
VIP Member
Listening back to that audio and if it’s really Johnny's ex then she 100% is expecting it to be released. She’s giving the whole back story to the break up and giving details that surely her close friends would already know? Also saying “I’m sure ye have heard of the catfish saga”, like their chat wouldn’t be absolutely hopping the last week!! Not saying I disapprove and look maybe this is the only way she could get her side out and she was sick listening to him act the victim, but she definitely sanctioned it to be forwarded
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I listened back to Episode 1 and the real fool in this story was Johnny Smacks, announcing that he got into his car at 11am on the Sunday morning in Dublin after a serious feed of drink the night before and drove to Cahir. He’s a braver man than me to chance that. He was obviously well over the limit. He admitted later on the podcast that he was dying with a hangover. Fecking eejit.
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I’d say they have to cover their arses pronto but surely they knew this would happen. I’m just so confused and I still can’t believe it’s all real (like I know it is and all the evidence is out there)
It’s exploded unfortunately, Kevin O’Halloran has been named on Twitter as Footballer Paul. Sure #GAAcatfish is the #6 trending topic in Ireland on there 😂

ETA: I really feel strongly about the fact that the 2J have done fuck all wrong in this whole situation. Even if this were to end badly, God forbid it does, the 2J hold no responsibility for that. It’s not their doing in the slightest. This is a case of two abusers - abusers of the highest degree - being caught out. So be it like, fuck them.
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I'd personally have zero interest in reading why a sociopath would create fake profiles to mess with the heads of real people. And to create a blog they could potentially make money off after doing something so fucked up is even worse!
Same as that. Disgusting reading what the person above has written “easy to manipulate” “can get nudes off them” “revenge for not being interested in the real him”

sick sick bastard I would not be one for sending nudes but you’d get more than a slap off me if you manipulated me like that.

As for feeling no guilt… 🤢🤢🤢
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Up Tipp up riding 🏆😂
The country carry on of her is gas. She’s literally the stereotypical Irish teacher/Irish music/GAA boyfriend kind of girl. I can just imagine she lived in his half zip, made him meat & 2 veg every weekend after freezing herself blue on the sidelines, laughed when he called her ‘the ball and chain’ and had their future kids Irish names picked out. From the outside it seems like she had everything she wanted so I wonder what was missing deep down that made her start doing this
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That's now a few new accounts on this thread who's first post is to lay the responsibility at the 2 johnnies door instead of calling out niamh 🤔
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Worzel Gummidge

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Ok, can't stick this any longer. I've been following both these threads since the podcast. Very interesting reading for a little while. Until the bunny boiler infiltrated the the discussion. Full disclosure, I was the one who previously accused @NoseyNiamh of being real Niamh. I hold my hands up, couldn't have been more wrong. It was a noob mistake. She turned out to be the funniest and most articulate contributor on here. Sincerest apologies non-lunatic Niamh.

A few people have already said it (only to be shouted down by the multi-accounted mad thing), so I'm not going to back over all the obvious evidence in this thread, because you've all seen it and I also can't be fucking arsed. I'll condense it into one simple request for all the real accounts in here. Go back to yesterday's page, page 44, go to the post at 8:42pm and then watch the glorious madness kick into gear. Pay close attention to the theme and tone of the batshit texting tennis going on / the proximity of the replies / the dates these accounts were all opened. Now, think of the history of good ole Niamh. Infamous for spamming people messages in close proximity from multiple fake personas on social media. Infamous for having WhatsApp group chats with her big gang of super hot / super imaginary friends. Come on like, jaysus.

And I know I'll have these accounts quoting this with the whole "Ah here we go again, watch out guys we're all Niamh again (crying laughing emoji)." "Ah jaysus, this has to stop, just because we have a different opinion to you we are all Niamh (crying laughing emoji)." "Oh god this is getting boring. I'm surprised you didn't mention the emojis like the emoji police (crying laughing emoji)." But seriously, this mad spoon has completely destroyed the thread and swung it totally into a thread about - Johnny B being an egotistical lying bastard, who's also ugly and can't get the women the ugly little arrogant shite thinks he can get / Niamh DEFINTELY being Kevin O'Halloran's boyfriend and him being a complete bastard for not admitting it (she always wanted a GAA bf, we all know that) / Niamh should be allowed to be out and public, shouldn't hide away, followed by very specific detail of her movements and having family on a county team / There being a cruel witch-hunt against Poor little Niamh / The whole thing being totally hearsay and no evidence etc etc etc..... Also Niamh, using "Ah catch yerself on" in your rebuttals to people was amateur hour for a pro like you. That's a very Northern Ireland phrase (not Tipp where that specific account of yours claimed to be from). Niamh, you might have gotten away with it if it wasn't for us meddling kids.

I'd also like to say I don't even like the 2 Johnnies. First time I ever listened to them was those 2 episodes. Not my kinda humour at all. The whole "ah jaysus I'm from the country and I love pints and farts and women lads. I'm some craic aren't I. Did I mention I like pints and farts and women lads? Pints of Guinness of course, be jaysus, be gorra". Painful. I am also from the country by the way. Plus, what is the fucking craic with young ones obsessing over county players? It's the saddest shit ever. Just cause yer man with the constantly constipated face in Normal People wore the weird little GAA shorts, those GAA eejits wear them everywhere too and think they're absolute rides.

Anyway, that's enough from me. I look forward to a barrage of replies from all these completely unique and individual online personas who share a a completely obsessively driven collective agenda. On a serious note Niamh, you genuinely do need help and one of these days you will cross the line and get yourself into a whole lot of trouble. Get off the internet dude. Exercise, spend time with family, get a dog. You're still young, and can get yourself sorted and come out of this intact. Just stop now. Au revoir.
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She's teaching in a prominent named school in Dublin.
I’ve tried my utmost to find which school it is but to no avail, I just don’t think she should be back in a classroom next September. I’ve never heard of someone be so blatantly unstable.The things she’s done would warrant an inpatient stay imo, for her own sake. Stalking, encroachment, cyberbullying, untold levels of emotional abuse across a plethora of invented personalities. I think there’s a real danger in her being able to continue working with kids. She’s enjoyed the power of having 40 odd men be played, it has to be a power thing for her. I fear she’ll misuse her power in the classroom too.
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I'm laughing at the people saying she's going to lose her job. Its very difficult to fire someone in Ireland and near impossible in the public sector. Might effect job prospects in the near future but if she's in a permanent position this will have little impact.

I'm surprised that so many are defending or excusing. If this was a male predator committing gender based crimes there would be little to no concern about his mental health. This woman should be held accountable.

I'm sure the 2 J's considered the possibility of those involved being identified and I'm sure their teams have investigated if they could be held responsible in such a case. I can't see they've dont anything wrong to be concerned about. Johnny B had a right to tell his story
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And that voice note was clearly sent to a group of girls presumably who she would trust and is friends with. If one of my friends forwarded on my voice note so that it ended up on tattle they could go fuck themselves and it would be easy to pinpoint
That was no accidental leak - I'd bet on that. To be fair - I'd probably do the same myself if I was her 😂
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Ah lads the constant going around in circles & the same 6 accounts on at the same time answering and backing each other up! It’s hilarious really 😜
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Also someone posted in the last thread he was in a relationship with a local girl in 2020, he definitely wasn’t! They say they know this first hand which is not true at all. Nikki has been on the scene for a long time when it comes to footballer Paul. Maybe they started out as friends in 2016 but they’ve been definitely with eachother from before he went to Boston in 2019 as a couple. He had her all over his socials wishing her luck in matches etc. You would never see one without the other! He was in a relationship before her with a girl from Borrisokane and that did not end well as far as I know.
To be fair nothing ends well in Borrisokane. Isn’t there a saying about that place.
Borrisokane, a town with no name
A church without a Steeple
Bastards and whores looking over halfdoors
Criticising daycent people
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