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Once beautiful, opulent cities are now turning into huge no-go zones...and unsurprisingly, they're all run by Dems. Dems need to clean up their party and get their act together! No decent, law-abiding citizen would be happy with this state of affairs.

This is exactly what I meant early in thread when I said god help UK and USA if Biden gets in, I can't believe anyone would vote for this, look what happened to Corbyn, he had similar views to Old Joe.
I only hope people will see sense in November and vote Trump 🇺🇸 🇬🇧
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Again, why is that?
I’m not sure you understand the difference between an opinion and a fact though. The things you talk about are only based on opinion.
If What is it about Trump and Biden that makes trump win “health wise” hands down?
Sorry but if by looking at both men you can't see who looks healthier then you need a trip to specsavers, it's really very obvious.

Pretty much every post on Tattle is someone's opinion, isn't that what it's all about.

In my opinion Trump is much healthier than Biden, in your opinion you may think the opposite.
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I'm ignoring you after this. For years, Trump has bought Chinese Steel, not once he has bought American Steel, therefore contributing it's decline, while he's telling Americans, he's going to help them out. So let me guess this, Trump used Chinese steel on his skyscrapers, buildings, putting the American Steelworkers out of business.
Even if imported steel was initially used to build skyscrapers, how many have been built under this administration? You can’t blame Trump for the mistakes that occurred prior to his presidency!!!
The good news is that Trump has put a 25% tariff on the importing of foreign steel (which would include steel from China). This is surely a good thing! I don’t know why you wouldn’t agree??
Trump is also the first President to highlight the plight of the Chinese Muslim community, who are being persecuted by the PRC, forced slave labour, re-education camps, forced organ harvesting, and murder. He is taking a very hard stand against the PRC, which is a good thing in my opinion. However, Biden wants to cosy up with Beijing, which is something the American public are extremely concerned about...
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I think it should be made clearer that someone can be against a certain regime and their actions (what country hasn’t had its share of questionable leadership?) vs. racism/hatred for a group of people. The Chinese people are not to blame for what happened, given they are just living the best way they can under the regime that is there and Trump has clearly stated that Asian Americans shouldn’t be attacked. I do think Trump should be more careful with his choice of words but I think his focus is more so on the policies and actions of the government than the people.
I agree, it’s the Chinese Communist Party that are responsible for the persecution of the uyghur muslims, and not the Chinese people. Also, it’s not that well known or reported, but the Chinese Government were recently throwing black Africans out of their homes and businesses in China, as the government believed that they were spreading the virus. Trump addressed this, and was outraged, but as I said, it wasn’t really reported on...
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Dancing Dave

VIP Member
102 millions early votes casts. That's incredible.

I pray and I hope America goes blue. Trump is leaving behind a legacy of stupidity if he loses tonight or not. I pray America sees sense and gets rid of their dangerous "leader". I also hope the Senate turns. This election has a knock on effect on the rest of the world.

I won't be staying up for election results as last time it wasn't until after 3am (UK time) exit polls started coming in. I might set my alarm for 4am to watch though. Regardless, it's going to be a long, testing week.

/I promise not to say "hope" for the rest of the week 🤣
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Chatty Member
There are many, many photos and videos of Biden acting inappropriately with children of both sexes. There are photos and videos of him kissing his granddaughters on the lips. His daughter is troubled and has memories of interactions with her dad that as an adult she now thinks could be classed as molestation. Hunter Biden it seems also has behaved questionably around his at the time teenage niece (his deceased brothers daughter). Hunter was also in a relationship with brother Beau’s wife after he passed away. The Bidens are messed up!
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I thought by “stand back and stand by”, he meant, don’t get involved, just watch.

Did Wallace put the current violence and ANTIFA to Biden? What was his response? It’s known the Kamala Harris backs it, but how about Biden?
I'd tend to agree with your interpretation. Trump was asked "are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacist and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down" and he immediately said "sure I'm willing to do that". Biden supplied the name Proud Boys and Trump replied "Proud boys, stand back and stand by". It's Trump's usual awkward way of expressing himself. The phase "stand down" was said earlier so to his mind, he thinks he's agreeing, because he's just said he's willing to condemn these groups a moment before.

However, I think if he'd said "stand down" the press would still all be over him as it'd be spun as an admission that he calls the shots with these groups: "Trump orders white supremacists to stand down!" Like I said, he was on a hiding to nothing.

This reminded me of the time it was reported that he was suggesting you injected yourself with bleach to ward off Covid-19. I thought that sounds insane, and checked out the clip - and of course, he wasn't saying that, but it could be spun that way, so it was.

Re Biden condemning Antifa, he came out at the start of September saying he condemns violence across the board but never mentioned either Antifa or BLM by name, so it was a bit rich him insisting Trump specifically condemn named groups when he's never done it himself.
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I can’t help but feel Kanye semi running makes a bit of a farce of it all. It’s really serious business, for him to join so late at a time when he was probably unwell and being taken semi seriously just seems a bit off to me. Especially when a lot of it has to do with how wealthy he is and the people in his circles. There will be sat somewhere in America right now someone who cares passionately about his country and would probably do an amazing job who will never be able to get into the position that Kanye got into just by virtue of the fact he’s rich & famous. This world 😕
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I've read all 13 pages and what are both sides hoping to achieve here? No side is going to convince the other either way, they're too polarised. No one is going to say, "you know what, Joe isn't so creepy after all" or "I made a mistake when I said Donald comes across as a narcissistic man child". I was wondering whether either side have considered the policies of both candidates and vote that way?

In the UK, you vote for a party rather than a leader. In the US, it seems as though it all hinges on personality?

IMO Trump is very focused on “making America great again” which is good as it means he’s not interested in pointless wars in the Middle East (which effect us in UK too) Unlike most other presidents, and I feel if Biden wins it will be the start of it all again with terrorist attacks!

Also when you look at all the issues in America at the minute they are all democrat run states so that’s another reason to think Trump would be better. Just my opinion no facts needed 😉
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I think Trump will win, due to the electoral college. But if Biden wins, we will hear lots of FAKE NEWS from him on twitter....
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Well-known member

Disgraceful and biased tactical-censoring on Twitter and Facebook.
Disgraceful is right. They’ve been giving pro trump pages such a hard time too. One that I follow on Instagram
doesn’t even show up when i type them in!
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I'm not a 'fan' but I am a supporter.
All politics are dirty by definition, but the Democrats are out in the open now.
Every stop was pulled out to prevent him being elected, and when nothing worked( partly because they didn't manage to turn enough black people against him) they went completely rogue.
The same party that founded the KKK is now funding BLM. The Democrats are the true racists, manipulating black voters whilst pretending to be the good guys.
The most crime ridden, lawless cities in the states are those run by the Dems.
Tbh, I stand by the Republicans, more or less whomever is at the helm. Trump is no better, or worse, than any politician, but the mindless frenzied bandwagon, being whipped up, purely to oust the Republicans is not intelligent, or beneficial, to the country, or peoples' souls.
Division has been carefully created.
Yes, the KKK flourished under the Democratic Party but it is most certainly not the current Democratic Party that stands today. There was a realignment with both parties in the 20th century. For example, the Republican Party founded by Abraham Lincoln is not the same Republican Party today. Also, keep in mind that David Duke and the current KKK have put in their support for Trump past (2016) and present (2020). The Taliban also endorsed Trump and Putin (amongst other authoritarians) also have voiced in favour of Trump. That is pretty alarming wherever you fall on the political spectrum.

It’s undeniable as someone who is not American, that Trump has greatly diminished America’s role in the world. Abroad most do not like him or respect him whatsoever. He has turned his back to America’s allies while cosying up to dictators around the world. He has rejected science and facts. He has rolled back regulations on environmental protections. The economy pre-covid was inherited from the previous administration. Trump did not improve the economy, it was given to him. He has invited violence and encouraged alt-right groups instead of condemning. He completely bungled on handling the pandemic. Point blank. He said COVID-19 was nothing to worry about. Which is ironic, considering he had access to the very best healthcare and round the clock treatment. Something most Americans do not have the luxury or privilege of ever receiving. Even if you had decent coverage you would not be able to get your hands on those medication and treatments if you took a turn for the worst.

There are a lot of great things about the United States but there are also not a lot of safety nets in place for the average American. Lack of affordable healthcare (paying premiums, deductibles, copays is not it), lack of affordable quality education, and lack of proper maternity/paternity leave. This pandemic has shown a lot of flaws that is wrong with the federal government and more particularly the current party in charge. Instead of providing relief for those who are unemployed, they are focusing on ramming through another Justice who doesn’t have the depth for that life long appointment and no less during the middle of an active election (last I checked many states are in the early voting process). The judicial branch was meant to be impartial not partisan.
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VIP Member
Biden has at least mentioned respecting and protecting the GFA. Trump has literally not made a peep.

I hope Biden wins, but I don't expect him to.

In terms of US politics, rather than international issues, I really hope the Democrats manage to flip the Senate and retain the House. That would be a triumph regardless of the presidential election. Watching McConnell be knocked down to minority leader would be at least a bit satisfying.
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Carmen 6

VIP Member
I agree it's not illegal, but it is morally dubious. You'd like to think a president would have the best interests of the country at heart, rather than their own.

I treat both equally with suspicion but what you volunteered was pro-Trump media sources to defend a pro-Trump position, which is why I was questioning that as it obviously isn't going to be as rigorous in its analysis as other sources. Do you have any non-biased sources to back up your positions?

The first is a bit of a non-point and not related to what we were discussing.

Do you think everyone that criticises Trump is automatically anti-Trump with an agenda?
I think that most rational people on this thread get my point that a ridiculous TDS was whipped up by the Democrats, and sections of the msm, in order to demonise Trump, who, I reiterate, is no worse than any other president. You don't get to be president of the U.S. without being a ruthless go getter, even if some have tried to portray themselves as really nice, caring folk!
Yes, the BBC is unashamedly biased. They never had a bad word to say about Hilary, and as for Bill, well they just don't refer to his corruption, both moral and political.
Last week when Twitter was awash with wishes for Trump to die, it totally clarified how off the scale the derrangement has become.
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Chatty Member
Im following this guy on twitter and trying to makes sense of it but he’s just not as entertaining as Kay Burley,
it’s the waiting for the inappropriate question that’s keeping me on sky. 😂

also can we just change the map to crisps 🙂
No, no, no!

Blue is salt and vinegar!

Damn walkers for deciding that cheese and onion should not be green 🤣


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