
Chatty Member
Ah yeah, I'd say Johnny Bravo really struggles with the ladies 😂😂
Am I the only one who thought he was really punching with fake Cora anyways? 😂 when I first saw the picture of her my immediate thought was, Oh Johnny, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is 😂
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Lads if ye don’t think it should be spoken about DON’T! Don’t log in here, don’t read updates on social media and don’t follow them…

Imagine logging onto a website, to search a thread to tell people not to talk about something. 🙃🙃

(it’s also against the rules to moderate threads)
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That's why i sort of questioned the the person who knows her and was part of the 'intervention' details are defo being left out I feel
I also found it a bit weird how often this person that knows her ask for the 2 Johnnies to get in touch for more info on a story that doesn't add up

Football Paul 100% screenshot and sent out those insta messages to try and prove his "innocence"
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Worth mentioning that he was also just out of a breakup, which had him in a vulnerable spot. He said himself, breakups are never easy and this “Cora” was the first girl he had approached since becoming single. Definitely got the impression that it might have been a bad aul breakup, which could have had his head in a mess.

He’s a good person, they both are. I don’t think he’s got an ego tbh, he’s self-deprecating and totally rejected the sympathy/attention he was receiving off the back of this. Surely if he’d an ego, he’d be lapping it up. They’re harmless fellas really.
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Sure he was punching with Aoife. Absolute dope. Id say Goujon would have left with Aoife given the chance. This is a lad who cannot cook. He boils rice & carrots & throws curry over them. He won't put the heat on. Wears socks in bed and is about 5 foot 8 ish
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She had ample opportunity after the live show & part one of the pod to apologise to the lads and own up but no, she created more fake accounts to shift the blame away from herself and on to innocent parties. She’s brought this on herself and the more people that know what she’s done the better! she’s not for stopping and you can guarantee she’s already creating more profiles. She needs help that’s for sure but so do the people she’s hurt.
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lockdown sux

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I think we need a tattle night out after the next update! Let’s all meet in Ryan’s ! Everyone has to dress as one of the catfish/gaa lads/ 2 jonnies/ the fry up !! Whose with me here?!! 😍🙌🙌
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Was just sent this in a group chat with this caption:

"Don't know if ye have heard this but its Johnny Bs ex from the catfish"

I’ve read every word of both threads and literally just registered to comment because this VM changes a lot of my initial thoughts on the whole saga.

First off, without going into boring detail, some of my job involves in-depth research on shady stuff. I also occasionally speak with journos and one that I’m close to says it very well; if you think you’ve found a story, keep digging, and if you think you’ve gotten to the end, dig again.

With that insight into how I think about these kind of things in mind, allow me to give you my theory on one little part of the puzzle.

The VM from the ex starts out talking about how JB dropped her out of nowhere and with very little explanation. It’s also noted that he’s recently been on a three-day bender and didn’t come home. That sounds to me that he’s out with the same group, most likely a bunch of lads, and it’s not inconceivable to me that some of those lads are GAA players.

My current theory is that someone, or multiple folks on that bender brought up the catfish that had been doing the rounds and JB spotted an opportunity for a good story. Now I’m conscious that he’s not an investigative journalist but I imagine he’s smart enough to see that this could turn into an incredible story if he plays it right. Remember, he didn’t follow some random person he met on a night out “for work”, as he told his then GF. He followed someone that we now know doesn’t exist so he couldn’t have met her in real life.

So now some other things start to make sense. He finds out about the catfish that’s doing the rounds in the GAA community, he has to finish with his GF because otherwise he’s the cheating a$$hole and not the broken-hearted newly single guy that was duped, he gives it enough time before he initiates contact and then we know how it goes from there.

Some other little points that seem a bit clearer for me:

1. the lack of regard for his own safety going to that house; he knew Nikki would be the one opening the door so nothing to worry about.

2. the other Johnny protesting that he knew all along, getting fed up about being in Ryan’s with no sign of this mythical woman showing yet dropping his friend at the house without a backwards glance. I know some a$$holes, men and women, and even they wouldn’t leave until their pal was in the door. What if no one was there (given the history)? How was his pal going to make it home? I don’t know a single person that wouldn’t wait the 10 seconds to make sure someone opened the door before driving off.

3. So many things didn’t add up for me, and still don’t, but I felt that the podcasts were too scripted to really be this poor dope who got tricked by a beautiful woman. Sure, it happens. But that VM has pretty much convinced me that JB got wind of a good story and decided to chase it.
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It’s the guy who was texting / calling her for 3 years, called it a “relationship” & used photoshopped photos of them on his profile that takes me to the fair.
Like does ANYONE on here believe they could daily text & call someone for 3yrs but never meet them? Or even FaceTime them? AND call it a relationship.
now that is insane behaviour in my book!

I also think this all makes these guys look like such saps! The lure of a hot looking woman! Jesus Christ. Surely the hottest woman on earth could be an absolute dose of shite in real life!
no doubt about it that he is a sap, no buts or trying to justify his part in it, he has to hold up his hand and own what he done. I’d say he got catfished himself in the beginning, he got sent a few pics by what he thought was this absolute lasher, he starts showing all the lads this lashers pic, telling them how she’s so hot and really into him, after a few weeks, all the lads are asking how he’s getting on with that lasher he showed them so he proceeds to lie through his teeth and tell them that she can’t get enough of him, they’re riding like rabbits and she’s an animal in bed. Now a few weeks later he finds out he’s catfished, but what can he do? Tell the lads that she’s fake and expose himself for saying all that bs, he can’t risk Nikki coming out with the truth either because that will expose him to all the lads that he now thinks look up to him because he’s going with a lasher so he’s now invested in keeping Nikki quiet by being friendly to save face, and the absolute stupidity of all things gets mixed up in the whole scenario probably because it made him feel better about his own stupidity watching others get caught out as well.
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Chatty Member
thanks for the insight! I’m glad you’ve moved on. I’m always interested in these stories, we never hear from the cat fishers, just the catfished.You should write an anonymous blog about what goes on behind the catfishing and some of the stories, I’m sure a ton of people would be interested in reading that
I'd personally have zero interest in reading why a sociopath would create fake profiles to mess with the heads of real people. And to create a blog they could potentially make money off after doing something so fucked up is even worse!
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Niamh has been let go from her teaching job in Dublin, she posted photos from a school event on one of the fake accounts. And multiple parent complaints obviously! If my 10 year old had her as a teacher I would not be happy.

At the beginning I thought doxxing her wasn't right and her real name shouldn't be shared but honestly she has been caught doing this MULTIPLE times since she was a teen and still continued, so maybe this is whhats needed to stop her. Think of the trust issues all these men will now have! And the time/potential relationships missed out on.
My children attend the school that she allegedly teaches in. There's no definitive proof it's her. All we know is they have a music teacher from the North and her name is Niamh Farrell. My children have all had her at some stage, none of them liked her but that doesn't mean it's her. Apparently she's been teaching there for several years so she may well be a permanent member of staff. If this is the case and she is the catfisher then there's no way way she has been fired. The kids are all saying she hasn't been seen since Wednesday & didn't attend the 6th Year Graduation. Lots are saying she was put on leave but these stories are coming from 13 to 17 year old boys so perspective is needed!! Im not sure if you mean parents complained when she posted pictures as I'm not aware of that but to the best of my knowledge there haven't been complaints about this scenario because from what i can work out several parents haven't even heard of this story. What I do know is that none of the boys will entertain the theory that it may not be her!!
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I’m tending to agree with @CatVonMe post on last thread.
Would football Paul be covering up that maybe he’s not into women*
hence went along with having a fake HOT girlfriend for so long and had a bunny boiler Niamh as a bestie like many gay men have a female bestie they get up to all types of drama with?

** I am not from the Stone Age and nor do I think anyone should hide being gay. But being good looking and in county GAA I still believe that there is a certain stigma or a resistance to come out and it might be 2022 but I firmly believe it’s not all rainbows and LGBTQI in every GAA space even though it should be…
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But she plays GAA herself, Kevin is apparently not stopping training and going about his own business, why isn’t she allowed too as well? I didn’t say they did say that, I’m just pointing out like is she not allowed to leave to do anything now without people saying spotted 😂
For the same reason sex offenders can’t go near primary schools 😂 jokes aside, it’s almost impressive to me that she would go. If I were her I’d have to move country, and the last place you’d find me would be at a match.
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Right, I think we can all agree, Niamh is clearly watching and replying to this thread. We all have our suspicions, and after going through the threads again for a 10th time. Niamh is without a doubt trying to take hold of the narrative going on with these threads using multiple different accounts, talking to each other, but ultimately, trying to say the same/similar thing. I am glad some of the tattle detectives were able to pick up on a few. What made it obvious for me was the fact that, If anyone casted any doubt or even had some new/interesting information on anything to do with Niamh or this debacle, it is quickly questioned, struck down or laughed at by a number of accounts we are all getting familiar with and that seemed to be the same accounts liking each others posts. She is definitely very capable of doing this and might even be considered "light work" for her considering the pure scale she has been doing this at previously.
As for the talking to herself on the threads, she is 100% doing this and trying her best to make it seem like individual people. Some people here can see through it, don't know how but they can. I believe it too, because through some digging, I was able to find out that Niamh had a group chat in Uni with herself, Britney McAnerney & Lauren Murphy, all talking to each other, which she would show to her friends in Uni to prove they were real people.
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Just listened to Part II again and at 49:36, Smacks asks “Is he really blind to this?”, referring to ‘Footballer Paul’. And IMMEDIATELY, Maura says “Possibly, that’s what he says and we have to accept it, you know”. They 100% know.
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