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VIP Member
I don't understand why they chose to put Biden against Trump.
There needed to be someone with Trump's same character, someone as strong and as bold. I'd be very surprised if Biden won.
I am by no means a Trump supporter, but I just can't see Biden being the president. To me he doesnt look like a man able to take strong decisions, do you know what I mean?
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VIP Member
Trump is vile, always has been and his performance last night has made me disgusted even more than I already was. I'll never understand how anyone can vote for that creature! I have a few American friends and they turned the debate off because of his disgusting mentality!

I tell you what though, I cannot wait for Bad Lip Reading to upload the debate onto YouTube 😂 His ones from Trump V Clinton were great, and the Trump inauguration was hilarious!!
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Iconic Member
Just to balance the scales.
Not that it should take priority over anything, it just makes the public look dumb if they’re choosing a president on what they allegedly do, sniff or leer at outside of office.

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VIP Member
Ok so Trump likes underage girls in your opinion, so why then did he bar Epstein from Mar-a-largo for hitting on someone’s teenage daughter. Surely if you were into that kind of thing yourself you’d turn a blind eye?!
As we now know Clinton did!

Trump also comes off as confused as well.
Sometimes I agree, but it's not confusion related to dementia, it's more like he just don't know the answers.
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Iconic Member
If it didn’t impact the rest of the world I’d say they deserve him 😂
I feel for the people of America. That will offend many I know but I can’t see this being a good result for anyone.

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And for your information, can you explain why Trump himself, who has no business behind the back stage, is walking into a changing room, where the girls are semi-naked, in the middle of getting dressed?

You're defending Trump for bragging about going into a changing room? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: I'm done here.

Trump also bragged about it, because he was the only man there. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Respectfully, that statement isn’t actually true. 90% of makeup artists and hairdressers backstage are Male. Infact, you don’t normally see many women (apart from the models themselves) backstage.
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The Devils Arse

VIP Member
I do not have a scooby about how the US system works. It is SO confusing for my brain. I'm just going to have to wait for piers Morgan to tell me. :rolleyes:
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Chatty Member
I don't really want to trawl through 34 pages to find your reasons I had a skip through and didn't see any reasons...if you know them why can't you just say?
There have been no wars under the Trump administration.

He is fighting against human trafficking.

He has brokered peace deals.

He passed historic justice reform.

Decline in drug prices during Trump administration.

The poverty rate fell to an all time low during his administration.

He has appointed openly gay ambassadors.

Increased funding for schools.

Trump has achieved more in a matter of a few years than Biden has in 47.
He should get the vote for his war on pedophiles and sex trafficking alone, in my opinion.

Oh and the biggie, he’s not a pedophile like Biden and co!
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Chatty Member
The associated press must call it soon, trump hasn't many paths left. Let the recounts commence 🙈

We're going to get a second thread as this is a long way from over
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Chatty Member
So, it's okay to go into a female changing room, can you answer yes or no.

Why is Trump helping out in the back stage?
in this case I’d say yes. It’s not a conventional changing room. It’s a massive backstage changing room full of people. The girls will 100% be used to either a) getting dressed and undressed in front of people or b) finding somewhere more private if they so wish.

He’ll have probably turned up - his people will have probably said “come meet the girls” and he will have.

Stop telling me to fucking answer your questions. I’m not your lap dog. You haven’t answered mine - won’t be answering anymore of yours.

You aren’t here for debate you literally just keep posting “answer the question” “answer this” “answer that” without actually answering anything you’re asked in return.

It’s quite frankly beyond fucking rude.
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VIP Member

So much of LA and NYC being boarded up ready for election day. Not just shops, even buildings like the Empire State. And a massive fence being erected at the White House, which you'd think would be a pretty secure building every day and not in need of extra defences.

Just how badly are they expecting things to kick off, it it all goes a bit Trumpy?
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VIP Member
I think a major issue with a lot of Dems, particularly the liberal elite, is that they are hypocrites. They claim to champion social safety nets, affordable healthcare, support for minorities/LGBTQ, equal access to quality education, etc. but you can bet that if welfare recipients or Blacks/Hispanics moved into their neighborhoods en masse, they would complain (behind people's backs, of course) and leave and they all send their kids to the best privates schools that money can buy and go to the best hospitals when their families get sick.

It's hard to not be cynical about a group of people who champion one idea in public, but do the opposite in their private lives.

A lot of Republicans have morally questionable opinions but they do seem to more consistent across the board in terms of the alignment of their beliefs and actions (generally speaking...).
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Well-known member
Absolutely vile, why are people on the left so like that?
Sorry, did Trump not mock Hilary for having pneumonia four years ago?
I agree that people crowing over anyone being ill is pretty low, but I really don’t think you can claim it as a Left/Right difference.

And in fact, were people on the right not directly commenting on a grieving mothers post yesterday telling her she shouldn’t be upset because she’s pro-choice?
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VIP Member
So I have family and friends on both sides of the political spectrum and it's been interesting to hear their perspectives.

You have some die-hard Dems who are against everything Trump (and are definitely voting for Biden regardless of what happens) and some Republicans who are like this as well. On the other hand, there are a lot of moderate voters who might've voted for a moderate republican usually (socially liberal, fiscally conservative) but now have to choose between Trump and the very left leaning Dem party. A good chunk of people fall into that moderate category.
Yes, it is definitely worth noting that not all Republicans are far-right... and not all Dems are super liberal. My husband and I vote conservative, we are what you just called moderate, socially liberal, and fiscally conservative. I wouldn't tell many of my friends that though as A LOT of them are extremely my opinion, too far left. In their mind, anyone that would vote "Tory" is evil. Utter nonsense.

I have a friend in the USA who voted Trump...she actually has a high up job in the US government, her old boss was the head of intelligence. She has worked there since the Obama years. My point is, although she has opposing views to me sometimes, I am not going to completely ostracize her.
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Carmen 6

VIP Member
Are you American? Do you live in the states?

If both answers are no, then do you really know how Trump has changed America, the economy was booming, unemployment was the lowest its been for a long time, I have relatives living out there and so I listen to their views, and the counties economy was doing great before covid.

As you have said you don't like any president, least by the sound of it Trump, are you just on the hate DT bandwagon, when not really knowing why you hate him so much?

He's going to win in November 👍
She/he's obviously not an American citizen. Never even visited or has American friends imo.
It's a sheepie bandwagon. No critism of the leaders of Venezuela, North Korea, China etc.etc. where people are genuinely oppressed. Just 'Orange Man Bad' and the 'Two minutes hate.'
She's moaning on about young people being irresponsible, and enjoying themseves during lockdown on another thread.
Ok Karen. 😀
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Trump is also a racist. Why do you support him?
Where are your links??? Because, I have provided links that back up my posts. You have not posted anything!! If you are going to call the racist card where are your links???
I think the reason you are completely dodging posting links is because you don’t have ANY!!
Good luck with your arguments!! 🙄🙄🙄😂😂😂
So, being clueless is okay?
I think that’s a question you should ask yourself!!! 🙄😬
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Iconic Member
I feel a bit sorry for Piers Morgan, he’s been up on and down off that fence when it comes to Trump for months now he must have splinters in his ass
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