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What is everyone’s favourite product?
I am really fussy and have only been doing it 3 weeks but o I have only had shakes, smoothies or bars. I haven't plucked the courage up to try any of the savory meals yet. My favourite shake is the chocolate mint which I have hot. I loved the lemon bar and I like the mint bites x
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Can someone tell my roughly how much 1:1 plan is? Is it filling enough? I’m desperate to shift 4 stone 😬 Seriously considering having a go.
I pay £53 for a week which is 3 packs per day and I also have a 200 calorie meal of 'real' food.... I think prices depend slightly on consultants and what they charge as some charge different prices for bars/packs..... mine charges same for all of them. My consultant is very good and messages throughout the week with tips/advice and general support... she's been doing it a long time. I go and get weighed once a week and have a 1-2-1 chat with her.... it's not an easy diet and you do have to be 100% committed..... but if you still to it then the weight comes of quickly. Best thing to do is go to their website and read up on it.... I've done Lighterlife in the past and also Slim & Save but I know I need to change my relationship with food..... ie ... weekend = treats and try and stop rewarding myself with food.... it's took me a long time to get to this place but I am feeling committed now and have lost almost 2 stone in 10 weeks....... the secret is lots of water.... I chose this one as I actually like most of the flavours of products and seeing a consultant to get weighed keeps me accountable as I do lack self-discipline ☺
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Had my weigh in today and lost another 2lbs - that's 31lbs now... I'd LOVE to get to 3 stone by Christmas so I need to go all out as it's 11lbs in the next 3 weigh ins ! At least in Tier 3 lockdown I won't be going to any Christmas parties !!!
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Day one for me tomorrow , have about 5 stone to lose 😳 any tips on getting through the first few days are welcome !
I lost 3 stone very quickly doing CWP, unfortunately I no longer can discipline myself like I did back then and get into it, drink lots of water would be my advice.
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Hiya, I started on step 1A and am now on day 7. I’ve only lost 3lbs this week and have stuck to the plan 100% with 2 days of going to the gym also. Can’t help but feel disappointed and disheartened at my loss as was expecting more. I found the first 3/4 days so much easier than the last 3 as I’ve noticed the hunger so much more. This is a last resort for me as I’ve tried so many other diets and have only lost 20lbs since March 2022 post baby with another 17 to go!
Yeah for steps 1A/B & 2 you shouldn't be working out as the calories are too low. I had to start on S3 minimum due to gym/workouts that I do and then stepped up fairly quickly
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Be More Pacific

VIP Member
Argh I keep messing up! 😠 angry at myself.
I do well but then it’s late at night I end up picking.
going to try and literally get myself into hibernation, bed extremely early from tomorrow onwards.
All the wrong foods too sugar fiend is me 😩
I always used to have a fridge cold bar at around 9pm, chopped up into little pieces, with a coffee made with loads of sweeteners (I'm embarrassed to say how many as I still do it 😳) and that seemed to stave off any other cravings.
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VIP Member
I've stepped up properly this time (now on 5) and lost 1 stone 5lb (1lb to go!) In just ubder 3 months as I've added gym this time. Doing more of a CC type with a bar for breakfast or evening "snack" and feeling much less restricted
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VIP Member
Good luck! I had a really stressful Christmas so I lost weight without trying so ideally I only have a stone and maybe 2Ibs to lose. Just can’t make myself start yet.
Sorry to hear that things have been stressful...... Look after yourself..... you'll start when you're ready to and if other things are taking priority for now then so be it....... self care is more important ....
Take care xx
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I’m on day 3 again , lost 2 stone last year gained 8 In December , so need to lose 2 stone , I really want to poWer through and be at goal by April 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
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Tried the golden syrup porridge this morning and it wasn’t bad! I’d have it again. Tbf think I’m just starving so I’ll eat a brick at this point hahaha
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2lbs off this week! Finally it’s kind of really made me get my act together and crack on.
How are people feeling about Xmas. Like dinners and do the household you live with so picky bits on the night or Boxing Day etc x
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I restarted for the hundredth time a month ago ! Currrenly 1 stone 2 lbs down with 3 stone to go , I just want to do this diet for the final time and get the weight gone for good , I felt horrible last summer so keep remembering it will soon be summer again and il hopefully be feeling better about myself by then xx
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so I’m doing the exante diet and I can’t work out what is going wrong.

I’m having 2 shakes a day
One evening meal
Doing at least 40 minutes of exercise a day

since 30th December I seem to have only shifted 3 pounds and can’t seem to get past 12.9st for some reason.
I am feeling very disheartened to be honest and just don’t get it.
With such a low calorie intake you shouldn’t be exercising. It will actually take you longer to lose the weight. That’s why on Cambridge they don’t recommended you exercise on this plan. I’m assuming Exante is the same xx
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VIP Member
Tried the golden syrup porridge this morning and it wasn’t bad! I’d have it again. Tbf think I’m just starving so I’ll eat a brick at this point hahaha
That does pass. I remember week 1 and I thought I was gonna die but then it got easier. I didn't like the pasta/soups at all. Covid helped as lost my taste/smell so ate them all that week. Lost 8lb hahaha
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Yes Exante you do yourself. It really is an excellent diet. However, I had faecal impaction over the weekend (TMI), I am more inclined to blame the months of eating like a pig and having just had Christmas, however, until everything is settled down there I have joined WW! As I didn't just want to not try to lose weight just because I'm not on Exante. It seems to be really good so far! Can eat what you want but in moderation. I'm expecting very slow losses and my energy levels aren't as high as Exante. 1 to 1/ Exante are brilliant because you don't have energy spikes and dips and are never hungry. Wish I could eat like that forever. Yes I doubt your therapist would advise Exante or any kind of strict diet though xxx
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I'm going to look into becoming a consultant I think. Having done various diets, when in different mindsets AND I'm going to do a WL coaching course too, I hope that I'll be able to help others do what I've done. Weight loss is definitely just as much about mindset & releasing limiting beliefs than the actual "dieting" part (a word I don't like to use as I think it has negative connotations too!)

You can lose weight on just the shakes etc - I did and I'm now upto step 4. I like the step up part of this as educates better than say SW did. SW was lose weight....lose weight....lose weight and OH EAT MORE NOW and your mind is like... F OFF you said lose weight 🤣
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