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2 1/4lb loss this week - bit disappointed as felt I'd had a good week...... that's 33 1/4 lbs total..... not sure I will make my 3 stone by Christmas which I wanted.... another 9(ish) pounds in 2 weeks...... it's going to be pushing it..... but I have 5lbs to get into a new stone bracket so definitely intend to do that !
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Gemma Renwick

New member
Anyone done it or currently on it? I want to lose 2 stone and as much as I eat healthily I just needed some discipline to get me started. I’be just finished day 2. Any tips etc?
Best thing I ever did! Lost 3 stone in just under 3 months on step 2 and have been maintaining 9 years now xx
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Not in the sense of the Coke calories. My issue is personally it sets me off wanting something sweet or even savoury. I think that’s why they try and tell you not to have one. For if it then makes your tastebuds and brain think and want something other than your products. Hope this makes sense.

tbh tho Myself trying now to get back on it I am having Coke zero or a Pepsi max. In hopes it doesn’t make me want toeat crap. I’ve pigged over mid Dec to new year so I’m trying to throw myself in the deep end doing step 2.

obviously just make sure your not drinking all that pop in stead of water. I always like to balance out say 500ml of diet side by drinking around 750ml of water.
Everyone is different so just try and find your own balance x
Thank you. Totally get where you’re coming from. I’m drinking around 3litres of water a day but sometimes I just feel so tired & like the feeling a Diet Coke gives me 😂.
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So I just tried the Cambridge golden syrup porridge and I nearly vomited 🤮 .

Looks like it’s just the shakes for me 😂
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Another 3lbs off! That’s 37lbs in two months exactly. 5lbs to go until my Christmas target. (The another 2.5 after crimbo! 😅)

Yes I have the water flavourings. They’re lovely but I just forget to drink 😂🤦🏻‍♀️

@HereWithPopcorn I have been on it 2 months just some course and plan to stay on it until I’m about a stone away from target.

Fantastic that's amazing...... 👏👏👏

@HereWithPopcorn I do 3 packs and one 200 calorie meal...... losses are slower but have still lost 29lbs since mid-September.....
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Chatty Member
Is anyone in the private group before and after pics on Facebook. I’m really surprised a post has been allowed to be shared. I’m not usually a shocked person but knowing that there are people out there struggling and suffering with bulimia and purging I’m just shocked this was allowed to be shared since it’s a thing that people suffering with what I stated do. Eating disorder sign. I don’t think the woman meant it as any way to this but it’s just not what I would have thought they’d want to have on their Page with CWP being a VLCD anyway. It actually reminded me an episode of sex and the city where Miranda’s friend chews the steak but spits it out literally because he has an eating disorder. 🤔
It's really weird actually as a colleague who previously done the 1:1 diet now does exactly that and has bulimia she looks absolutely terrible and ill but she think she looks amazing. She binges until she's physically sick and then goes back on the 'wagon' of the bars for a few weeks. I've tried to voice my concerns but got told I was jealous 🤔
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Only 1 litre of water!! It’s annoying me that I’m not drinking more 😂🤦🏻‍♀️
Weigh in tomorrow 🤞🏻
this week has gone so quickly
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I used to halve all my products and have them spaced out so it felt like I was *eating* more frequently
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Well-known member
The chicken noodle soup is quite nice , and I like the cookie bar and fruit and nut one , don’t mind any of the shakes really , I’ve just restarted this week after a few false starts haha , day 3 and going well so far - it’s the weekends I find really hard .
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I’ve put my first 2 week order in and I start the plan on Monday 22nd May (I’m away next week) I thought there was lots of choice of products so have ordered lots of different things to try sweet and savoury! I don’t doubt that I probably won’t like them all but don’t know till I try right?!
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Only 1 litre of water!! It’s annoying me that I’m not drinking more 😂🤦🏻‍♀️
Weigh in tomorrow 🤞🏻
this week has gone so quickly
I get the struggle with water. I’m the same. What I did was buy, before lockdown, a two litre water bottle from Primark. This it cost 4 quid at the time. LIFE CHANGER!
I use sugar free squash mind and I sometimes drink two lots a day with it in hand. Mind making sure it’s filled at kept at my side all day helps!
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Hello, thanks for asking. Yes got through first week, only ordered the savoury products for this week, plus a couple of the smoothies which are quite nice. 9lbs off so far. Hunger is lessening. Consultant says I can exercise as soon as I want to go up to step 3 but, I will stay where I am until a large chunk of weight is off!
Wow well done that’s an amazing amount to lose! Sounds like you’re in the zone and you know exactly what your plan is!

I’m looking forward to starting next week!

Are there any savoury products you don’t like?
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Haha I’m the same height as you aswell. How funny. Yeah I’m trying to be realistic and obviously it’s going to be incredibly up and down. I think mostly I just wanted a kick start. To get me going.

Oh god my cats are going to love me🤢
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Are you hungry as at, I’m worried I’ll get light headed x

Are you finding your losing x
Not really hungry..... do get hungry occasionally.... the whole process is supposed to put your body into ketosis which (I'm not great at the scientifics) but it puts your body into fat burning... the first 2/3 days you deplete your glycogen stores and then you start fat burning and the physical hunger goes - I never feel light headed just hungry occasionally..... but if you eat off plan - so say I dunno some bread/butter or toast or potatoe/choc (basically anything off plan) then it will knock you out of ketosis which then means you'll be hungry again - if you read up on it it'll make more sense than me lol! It's all about working on your emotional/mental hunger as the physical hunger goes .... :)
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Yes me ! Have got all my products and water ready to go - I’m not back to work until Tuesday but will aim to keep myself busy and out of the kitchen tomorrow .
i find it so much easier to do while I’m at work , but I know once the first week is over I will start feeling good again :)
I’m starting tomorrow as well :) I’m at home on maternity leave so I know how hard it’s going to be after a full on day with a 7 month old… once I’ve got the first few days done I’ll be ok
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I tend to have
Smoothie - 8.30am
Bar -1-2pm
Shake 7-8pm

drink as much water as I can throughout.

Hi All... Hope you're having a good week ? Had my weigh in today and have lost 3 1/2 lbs last week... so just 5lbs from 3 stone.... reckon I can do it for Christmas ? If not by Tuesday official weigh in I'm hoping by Christmas Eve morning when I weigh myself.... going to be drinking loads of water and trying to up my steps (they can't get any worse lol!)... x x
you totally could - I’d like 3-4lbs my the 23rd and then I’m having a week off 😬😬
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It won't be that bad a bit of (sugar free) lemon juice, the jury is still out whether citric acid affects ketosis. My bars have citric acid in them 🤔 however I do tend to keep away from it to be sure but you might get away with it.
SJ Strum has done some really great videos and recipe ideas if you haven't seen them yet, I really recommend watching them

Also just saw today that the Aldi version of Pepsi Max doesn't have citric acid! 🥳 it tastes so much better than rank Coke Zero imo
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