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VIP Member
Couldn't help but laugh at "Kung Flu." Soooo inappropriate, jesus christ 😂 😭.
Also, not here to argue with anyone. I like hearing both sides although right now it seems to be going around in circles.
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Well-known member
It was only a few hours ago that a dead republican candidate won their seat.

Today has been strange
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or JusRollWithIt

VIP Member
He is a fucking monster. He also told his followers to "poll watch" which is an order for intimidation tactics and violence and is illegal for him to say. He is a piece of shit.
Yes. Many get caught up in the stupid things he says or does, but there were a few moments tonight where he was lucid to a select group of his followers. I felt like I was watching a malevolent dictator being born. He has planted seeds of doubt, creates mistrust in media and democracy, and will fuel outrage and violence as needed and sit back to watch it unfold. It’s very scary, actually.
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Iconic Member
I don't wish illness on anyone either. I am hoping he will learn something from contracting it though. Even if there are easier ways to learn. I hope his supporters who took his lead and disregarded the severity of the illness will take it a little more seriously too.

he won’t suffer like millions have, either medically or financially so I doubt this will faze him at all.
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VIP Member
Im not shocked to. See Trump supporters exist, everyone has their politics. I'm just shocked that they justify some of the things he has said.
Yeah I mean I know they exist but I’ve never actually spoken to someone who supports him and defends his actions I spose. Nor would I seek it out online, just thought I’d have a read of this thread and found it a bit shocking that people would defend some of his behaviour.

although actually I’m not sure anyone has defended it more just ignored any mention of it 😬

I don’t know anything about Biden and am not really bothered about who wins by the way (I’m in the UK and we have our own blonde buffoon in charge for me to think of) before anyone says I’m just commenting as someone interested in Biden. Obviously I have seen a lot about Trump in our news and I struggle to see how people can want to support him openly given his comments.

what qualities does he have that draw you to him as a leader? Genuine question as aware I must be in an echo chamber...
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Carmen 6

VIP Member
This story would've been headline news if it were Trump, but I didn't see a peep about it on Sky or the BBC. Not that I'm surprised. Nor surprised that anti-Trumpers couldn't give a shit.

I'm trying to stay out of it as it these discussions drain me, and it annoys the hell out of me that I frequently find myself defending Trump via highlighting MSM bias and dishonesty, and questioning the rank propaganda that gets ever-so-righteously tossed out whenever it comes to Trump. I think it's the self-righteousness that triggers me more than the bullshit. The defenders of 'truth, good and justice' act more like a cross between the Stasi and Orwell's Winston Smith rewriting history, than the moral beacons of light they imagine themselves to be.

But anyway, as a related aside, I see the New York Times admits that there's no evidence Trump owes money to Russia.

Drawing attention to that probably makes me a goose-stepping Nazi, I know, but I found it interesting.
I think it speaks volumes, about the entitled immaturity of a proportion of anti Trumpers.
In the past, you could have been fiercely political about your chosen party/candidate, without resorting to death wishes, campaigns of abuse about the candidates family, floating mocking balloons, or carrying severed heads.
They campaigned, voters voted, and everyone accepted the result for the good of the country.
Now, the spoilt five year olds in adult bodies, throw themselves on the ground and scream for four years. Add to that that it's current to hate D.T. while conveniently ignoring the true vicious dictators in other countries, and you have the mess that is preventing us building a good future for everyone.
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Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
I absolutely love Bernie too, but just imagine what it would have been like if he was the dem presidential candidate- Trump would have a field day calling him every name under the sun. And Bernie doesnt deserve that. Plus he isnt electable as the president, America are far too fearful of the left.
He is such a breath of fresh air but theyre not ready for it which is a shame. I am loving Pete Buttigieg now. He is fab and has been a great attack dog for the Dems this election. Very funny. His best bits are on Youtube. Wont be popular on here but Kamala votes with Sanders on most things. :)
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VIP Member
Fts poll of polls as of today
View attachment 242480
So I love Joe Rogan and find him well balanced in regards to different topics. I saw that he said he would vote Trump over Biden as Biden is so doddled from dementia. Is it confirmed that Biden has dementia? I have watched a few videos of him and he certainly comes across as not all there... I am not sure if he would be competent. I don't know if he would even last the full 4 years as president. Then again, I wouldn't vote for Trump. Tbh, they are both crap.

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Iconic Member
Yeah he got a bit confused, but not totally confused with a bush. But the damage has already been done and trying to explain it was a mistake but not as bad as it's being portrayed doesn't help 😬

I struggled to remember my pin the other day when out of nowhere contactless was rejected 😆, but I'm not running to be the POTUS
I’m sure it cheered Trump up in the mist of the 60 minutes interview social media train wreck 😂

I'm sure it isn't that devastating. In 2016 Trump confused 9-11 with 7-Eleven and still managed to become president.
didn’t he call Tim Cook Tim Apple 😂

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Chatty Member
Yes, I'm out too. It's become an echo chamber for hating Trump, not a discussion thread.
Comments such as, 'don't you dare confront a Trump supporter with facts' (This from a moderator) are immature and counter productive.
How many of these experts who 'fear for America', are actually American, or have even spent time there, is debatable.
Funny. I had the feeling it's an echo chamber for loving Trump. And since when do you have to have a certain nationality to have an opinion on somebody? Like yeah I might not understand everything that is going on but reading and checking facts helps 🤷🏼‍♀️.
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VIP Member
Boris isn't clever.
I think you'll find he is very clever. He picks his battles very very well. The IMB proves that. ☺

He and DC are a great team, hence why the left & the media are soooo desparate to get rid of both, through all their shouting & screaming Boris held tight.

This is all over Brexit, the nearer we get the more the lefties & media combust, it's great to watch 😂 😂
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