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Chatty Member
So, you want a man, who said he would rape someone and touch a pussy without consent.

You think Trump doesn't have any mental health problems.

What do you expect from a Trump fan, who is okay with Trump saying he would actual rape someone.
he actually said “...if you’re a star they let you do it...”. Key word being LET.

When Trump opened Mar-a-lago he insisted on letting African Americans and Jewish people in, at a time when most private clubs in Palm Beach didn’t.
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Chatty Member
This running statement that Trump will refuse to leave the White house if he loses, is so pointless.
He won't lose, so of course his detractors will never have to be proven wrong.
After the 2016 result, HC behaved like a petulant child, not attending the closing rally.
There were also reports of her losing it in the hotel, screaming and throwing items....but of course that's just rumour, and only Trump is allowed to be smeared with misinformation and rumour.
It’s an eye-opener the amount of people whom believe Trump said this and that.

I’m in a communal group chat for foreigners living abroad and there’s some guy who posts anti-Trump, anti-white farmers, pro EFF articles on a regular basis.

He posted some nonsense article from two years ago claiming Trump told Native Americans to go back to India and as usual told the group to look how awful he is blah blah. I couldn’t help but reply with a snopes article rubbishing it and posting a ‘you are fake news’ gif.
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VIP Member
Oh he'll for sure fuck it up 🤣 I cannot imagine there will be a smooth transition.

Trump still has a pathway but it's very narrow. So right now, if we pick up PA, we won't even need Arizona, Nevada, Georgia or North Carolina.

If we lose PA, then we have to have a combination of the two - most reasonably Arizona & Nevada.
im fully expecting him to refuse to leave and I’m expecting riots.
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VIP Member
So from what I can gather on this thread, joe is creepy but the president who was friends with Epstein, talked about grabbing women by the p*ssy and said he would try it on with his daughter isn't?


I don't think either side has any grounds for using "being creepy" as a reason lol
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Too right! The same odd line of logic too. Love it.
“Odd line of logic”?? If you have read the posts from yesterday evening, I think you’ll find that most of us were answering (VERY Repetitive, Not To Mention Quite Aggressive) questions, and also providing links to articles that were mentioned.
What is hilarious, is the fact that when we asked certain posters to please educate us on WHY creepy joe Biden is a better bet than Donald Trump, they couldn’t answer, or post any links to back up their claims!! Instead, they (well, one in particular) was extremely aggressive to me, and demanding that I answer his question, which is the one question that he had asked all evening...And which several other posters had already answered already!! The facts are, that Joe Biden is too old and frail (not to mention that he seems to be very shaky, and often mumbles his words). In addition, he just comes across as a creep around young children. Trump is quite clearly much more healthier than Biden, and in a recent poll, where American’s were asked WHO did they think would survive 4 years in the White House, and Biden got 70% whilst Trump got a whooping 85%!! I also posted a link to this article, but I don’t think the Biden army on here have actually read it!! ...🙄🤣🤣🤣
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Chatty Member
It was so calming and it feels so nice to listen to someone who actually sounds like they know what they’re talking about.
I bet trump is going to smear shit all over the curtains before he leaves the White House:ROFLMAO:
Legit think that Trump will attempt to burn the White House to the ground in January if he loses this election.

if he can’t have it, no one will.
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VIP Member
I love how Trump fans ignore his racist statements, his words toward underage girls, his daughter, but focus on Biden.😂😂😂😂

Both of them are racist. But you're only bothered by one of them.
I'm not bothered about either tbh, I don't particularly like Trump, but he is the one that is able to run USA.

Biden has trouble putting a sentance together, his family should be ashamed of themselves, dementia is no joke.

We have to look at the bigger picture, Trump will be better for UK.
Biden will cause so much unrest, I dread to think what state America will be in.

I know that my friends over there will be returning if Trump doesn't win.
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Carmen 6

VIP Member
Isn't that quite a disingenuous statement? Most US city mayors are Democrats, because people in cities are more likely to lean Democrat than Republican.

Isn't the investigation still ongoing? I think the issue is with avoidance than evasion, the latter being illegal, but the former morally questionable.

It's interesting you use pro-Republican publications to defend Donald Trump. I wonder if any more neutral has a stance. Over in the UK we have the BBC who asserts the investigations are ongoing for Trump.
Yes, Democratic mayors are in the majority.
Kind of explains the mess the cities are currently in.
Does anyone actually consider the BBC ' neutral'? Their anti Trump agenda is so patently obvious it's embarrassing.
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Why are Saudi Arabia allowed, despite the weapons, America sells to them, goes to ISIS.

So, Trump denied black people access to rental, but he isn't racist?

Hopefully the above article may answer some of your questions re: arms sales to Saudi, and potentially ending up in the hands of terroist organisations.
I also think that even though you’ve had some answers to your other questions, nothing anyone says will be good enough for you, so rather than asking the same questions time after time, perhaps you could educate us on why Biden winning the presidency would be (in your opinion) a good thing?
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VIP Member
Did anyone see this interview? She comes across unhinged. The way she smiles when he talks about people using food banks and needing the money.

She looks so uncomfortable and fake...

And she's terrible to put her hatred of President Trump over the interests of the American people. The $1.8 trillion stimulus would do wonders for people during these terrible times and she's refusing the idea because she doesn't like Trump? We all know you're loaded, Nancy, but have some compassion for the average person or shut up.

Also is anyone else seeing how the mainstream media is censoring anything related to Biden's son and even twitter has joined in? Not biased at all...:cautious:
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VIP Member
That was uncomfortable viewing,
Canada will be looking to build their own trump style wall soon.

A lot of negativity towards the moderator. that was never gonna be an easy job but the moderator WAS a joke, he had no control over them, I don’t know why I’m following this so closely, it’s entertaining for the wrong reasons.

I will watch the Vice President debate, I’m more intrested in seeing Pence and Harris go at it for some reason 😂 We always knew this one would be a car crash.

he wasn’t as bad as I feared he would be.
But it is a bit like watching a elderly neighbour going up on stage, hoping he doesn’t fall.
I don’t think the POTUS should evoke that reaction in anyone 😐
I am in Canada and honestly we are quite concerned. Trump is dangerous for the world but especially us. It is amazing he hasn't turned against us..yet

Also, worth noting, Biden has had a stutter from when he was a child which he has mostly overcome. So it sometimes appears when he's talking publicly...Trump supporters often say he senile but he's dealing with a speech impediment. When he could actually get a word in last night, he spoke well and coherent.
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Chatty Member
Consumers pay the tariffs at the end of the day. 🤷‍♂️ It's not a good thing on the world stage to be so nationalist, the world is already turning away.
I know questions aren't being answered but I am curious why ICE is sterilizing (giving hysterectomies to) women without consent. I was pretty horrified to read
These are simply allegations at this point. You really shouldn’t take everything you read as being fact.
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Legit think that Trump will attempt to burn the White House to the ground in January if he loses this election.

if he can’t have it, no one will.
lol this is so true - the meltdown is going to be huge. Or he'll stomp out before January and refuse to do the job anymore. God knows what's going to happen - you can never know with him or his merry band of wankers
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Carmen 6

VIP Member
I'm sure people would say that if black people had all the power the last few millennia and ran the show almost exclusively. Some people are sick of old white men running the show and it is not racist to say so.
I'm afraid it is. To judge someone by the colour of their skin, rather than the content of their character, is racist.
Also, the show in the States, was previously run by a black man for eight years.
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