
Niamh/Nicky looks quite young actually? Johnny must be late thirties is he? Not that there is an issue with an age gap. She's been doing this so long she must've bern a teenager when she started
Johnny B is 34/35 as far as I know.
Glad this thread is here, been dying all day to
Have someone to talk to about it. Football Paul is almost harder to understand than ‘Nikki’ herself, there’s no lad I’ve ever come across who would consider himself in a relationship with someone for three years that they have never seen. Reading between the lines from what was said on the podcast did anyone think he might have been annoyed/stand offish with the Johnnies for bringing this to light/making him see the truth. Something very odd about himself and Nikki being on friendly terms also, and his behaviour to ‘Brian’ and ‘Ger’ i think it was, the two lads over in America, getting thick with them for having the cop on to recognise a catfish sitch for what it was and asking another GAA guy to give one of them a heavy marking for being reluctantly dragged into the situation 🤯
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But the lady wasn’t at deaths door? Or he wouldn’t have cared about being paid? Am I missing something here!? Literally says he waited until the Boston team were out of the championship!
well I’m not giving details out about his mother’s illness. She was in hospital for a while and a few days before they got put out of championship, her health deteriorated even further and therefore he came home on an emergency flight. I don’t know how that’s so difficult to understand. He wanted to be there for his family and support them so he got out of Boston as soon as he could? I don’t know about anyone else here but I would be doing the same regardless of whether she was on deaths door or not. His parent became very ill and his family needed him. I don’t understand where you’re coming from to be honest 😂 he left early to be with his family and support them, that’s a pretty normal thing to do? I don’t think I’m a mad one in saying that? 😂 and if he wanted to play hurling two evenings a week for an hour, I also don’t see the issue in that to help take his head off it?
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the catfish tea

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Okay, I have thought long and hard about sharing experiences with Niamh whilst at uni. I created a tattle account to tell the bizz but as this past week has went on and this story has grew wheels and the laughs have wore off for some of us that unfortunately went to uni with Niamh. We are disgusted and concerned for the children that she is teaching. I also seen the reaction that ‘Farrells Out’ got when he shared his partners experience of being a good friend of Niamh’s. I can confirm what he states is true. I don’t think the girls are a shower of cunts for confronting someone who they had believed was a friend when their entire friendship was built on nothing but lies. Looking back and reflecting on this past week Niamh should have been expelled in her final year when her behaviours had been exposed. The university had been made aware of the catfishing and the compulsive lies that she told.

Please be mindful that I was never a close friend of Niamhs but here are some of the facts peeps from when I was a student at Magee

  1. Prior to starting Magee in 2013 a Britney McAnerney was messaging a number of the lads from the football teams. In some cases she was messaging on and off for almost a year before anyone in Magee had ever heard of Niamh Farrell.
  2. Niamh started and was studying Irish and music. She soon became well known. She found herself a good group of friends. This is when she made her first mistake Britney had introduced her into groups of friends and if her wish was to be popular or known she had achieved this. Had she been honest none of what happened in her final year would have occurred
  3. Niamh met her only real boyfriend that I am aware of. Prior to the beginning of the relationship she contacted him under her Britney profile and introduced herself through this account. Due to this nature and respecting her exs privacy let’s just say he is well shot and iHe has remained dignified and silent so I won’t reveal anything to do with their relationship but lies and catfishing broke down the first relationship she created with her fake accounts
  4. September 2015 Niamh returned to final year after her ‘fake’ holiday with her make believe friends in Santa ponsa. Tbh I don’t think she made it out of portadown that summer. She announced to her class mates she had moved on from the ex and was now going out with Conor McManus. It wasn’t long before the entire university heard about Mansy this and Mansy that. This is when the lies that’s she had spun in the 2 years previous began to unravel. For those of you that don’t know Magee it’s a small university so everyone knew everybody. After weeks of hearing about Mansy a student from Monaghan asked him about the relationship similar to Colm he had never heard of Niamh and contacted the university to address this matter
  5. Off the back of this her friends became suspicious and one by one started to turn on her. She was forced to reveal the fake accounts. It was well known at that time that she had Britney, a Lauren Murphy and a Taylor with an Irish surname fake Facebook accounts. Farrells out recollection of events was correct and she was forced to show what she had been doing. I know it sounds hard to believe and they may seem crazy but if I was in that close friendship group Niamh is lucky she didn’t end up at the bottom of the Foyle. To make it clear week in and week out for over 2 years Niamh spoke to her uni friends about Britney, Lauren and Taylor. I can only describe this as having make believe friends who she made Facebook profiles for
  6. At one point in final year her class refused to be taught with Niamh, her class was spoken to about the dangers of the internet,Niamh accused a number of people for bullying and harassment when they called her out on her lies by April/May of final year she was totally isolated and only had one friend who was studying nursing. At the time it was rumoured that this student was aware and at times helped Niamh with these accounts. To be clear this was rumoured but the person in question has also removed themselves from social media this week
  7. We graduated in 2016 and we all went our separate ways at this time Niamh was going to Liverpool to do a PGCE. I know from having her on Facebook that this did happen and she remained friends with the one person who stood by her throughout everything at uni

I can honestly say Niamh Farrell is not someone I have thought about in almost 6 years until part 1 of the gaa catfish. Tbh those i have spoke to from uni are disgusted. We can’t believe at the scale that this has escalated to. From looking at her socials you would think her and football Paul are in a relationship. We joked after part 1 wasn’t it mad that the jersey grabber actually got a county player after the drama she had caused in uni little did we know what was going to come out this week.

Do I think she should be teaching children? No but that’s just my opinion

I haven’t much more to share in terms of her actions that have followed from 2016 but from what we have heard and the stories i have been told the game is up she needs to admit to her actions
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Doubt it, Farrell is spelt with double L so she wouldn’t spell her own name wrong. Also the likelihood is she was obsessed with getting attention from GAA players, but couldn’t get it as herself so created all these fake personas. And then went for others like Johnny as well. What the psychologist said in episode 2 sounded most likely. She was hell bent on everyone thinking she was dating various GAA players. That’s what she wanted out of it
Riiiiigggghhhttt. Because she would never deliberately misspell her own name to add a layer of plausible deniability.

For sure she walks among us with multiple accounts.
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Chatty Member
No worries, It’s only from page 48 on that counts 😀

Ok, can someone please make a wiki. I’ve just finished reading the last thread and can’t see another who is Niamh/Nikki comment 😆😆
As a late contender to the podcast, a parent of the poor subordinates of Nikki, and one generation older I fear I'll make too many mistakes so I'll leave this to the experts. I tried to explain the story at a family event today and I swear I saw the white coats in the distance
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I’m not sure which one it is, but one of the Johnnys saying basically he thought “go away I’m not interested in ya and I don’t want to talk to ya” when he met Niamh in Ryans really stuck in my head. Like this is before he knew she was a catfish weirdo freak. Why did he think he was too good to speak to someone who was interested in a chat and who was a friend of someone he (or his friend) was interested in? The pair of them would want to come back down to planet earth and get their heads out of their holes. Like ya the girl ended up being a wrong un but him saying that has stayed with me. Do they think they’re too important to be approached by someone who doesn’t meet their standards?!? Because let me tell ya now they’re nothing special and would want to cop on to feck. The notions of them
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I’ve been bate into this thread since I found it.
I’ve listened to the 2 johnnies pod since number 1.
I’ve watched them since their first sketch, been to every show - and again tonight.
For anyone with comments like ‘Johnny B should have known…’ or ‘the lads looking for podcast attention….’ - Johnny B has had a few long term relationships since the 2 Johnnies have been a thing. All came from insta DMs. That was his norm, to get to know someone that way.
The lads kept me going through lockdown, that second pod was the best part of the end of the week & we all know they were devastated to be considered mysogonists (spelling?!) re that car stickers thing.
If this was the other way around we would not be saying a woman should have recognised the red flags, a woman should have known a +44 number was off… etc etc etc. the fact is anything to point blame to anyone except Niamh/Nikki etc and quite obviously football Paul is nothing but victim blaming & I really wish we wouldn’t do that.
Any of my OG tattlers here will know this isn’t Johnny B 🤣 or Maura before I get blamed but we need to stop finding reasons to decrease the hurt caused by assuming people should pick up on red flags!
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Chatty Member
What do ye all think Niamh’s next move will be here? Her go to behaviour is now disabled (catfishing guys), for a while at least. If she came across this forum do you reckon she would defend Nicky? Or would her obsession for Johnny make her defend him and act as part of the group talking about how shocking it all is?
I dont think she's obsessed with Johnny or any of her targets. She likes being associated with the celebrity status. I wouldnt be surprised if she's already registered on here.
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Chatty Member
I feel strongly about a witch hunt. Some of the things that have been posted on here have fostered that (not all, but some) and I don’t think that’s the way to go. If it ended in a tragedy there’d be some outrage. For the rest, it’s embellished at her and footballer Paul’s expense. We don’t know that she “stalked” someone, we don’t know if she “followed someone around Liverpool”, just like we don’t know if she’s been at matches and whatever else. But yet, the 2Js said someone told them that she done this so automatically it’s gospel. So, I feel the inaccuracies play a huge part in how she’s also portrayed and footballer Paul. Not that I think either of them are innocent because I don’t, but some things, i do believe do not add up. The whole thing is based on hearsay from other people bar JB’s own experience which also has inaccuracies.
To be fucking fair you're the only one dragging the convo about Niamh on. It's just pages & pages of your long rambling posts. You can't control the narrative here so give it a rest and move on
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Sorry not really relevant but Cora's "work phone" with the UK number, like who in the world would use their work phone to pursue social interests? Like I just find that such an odd answer to having a UK number living in the south. And then the no whatsapp pic like eek. I do think Johnny was sucked into all this I don't believe it was like for a story or anything but there's a few red flags at the start, maybe he never watched any crime docs or never seen an episode of Catfish 😂
Or maybe , just maybe, he saw a beautiful woman and she sent him a few risqué photos and he had a horn the size of Ethiopia on him.
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Was just sent this in a group chat with this caption:

"Don't know if ye have heard this but its Johnny Bs ex from the catfish"

If that is true it is fucking shocking! The way he goes on about being vulnerable you would think she finished with him or did something serious on him.
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