
VIP Member
Thank God forCaptain Tom snd his family for giving us something else to whinge about! The Great British public love a good whine, especially it is involves someone being put on a perch as we especially love knocking people off them. Good luck to Tom and his family. He helped to raise the moral of the country last summer and I am sure brought a smile to the faces of many. If he gets a free trip ( the plane was going there anyway and probably had plenty of spare capacity) and his family around him at the end, why should we be so churlish as to knock it? Does it affect us and our everyday lives? Not in the least unless you get off on being mean spirited and uncharitable. I hope the dear old boy recovers, but if he doesn’t, his spirit will live on in many who took him to their hearts. He became the nation’s favourite Grandad, why is that such a bad thing? Shall we now start slagging off Dame Vera Lynn for being the nation’s sweetheart?
Bless him, even if he has been exploited he has raised a ton of money for the rest of us to benefit from and has had an end of life experience at 100 that only the coldest hearted people could begrudge him. Sorry if this offends some of you.
Sorry, but I won’t be benefiting from any money he has raised. I don’t work for the NHS. The money he raised will be going to charities to rightly help our hard working NHS staff. I am an embalmer. So I have given people back their loved ones 1,000’s of times. Does that make me anymore special than the man next door? No! This hero worship is ridiculous. Yes he did a good thing. Does that give him a free pass for everything? NOPE
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This Morning caused me some further rage after the discussion about his family being present with that Giles saying he's "One in a million" and a "special guy" so should get the special treatment
Why is my relative less special? My relative is one in a million to me and my family as I suspect is the same for everyone else in that same goddam hospital!

Sorry but that really upset me!!
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You would think the family would just want to go home, and get some sleep and perhaps ring round extended family today. Not talking to the media before he was cold.
I bet anything the daughter ends up on Loose Women, in the big brother house, baking programmes etc.
She’s going to be like that girl that slept with Paul Hollywood isn’t she.

If people having opinions make them trolls then is piers Morgan not the leader of all trolls? Doesn’t apply to him and Schofield though
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Think I’m going to have to have a Facebook cull. All the sycophants are out, acting shocked that a 100 year old man has passed away, in the middle of a pandemic after travelling half way around the world. Shocker.
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Yes there was nothing special about him or his 'achievements'. He served in the war, so did millions of others. He just happens to have lived to 100 and hence been one of the 'last survivors' (I'm guessing there's not more than a few hundred left). As said earlier in this thread, age doesn't turn you into a cute and cuddly teddy bear.

He was deified/eulogised beyond belief

The family is making it sound like he was bloody Winston Churchill or the Queen (not that I'm a massive fan of either), the 250000 birthday cards etc have no real historical value
I think the birthday card thing illustrates their delusions of grandeur.

They are convinced he is an important historical figure and he isn’t. He did a nice thing during a horrible time and for that he should be commended but ffs that’s enough now. The gin, books and armchair 🥴 are beyond tacky and the cards mean little to the wider public. They’re a personal thing so if they want to keep them then they bloody well should pay to store them. Her tone when she mentioned they were paying “out of their own money” seemed to imply she thought it should be funded.
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Phoenix Lazarus

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When he dies, I wonder if his daughter will set up some charity in his memory? If so, I wonder who'll end up as one of the chief executives, with pay to match....?
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The reaction of the general public makes me feel like I’m a heartless, emotionless alien!! Tv this morning has been nauseating. I’m not sure why all these random celebs are crying saying the whole nation loved him.

It’s great he raised so much money, but as other people have pointed out, it’s the public who donated that money. It reminds me of my boyfriend’s sister who always does those Facebook fundraisers, pressures people to donate and then takes credit for the amount raised!
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Iconic Member
pretty sure there’s a 44 year old woman out there with 3 kids and terminal cancer who has “life saving treatment” on her bucket list
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I want to be a size 12 but I’m a size 16 eating Nutella out the jar as I had a shit night shift so no captain Tom
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"the appellant’s view is that the building provides an opportunity for Captain Tom’s family to take his legacy forward and that they have a responsibility to continue the conversation about elderly people and loneliness."

Did Tom even say anything about loneliness when he was around? Talk about tacking on populalist stuff. I'm sure there's already a minister for older people as she wasted time saying tattle should be shut down :rolleyes: . I'm sure there's a load of charities that do that stuff too, ignoring that the issues affect people of all ages.
Tom wasn’t lonely. He had regular visits from his family when he was in hospital. A privilege that was denied to the rest of us mere mortals. He didn’t die alone like the vast majority of our loved ones. 😡

As for Hannah…

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The hospital where he died....I was there earlier. The wards have like things on the wall with a "Captain Tom walking length route".

Nearly ripped it off because he was in there with all his grifty manky fam around him when no other bugger was allowed visitors and died alone 🙃
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Chatty Member
As has been said, couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch. Crass, tacky grifters who think rules (including those of common decency) don’t apply to them. The type that will do anything for a bit of money. The worst of the UK, this type. Our systems, politics, journalism, business etc is riddled with people of this character.
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Got to admit, I'm a bit bored with this now. Yes he raised a lot of money for NHS (but let's be honest, he shouldn't have needed to) and yes he served in the army, but the whole state funeral idea seems odd. There are nurses, doctors and surgeons who have died on the front line since this virus began. We have barely even acknowledged those apart from a clap. I don't know, I just think we have our priorities a bit skewed.
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Oh woe is me!!! Get a proper fucking job, you are only upset cause you got caught, oh and taking your father on holiday during covid helped to put him in the grave, this lazy leecher and her family pimped out that poor man in what should have been his twilight years!
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Chatty Member
There are so many unsung heroes of the pandemic who really worked to try and make a difference in their communities, without craving recognition for their efforts. Captain Tom raised, a not insignificant sum, for NHS charities, by walking around the garden! Hannah has craved attention and financial gain ever since... Greedy Grifter and fraudster that she is! So many did so much to help and want nothing in return. Hannah however is so over intitled with her 'its what he would have wanted' he would have wanted us to have the money from the book (even though the forward contradicts), he would have wanted me to to earn top dollar from working for the foundation, he would have wanted us to build an ugly building in the garden to house a spar pool that we say is for the community - but we won't let the cross the threshold to enter (captain tom would have wanted it, even though an elderly nieghbour cries at the loss of her view).

They were apparently in and out of the hospital when he was dying of COVID and had a huge funeral, as he would have wanted! My husband's granny who was 103 died of a stroke, we hadn't been able to visit at all due to restrictions, we were not able to attend her funeral due to restrictions, I had to take my lunch break at 10am to watch her funeral on livestream! So many people couldn't see their dying family members before they passed - COVID or not, let alone attend funerals. People could mostly not travel abroad when they made the 'bucket list' trip to Barbados!

She may get to keep her ugly spa, but hopefully she will rot in hell!
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