Pom Bear

VIP Member
I can't breathe 😂😂 thank you for this
You're welcome 😀❤💕🤗🥰😘 xxx
I've been a lurker on here for a while but the funny posts make me laugh so much I thought I join in 😊💖 xx

As a last resort at saving the spa, the family told Piers Morgan in a second tearful interview to please save our spa as Captain Tom's ghost enjoys it so much and we wouldn't want to take that away from him 😄 x


And then the voice will say 'that will be ten pounds... Captain Sir Tom wanted me to charge ten pounds and keep the money.' Obviously...
Loooool 😄😄😄😄🥰💖🤗😘 xxx
I've had a fucking shite day and this had made me laugh so hard I've almost wet myself. Thank you.

Now please patent this before Hannah and Colin start trying to flog them through one of their many many companies .
Glad to make you laugh after a bad day, Love from Pom 😊❤😀🤗😘 xxx

Back later to catch up 😀💖 x
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Whiffy McBiffy

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'Kids, your Grandad was a great man. A GREAT man. There's only one way for us to honour his memory... Let's build a fuck off spa pool!'
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My grandad told me today that someone had bought him Tom’s book for Christmas… but that he can’t stand the man and will be taking it to the charity shop :ROFLMAO:
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He really did look disheveled and uncomfortable.
I’m sure he would have been happier and more comfortable living out his life in the comfort of his own home, it was a sin and a shame how he was taken on that holiday at the height of covid, I’d never allow that to happen to my elderly parents.
if it was any other time then i could see taking an elderly relative for what could be their final holiday but during a pandemic was just a death sentence !
from her posts on twitter it was hardly a relaxing break for him..he was paraded here there and everywhere like show pony !
Him catching covid was totally avoidable and what really pee'd me off was they refused to see they'd done anything wrong and the family were allowed to see him in hospital and say goodbye when others like my mums friend weren't allowed to accompany their husband in the ambulance when taken ill and he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital 💔
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Day 674 of public mourning I see 🙄

I keep thinking of Dame Barbara Windsor, now that news when she died really upset me.
What did her loyal loving husband do though, he asked for privacy and took himself away.
That man worked his socks off raising awareness and money for altzimers, so did Babs while she could. He handled her passing in a dignified way, but then he's always did handle himself that way I think.
The media celebrated her life for that day, and that was it.
Why the bloody hell are they still banging on about this, it's getting beyond a joke now
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Weird how Captain Tom wanted his family to take the book money when he wrote himself it was a great way to raise more money for his foundation and the accompanying press for the book launches said as much.
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My Nan who is 81, dare not even go around the corner it’s no more than a 2 minute walk to the butchers because she’s so frightened. She’s worried about COVID, worried about being dobbed in for going out, worried in general about the public and the idea of her going out.

between me and mum she has a Tesco order, milk and more & a local company drop a fruit and veg box. Tesco round here are struggling. If she goes without it is on our head be it! Quite simply!

she will not ask for help, she’s far too independent but deep down, she’s struggling and we know it hence why we try to help her out as much as possible.

compare that to a man, who 12 months ago was just the same as you and me. But within months of recognition for helping the NHS (fair enough) hun and his family somewhat get away with bending the rules.

Bending the rules? Yes, quite simply not staying home. Not staying in the same country or district, oh no, no. Going to a foreign country, risking his health, but overall giving us all the big two fingers.

If I was to consider booking a train from where I live to somewhere else, within a 30 mile radius I would be classed as SELFISH & it would be called UNNECESSARY

do you know what?


Because it’s bloody disgusting.
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I find the 'tomorrow will be a good day' really offensive given that we were only recently losing 1,500 a day. Who exactly was having a good day?? Yes, 1173 preventable deaths today so good!!!!
I have such a problem with this too, the optimism and certainty of it all. It's the current favourite of the inspirational quote brigade on FB. I've taken the liberty to make it a bit more realistic.

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He's 100 ffs. He's going to die anyway. Everyone does. So what if he went on a bucket list trip? I'd have killed to take someone close to me on a bucket trip.

He wasn't raising money for the NHS. He was raising money for NHS charities. Entirely different things.
sorry to disagree but in a pandemic there’s no room for bucket trips. I live overseas and haven’t been able to see my family in over a year. If he so desperately wanted to go to Barbados that much He would have gone before now considering he’s a 100. The long and short of the story is they got it for free so went. I have the utmost respect for Sir Tom but his family were absolutely irresponsible dragging him on two long haul flights, endangering others even if they didn’t care about themselves. They are covid idiots
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Iconic Member
Be honest. Would you turn down a free holiday to the West Indies if it was offered to you?
yes, if I’d made my family “brand” protecting/funding/supporting the NHS I wouldn’t be thick enough to damage that for a freebie
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BBC news is the same, you’d think a member of the royal family had died. They were talking about how remarkable his life was, I’m not denying he did great things - but less than a year ago he was unknown!
They’re all crying now watching his song with Michael Ball. I mean... is there not any other news? I’m not heartless, but come on!
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