As terrible as HIM is, it was the gullible masses who absolutely lapped it all up.

The way people acted during covid was sheep-mentality at its finest and she capitalized on that. Yes maybe she is a grifter and bad person but instead of wasting time being angry with her, maybe the masses need to rethink how easily led along they all are.

Getting suspect vaccines, banging pots at night like a moron, cheering an old man who walked round a garden, getting angry when neighbour's had a friend over.

Everyone acted so fucking stupidly I think most people should be ashamed of how they acted themselves. They are probably just projecting their anger at Hannah too because she made a complete fool out of a country of fools.

Nope. I followed the rules to keep myself and my loved ones safe. I had the vaccine (no side effects for me and so far have not contracted Covid) but I didn't clap for the NHS as it's virtual signalling par excellence and at the time I thought it was bullshit and still do. I was never taken in by Captain Tom and all the ensuing nonsense. Hannah is to blame, her and her family. Greedy, shameless grifters. My behaviour has got fuck all to do with them.
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It's all a bit much now.

Yes, he did a fantastic thing, yes he had a great life, yes he shouldn't have gone out to covid. But he was dying anyway due to underlying chronic health problems. Of course it's sad he died but it was imminent. His death is sad, no doubt.

But it's getting sycophantic now. The amount saying they are devastated and have to have a day off work and that we should have a day of mourning and whole programmes being dedicated to it. It feels like we're supposed to be mourning as a nation. If he was this supposedly humble man, he'd be quite embarrassed by the whole thing. And the daughter phoning Piers Morgan before she probably told family. Jesus.

I can understand being really upset by a public figure dying if you've been a lifelong fan and they had a big influence on your life, but this is a bit silly.
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It was totally unfair and totally wrong. I remember a poster here saying they got to witness it firsthand.

I also know people who are beyond heartbroken at the fact that they lost a parent or relative during that awful time and didn't get to be with them to hold their hands, or to say a last goodbye.

Yet they could do as they pleased. Is that due to their arrogance and sense of entitlement, I don't know.
Which came first the chicken or the egg? 😡
Heartbroken doesn’t really touch it. I will carry the guilt for the rest of my life that I couldn’t be with my Dad when he needed me the most. In my head, I know the guilt is not warranted because it was beyond my control but it’s there all the same, the heaviness I carry in my heart. (just typing that and tears are pouring down my cheeks). I spoke to a stranger last week who lost his mum the same way. He feels the same as me. We let them down. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
Then a few weeks later Hannah and her gang swan off to the hospital and spend days at her father’s bedside and then shared his last words with the world. Awful woman.
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Chatty Member
It's uncomfortable they're saying his life was worth so much because he raised so much. Why do people need to attach a monetary value to everything?

Countless people have done similar fundraising things but they didn't attract huge media attention.

People keep saying he did it on his own which doesn't quite stack up as the money was from members of the public who were spurred on by the media.
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Wind Fish

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Can someone explain how he was selfless? He walked up and down his garden to gain attention to get people to donate. I don't see how that was selfless?
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The BBC got hold of Tom's shuffle round his sprawling abode & just went crazy with it. An upper middle class family, with a WWII Veteran - it was gold dust.
There was another man, a Sikh man, I think, who did something similar, but he never had a Hannah... I bet he's glad, he might have been 6 feet under otherwise.
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Sorry if it's already been mentioned, but Ive just seen that Carol Vordaman is calling for a national 'Sir Tom Moore' day... FFS!

I can't get this off my chest on Facebook etc, for fear of a backlash from the enormous band wagon that the world seems to have jumped on. Profile pic borders with him on, endless posts about him being a superhero. Enough already! It'll be tattoos of him next 🤦‍♀️

The man had an excellent innings and yes, did something nice for charity. But he also had a fab last year of his life - which is more than can be said for a lot of other (much younger) people.

I can't stand this fake, worthy bullshit from the likes of Piers Morgan and This Morning - any fool can see they just exploit these stories to gain popularity.

I honestly can't stand much more of it. How long did people expect him to live for anyway? He wasn't a fucking vampire!
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Chatty Member
It's just so predictable. Anyone that raised valid questions around it was called a vile troll by Holly & Phil and Morgan.

People that tick the right boxes seem to be given a free pass to escape scrutiny, for a while at least!
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In the summer Captain Tom Moore done an amazing deed for charity and was quiet rightly honoured for it. However he now seems to have his face on everything. The latest example being today’s news that he is the face of a new gin distilled by a family friend.

I can’t help but feel he is being exploited in some way. The daughter has always given me bad vibes, like she is lapping up the attention.

I also find it strange that they employed libel lawyers “Schillings” when he came to prominence. Why do that with nothing to hide?

I may be way off, but the more we hear about all this, the more something doesn’t seem quiet totally for charity.

Is anyone else of this feeling?
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So the same man (and family!) who were preaching about helping the NHS and saving lives are contributing to the pandemic and the almost full hospitals by going on an international holiday? Now he's back and getting treated for covid, shock horror. They said he had pneumonia several weeks before he was diagnosed aka straight after they returned from their jollies. Hope the "once in a lifetime" holiday was worth it.

Its the hypocrisy for me, honestly. It really pisses me off.
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VIP Member
Bloody finally!

A spa complex owned by the family of veteran fundraiser Capt Sir Tom Moore will be demolished after they chose not to pursue a High Court appeal.
The unauthorised building in the grounds of his daughter Hannah Ingram-Moore's Bedfordshire home was ordered to be torn down by the local council.
The family had six weeks to apply for a judicial review but the Planning Inspectorate confirmed that no such application had been received.
The BBC has approached Ms Ingram-Moore.
They must now comply with the existing demolition order, meaning the spa must come down by 7 February.
Capt Sir Tom raised more than £38m for NHS Charities Together at the start of the first Covid-19 lockdown in 2020 by walking 100 laps of his garden in Marston Moretaine, Bedfordshire
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Just put GMB on you would think the Queen has died with the tributes that are going on. It’s a bit too much.

His daughter has been talking to Piers Morgan/Michael Ball etc before they put the statement out? WTF!

This is really unsettling. All the pictures they are showing with his daughter and grandkids loving the attention. I did watch one of his interviews a bit back with his daughter sat next to him and he could barely speak properly, he was so frail compared to the beginning. He should have been left to rest and not be wheeled out for publicity for the daughter all the time 😡
BBC news is the same, you’d think a member of the royal family had died. They were talking about how remarkable his life was, I’m not denying he did great things - but less than a year ago he was unknown!
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Active member
I know this has been said numerous times but if they were working class the police & fraud squad would have been involved 100% wouldnt they
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Chatty Member
If my dad/relative was a living ww2 veteran I'd have been seriously fucking annoyed seeing Tom Moore getting a knighthood while other vets did not. For walking around his garden and raising funds for which the govt should be funding anyway with our taxes? Yes I realise it was 'NHS charities' not directly the NHS itself but still shouldn't the NHS be providing these services? What the fuck is my tax money being spent on? I pay for the NHS already, not paying twice through charity. It needs to be reformed and govt has a responsibility here. Leaving it to 'charity' is convenient for avoiding responsibility

I also wonder had he not been a veteran, would the story have got quite as much mileage and would the knighthood have been given?
I remember a Sikh man of a similar age doing a similar challenge at around the same time. Hardly any mention was made of him anywhere, and funnily enough I couldn't even tell you his name. The whole thing stunk. Our society seems to love a war veteran.
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This morning on BBC Radio Manchester a member of the public called in and gave them the smack down on why he should never have gone, it was great. He said the taxi driver should have refused the job to the airport 😆
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Iconic Member
Judging people that judge other people that go on a beach holiday 😆 what age do you have to achieve where you can just do whatever you like regardless of the consequences 🤪

View attachment 413231
god love Denise, I do enjoy the press preview when she’s on, bated silence and audible gasps of fear when she goes to present a work of fiction grown and nurtured in her tiny mind as fact will never NOT be funny 😂

the replies are great though.

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