
Chatty Member
I’m late to the party but it’s taken me days to read these threads (10 month old baby between 5 rounds of radiation 🥵). I live in England and this story is not very well known yet and my first language is polish, I can speak English fluently now but with this story I’m trying to get my head around some of the Irish slang so bear with me!

I just wanted to give my take on it.

Firstly: Johnny B. I don’t think hunk he’s that bad, stupid yes but terrible? No. Even if he dumped his girlfriend for a catfish it’s fairly humiliating and stupid but atleast he wasn’t trying to carry on behind his girlfriends back like a lot of men would do. It takes balls to break off a serious relationship.

Secondly: Niamh. This girl has unresolved traumas from childhood for sure. No one in their right mind would orchestrate this, that or she is highly intelligent and her brain is faster paced than what her current life offers her so she did this for entertainment/working her brain.

Thirdly: footballer Paul aka Kev. He was ‘dating’ Emma in 2019 but locals are saying he’s been with Niamh for 3 years. Sounds like he was duped by Niamh then grew close to her, found out she was catfishing, wanting to get back at the Gaa players who mocked him about Emma and went along for the catfish ride and helped Niamh out with it, 3 years later he never stopped and now he’s scrambling to cover his back.

Aoife: definitely sent that voice note out to be made public, having gone through a bad breakup recently I don’t blame her, she obviously had her reasons to be suspicious and see who he’s adding on Instagram. You can no longer see peoples recently followed so she must have known exactly how many and who he was following and each time the number went up she would have to look down the list and figure out who it is. I’m not proud to say it but I’ve done that in the past and it’s amazing how quickly a new name jumps out at you. Especially when you’re in a rocky patch and the face of a beautiful girl appears.

5 days ago I didn’t even know what a Gaa player was so this story has definitely been eye opening. I would say it’s likely Niamh will do a runner to the U.K. and set up a new life there, possibly with footballer Paul? Because how can she live in Ireland knowing everyone knows, I googled the population of Ireland and it’s around 5 million and this story will continue to spread until it’s impossible for her to live there unnoticed. Not many in the U.K. know about this story but I imagine it’s only a matter of time.

The REAL Cora and Emma are very quiet. I’m actually surprised they’re not milking this story for all it’s worth, they could gain quite a following from this and end up spreading the story round the U.K. and end up on Love Island or something.

I’ve also noticed Niamh’s name is being discussed in Tattle and not anywhere else, why is that? I thought it would be all over Twitter by now, is it illegal to say her name because I’ve been tempted. In my opinion this girl is dangerous and every man in Ireland and the U.K. needs to be aware of what this girl is capable of.

Anyway, it’s given me a good laugh throughout cancer treatment so thank you for this informative thread, it’s just as good as the podcast. If not better.

Oh and last but not least, catfishing needs to be made a criminal offence!!

Oh and as for the questions about historic screenshots coming out and why do people have them still, I have screenshots from years ago as they automatically back up onto iCloud and I’m too lazy to delete them and after a few weeks I’ve forgotten about them. I imagine locals/friends etc heard about this and dig into the archives to see what they still have

For the people who think it's not Niamh, it's been proven she has done this before and it's likely why she has moved so often so I don't think there is much doubt that Nikki/Niamh is the culprit here, and the fact she has deleted all her socials at the same ime the fakes were deleted too!
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I say she either loved the attention and hearing him talk about it on stage as she’s so gone passed caring what people think and doesn’t see anything wrong with what she’s doing or else thought he’d be too embarrassed to tell anyone and stay silent like the other guys

Poor Johnny’s ex having to hear all this and poor Johnny , he was in her house and car like !! And she will probably continue to create fake accounts to interact with him
The fact that she knows where he lives is the scariest part I’d be terrified she’d show up one day! :oops:🥵
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No one is defending the person that is responsible for this, they obviously have serious issues and they need help.
This Johnny fella has used it as material for his show and he'll just move on once all the hype has died down and will probably just be more careful who he trusts online going forward.

God only knows the outcome of the person behind all this.
Well Niamh really should have thought about that, it's no ones fault but her own.

Sick of seeing this concern for her mental health. If a man was targeting women, stalking the, harassing them, soliciting intimate pictures under false pretences etc not one person would be saying "oh but think of his mental health". What she did was wrong and if a bit of anguish and shame is the only consequence she's getting off easy. Im pretty sure there's a criminal case in this if her victims were to come forward
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Success obviously went to his head, exclusive deal with Spotify selling out the arena... prob in talks with 2fm around then. Then some young shows an interest. Such a cliché
I agree with this. It’s hard to know at this point if it’s even a true or genuine story (or which bits are) but if it is he doesn’t come out looking as innocent or vulnerable as he probably thought. Like internet /blind dating is so common now and obvious red flags would be someone bailing last minute on you 3 TIMES. But his only excuse for being so dumb to keep chasing her is a pretty shitty narrative that “ she was so hot, like so unbelievably hot / like Nicole Sherzinger/ she was so good looking”.
As if that’s a genuine excuse for hanging onto someone who even if she was real was behaving absolutely bizarrely and rudely to him. But appearance trumps all apparently and it’s a shit message to portray.
Then the few comments about how “they’re the 2 johnnies so they can skip the queue in Ryan’s 🙄” Then HOW rude he said he was to “Nicky” in the club like “I don’t know you like I don’t want to talk to you” “cos we get a lot of attention in clubs”. So cos she obvs mustn’t be as much of a stunner herself compared to Nicole Scherzinger the Second he couldn’t be arsed being polite to her but at the same time is waiting like a desperate puppy for some gobshite who isn’t arsed coming to see or talk to him just cos he believes she’s “hot”.
THEN accepts bleeding breakfast from the same woman the next day while being spectacularly stood up and humiliated yet again and has the audacity to accept lift of like 1-2 hours with the woman said he wasn’t arsed talking to in a club. And this part told as if he was doing her some kind of favour cos again he’s from the 2 Johnnies and she’s a big fan. Is that not like taking advantage of her then?
I dunno - obviously she has issues herself but there were just lots of problematic parts of the story for me. And he just comes out looking like a knob really himself rather than a victim 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Do ye reckon football Paul might be gay and he was happy enough to go along with the illusion that he had a girlfriend? Please nobody come for me for this comment ye all know what I mean by it and how it’s hard for players to come out! I could be way off but I just don’t get why he would go along with this for three years!
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Listened to it last be honest I think Johnny B comes across a bit of a fool...Johnny Smacks saw through it right from the today's day and age you'd be snap chatting or video calling to see someone was real...the fact he went to the house for breakfast that morning was an error on his part I think....I would have thought he'd be more careful in the public eye to be honest....who ever is behind the whole thing is obviously just getting off on the fact they can get away with it time and time again...probably just a game to them...the impression I get from the 2 of them in general is Johnny B likes the limelight and the fame and all that brings,and Smacks hasnt let any of it phase him...I think this wont be the last story we hear of Johnny B
I agree that Johnny B may be letting his ego get ahead of him, but I’ve seen so many people saying about FaceTime or snapping etc…

I’m engaged now, but when I was single I never once FaceTimed any potential dates or even snapped them because I’d be mortified doing that 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I also would never have considered asking a tinder match or whatever to send me a snap to prove it was them 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

(I mean I also don’t look like Cora so maybe that’s why no one thought I was a catfish 🙊)
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The joys of having a limited company - the accounts are open to anyone who wants to look them up.

To those who are saying they are not worth that paycheck - that's your opinion of course, and thank God we all don't have the same opinions.

It looks like the market would disagree. They have taken that 2FM show from the doldrums to having the largest listenership of any show on 2FM.

Apart from the 2FM show, it seems to me that they are incredibly hard working. They have two podcasts a week to prepare for and record. They have recording of TV shows to do (not my cup of tea). They are off touring their podcast this summer. They have an album coming out. They have the Pints in a Field gig this year, plus no doubt another at the three arena. I think if you work as hard as that, it's difficult to say you're not worth the money.
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Oh stop with the dramatics, you'll injure yourself. Evil incarnate 🙄
Nothing said here is gospel... it's an anonymous discussion forum.

And you are incorrect, I have not said he set anything up. I dont believe Johnny B is smart enough for that. I personally think his head was turned and he was a fool for dumping his girlfriend because he got a bit of attention on insta from a young wan.

Niamh is still unstable. Kev is still in on it. What do want? Another 50 pages of us repeating the same stuff about them?
Yeah it’s all got a bit tiresome on this thread. I keep checking in to see if there’s any new goss and it’s just pages of people talking about nothing. All prattle and not enough tattle
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The one thing I will say is that this thing has worked out very well for the two lads professionally. You wouldn't wish it on anyone, but it has generated a huge buzz, right when they really needed it after the 2fm debacle.
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Hi all, new to Tattle but loving all the investigation here.

What I'm stuck on is, if Niamh was always with Kev, going to matches and family events and nights out and looking very much like a couple, why would he pretend on Instagram that he was going out with another girl who never showed up to any of these events? Like, I'm sure friends/family/teammates would ask why the hell you're with this one (Niamh) and in a relationship with someone else on Instagram??? That doesn't make sense to me at all, not if she (Niamh) was so present in his real life.
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'Are you jealous of her? That she gets attention from lads? That she's successful and has her own house?'


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To those questioning the housemates involvement, have you never been in a situation where someone you know is talking utter shite and you're internally wondering wtf is she at. But you're hardly going to confront them in front of someone especially someone like Johnny B. She's most likely one of those friends that constantly talks shite but you just ignore it.
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I'm from the same county as her. Not sure whereabouts exactly she is from. I knew her to see as I met her in Liverpool when I went over to study.

Niamh added me on Facebook and Twitter. Then the next day Britney added me and was messaging me a good bit, but I didn't really interact with her, I eventually knew the Britney account was a fake. Often Niamh & Britney would be in the same area and upload photos from the same places, on the same nights. I thought they were just mates maybe at first, but Britney was too good to be true so I sussed out then that they were the same person and pulled her up on it via social media. Never heard from her again.

I've never listened to 2 Johnnies until someone told me to listen to this. After about 5 minutes I knew who it was. This was about 9 years ago she was messaging me. Niamh has a post on her twitter from 2013 that says "Catfish never fails".

The whole thing is mad. She also has a photo of herself and Johnnie B on her real Instagram on the night smacks was meant to meet Cora. Niamh may have deleted all her socials now. Imagine trying to manage all those socials and storylines in your head!
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Absolutely not lad, how did you pick that up? The topic of conversation was about the public outing of who Nikki really is and the reasoning or morality behind it. My comment if you play with feathers prepare to get your ass tickled, is just a funny analogy about the consequences of Nikki/Niamh doing the catfish in the first place and the two lads talking about it publicly. Both parties have to accept what comes next if anything. I would hope everyone could just move on but I think there will be another chapter, if we on the outside ever hear about it who knows.
Johnny B is that you Lad 🤣
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WhatsApp circulating that Niamh is a teacher in a south Dublin secondary school, I won’t name the school but there’s a picture of her with her class. She really should not be allowed around kids!
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comment on life

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There may be no demand for a 2 Johnnies thread at all but has anyone listened to the GAA catfish story on last week's podcast?! Absolute insanity!
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GAA lads are fucking gas, any sniff of success, whether County or Junior B's, they walk around the place like they're the equivalent of Mo Salah 🤣 and the jersey pullers love massaging their egos for them
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