Theweirdone_xx Gossip Forum

View most liked Theweirdone_xx posts on tattle
  1. L

    Theweirdone_xx #7 from Berlin to the bin, Tezza says Taraa, While Will be climbings shouting hurrah.

    Most popular thread title courtesy of @thenorthremembers The most liked post was this piece of genius which deserves sharing again also by @thenorthremembers 🎾 Recap: Still leathery Still desperate Still shouldn't size down even though she insists she should Still wearing that purple strappy...
  2. Skinny

    Theweirdone_xx #6 getting her girls out on the gram, looks as haggard as my Nan

    Congratulations to @spidermonkey with 10 likes! Prev thread: - Is now living back at her ex’s after splitting up with will.b.fillingyourhouseupwithmyshit - We don’t know if...
  3. Silentwhisper13

    Theweirdone_xx #5 will be climbing while she sits and stares.. stop filming no one cares!

    New thread! I was about to reply and realised it was over 1k posts. I cannot believe the comment to that girl about her weight and then post something about anorexia.. Is she wanting to be the pot here or the kettle?! 🙄
  4. M

    Theweirdone_xx #4 Spaniels ears, rivers of tears, hasn’t kept a bloke or a job in years

    New thread Big thanks to Steven Seagull for the new thread title. If anyone would like to do a recap … @stevenseagull
  5. M

    Theweirdone_xx #3

    Not sure if there were any thread suggestions.. but don’t have the energy to filter through the most boring account/thread 😂 if anyone wants to recap feel free. I’ll leave this here
  6. M

    Theweirdone_xx #2 Covid moron, she’s a bore-on. Does nothing but moan, while sitting alone

    Thanks to @Silentwhisper13 for the most liked thread suggestion ❤️ Recap: Gemma has gone back to her old job which she hates and seems really unhappy. People don’t have a lot of sympathy for her as this was financially motivated and we all know that Gemma has lots of disposable income so not...
  7. Not_A_Troll


    Very surprised that there isn’t a thread on here about her already but I’m sure people have plenty to say!