump all the time. There's plenty of ammo in just reporting what he says without adding, mis-representing, omitting or implying.
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Chatty Member
Arguing with members, we're not here to fight each other either ignore a user or respectfully disagree
And for your information, can you explain why Trump himself, who has no business behind the back stage, is walking into a changing room, where the girls are semi-naked, in the middle of getting dressed?
Already explained. Please read prev response carefully!!

And can you explain why you’re such an annoying twat?

I’ll wait....

But I presume this question will be ignored along with all the other ones I’ve asked you. At least I’ve had the decency to respond to your questions.
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If it’s a fact where is your proof? You’re so quick to point out a lack of links to other people.
As you can see, I have posted a link to the Washington Post poll article. I just need to add that I find the tone of your posts so confrontational and really pissy to those who don’t agree with you. Several other posters have also commented on this. So, with that being said, I’m out of this discussion, and would appreciate if you don’t reply. Peace ✌ out.
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Well-known member
Terrible people.
Yup. The same people who defended MS-13 gang members because Trump called those animals "animals". Then the MSM spun it to meaning all immigrants.

Speaking of the MSM I watched ITV news last night and the presenter was beside himself with Trump's "Proud Boy" comments. Not even the attempt at trying to present the story in an unbiased, even-handed manner. It was simply a performance. Would've made the producers of 1950s Soviet era news broadcasting jealous.
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Chatty Member
Well. Reading this thread was a delight 😬

as someone from the UK who has never seen anyone defend Trump in terms of his racist or sexist attitudes, it’s shocking to actually see Trump supporters exist.
I live in the US and it still shocks me every time when I hear or see Trump supporters. Are they watching different news then I do?!?!?!
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Chatty Member
Yes, I'm out too. It's become an echo chamber for hating Trump, not a discussion thread.
Comments such as, 'don't you dare confront a Trump supporter with facts' (This from a moderator) are immature and counter productive.
How many of these experts who 'fear for America', are actually American, or have even spent time there, is debatable.
It's a bandwagon, but a corrosive one. Trump will win, and they can spend the next four years bitching and whining, if that's the best they can do with their time.
See you in the threads @Hearforthegoss
And the classic - “I’m all for having your own opinion” (unless it doesn’t align with mine) has made an appearance.
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Chatty Member
Arguing with members, we're not here to fight each other either ignore a user or respectfully disagree
And for your information, can you explain why Trump himself, who has no business behind the back stage, is walking into a changing room, where the girls are semi-naked, in the middle of getting dressed?

You're defending Trump for bragging about going into a changing room? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: I'm done here.

Trump also bragged about it, because he was the only man there. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Oh and remember to ring the opticians 😘
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VIP Member
Personality, not actual policies, and health issues. I don't like Trump or Biden, and don't want any of them in power.
But one has to, and as I'm in UK Trump is by far the much better option, Biden will be a disaster for the UK, he is in bed with China & BLM, bad news all round.
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I don’t know haven’t really been following it but they said on that same show Joe was edging ahead , although Trump had better crowd support ?
The polls are saying Joe is ahead and apparently they are actually showing lower estimates compared to 2016 (because the polls showed Hillary leading and then she lost thanks to the electoral college) so he may be even more ahead than we know of.

Trump will not lose, per se, as he already has lawyers ready to fight the votes. He will win, no matter how.
Tomorrow is the end of casting ballots, not the end of the election and counting votes but he is ready to send in teams of lawyers to argue his case. He said so, many times. Steal or fair, he will remain president.
He is really awful. If he gets another term, I think he will try and change the constitution to remove presidential term limits. I am here for civil discussion not arguments btw.
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Arguing with members, we're not here to fight each other either ignore a user or respectfully disagree
So, if you perv on semi-naked girls, some of them being fifteen?

By your logic, you can perv, but not touch on underage girls?
I have to say this. I find your frankly obsessive, and continual questions regarding “perving on semi -naked girls” and “You can perv, but not touch on underage girls”. Really Really Concerning. There are SO many red flags littering your posts here, that is making me feel quite sick.
I don’t know you, or wish to know you. If your behaviour in real life mirrors your behaviour on here, perhaps you need some help, as your posts are really not normal....

Mod edit;
Everyone stop arguing and attacking each other, ignore members you don’t want to engage with and move on,
Report any further derailment.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Oh and remember to ring the opticians 😘
Hahahaha brilliant!! 😜
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VIP Member
No one can know that, the first poll just closed. Just assume Trump will win, one way or another.
Sorry, my bad, the first ones close in 30 minutes. Twitter doesn't know squat.

Meaningless, I mix up my kids from time to time. Clearly his son is on his mind.
lmao my mum literally mixes me up with our dog, her sister, my cousins. She pretty much goes through every family member before she gets to me
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VIP Member
The thing with Pennsylvania is that all the votes left to be counted are mailed ones and from the mailed ones they'd counted before they stopped for the night, they were favouring Biden by about 17 to 1. So there could be a huge swing there once all those are counted (I believe it's still over a million votes) which is why Trump is so desperate to stop them being looked at.
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Chatty Member
If Trump finds underage girls attractive then why is he fighting to end child trafficking and why is he not embroiled in all the pizzagate stuff.
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VIP Member
Circus theatrics and childish behaviour aside... What Trump said about Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by” sent chills. Pretty much marching orders. Terrified me when I heard him say it. I predict a lot of violence if the vote doesn’t go his way.

He is a fucking monster. He also told his followers to "poll watch" which is an order for intimidation tactics and violence and is illegal for him to say. He is a piece of shit.
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