
VIP Member
I think it’s very interesting how the British media create ‘heroes‘ Does anyone remember that policeman who was blinded by Raul Moat and then became a ‘hero’ for it? Well I always got off vibes from him stemming from an interview he did where he blamed Moat’s former girlfriend for the rampage. Victim blaming at its finest I felt. But I was roundly attacked for that view so kept it to myself. Then he left his wife for another woman, his wife divorced him and took him to the cleaners and shortly after he committed suicide. His family blamed the wife, and then the internet followed suit calling her all sorts. It was awful and I made a comment saying so on DigitalSpy which caused uproar. She’d stood by him, he’d left her for someone else, but it was her fault because the media had created this hero and we were also supposed to think he was wonderful and perfect. Indeed I believe it later transpired he’d been abusing his wife and that he’d had numerous affair before he was blinded.

Anyway, I’m going off OT, apologies for that. But this feels very similar to me. The Scum and their ilk have decided he’s wondeful and we have to agree,
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Kikini Bamalam

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She will just try to style it out by posting photos of her and her bland family on their summer holiday, shoehorning a mention of the old fella in and asking everyone where they are going on their summer holidays, signing it Hx 😂
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Whiffy McBiffy

Active member
Wow this story has almost everything wrong with britain in one family. Well-off tories with a massive house who still think they somehow deserve a bit more for doing feck-all, but would probably consider people on benefits scroungers. Middle aged people who think because they’re related to someone who was involved in WW2 80 years ago they somehow fought in the war themselves and deserve honour and special treatment. Putting service workers lives at risk in a poor nation like Barbados cos you’re special and deserve a lovely holiday when the rest of the country is trying to stay home and safe. And the banal inspiring quotes, I’m so sick of reading ‘tomorrow will be a good day’, could anything be more bland? I bet he said it once or twice, just cos someone’s 100 doesn’t mean they’re full of wisdom or even a decent person. If we could get rid of all people like Hannah this country would be a better place. Glad I found these threads, considering there was a time someone was literally threatened with prison for a nasty tweet about CT. I know lockdown drove us all mad but glad there’s some perspective out there now
I get the feeling that if COVID had happened in the pre broadband era, Tom Moore would have been the human equivalent of the water skiing squirrel from Anchorman. Bit of local radio coverage, perhaps a small item on national news, over and done with. We're now such a nation of drama queens with such a limited sense of proportion about anything, that we treat him like fucking Eva Peron
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under the ivy

VIP Member
So sad, 100 is a great age. Rest in peace.

eta: I just hope the family go away now, especially the daughter. The media is going to run wild with this. I personally couldn’t live with myself knowing I took my ‘vulnerable’ relative abroad during a global pandemic.
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Had his daughters and 2 grandchildren by his the hospital that only allows ONE member of every other family to do the same....

RIP Tom but that causes me such upset as someone who can't go see their relative who has also declined in the last few hours.


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Remember at the time when anyone expressed concern/the ridiculousness about him being dragged to Barbados in a pandemic, there was a slew of statuses/articles of ‘cApTaiN ToM cAn dO whAtEvER hE LiKeS.’

what a time that was!!!
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It's all so grubby. It's also so British.

A collective madness seemed to take hold with this disreputable bunch being given carte blanche to lie. embroider the truth and "pull rank" via our wildly outmoded class system. I'm surprised the Governmewnt didn't retroactively promote him to field marshall and make his daughter a General.

I never bought it for a minute. The social climber captain (who'd been on Blankety Blank) and his vulgar family were a total joke to everyone I knew at the time. Hindsight is 20/20 vision but it wasn't needed in this case was it?
Yes. I hate jingoism, I hate the attitude that all veterans are heroes and we must bow at their feet. The Captain Tom story had this in spades
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Well-known member
Can’t believe I’ve only just realised that Captain Tom has a thread on here! I’ve spent ages thinking that there was only me who thought there was something a bit off about the whole thing, and that I must be a complete bastard! 🤣

He did a fantastic thing raising all that money for the NHS, but I thought the media coverage was a bit much. At one bit it seemed like every time I switched on my TV there he was & it started to irritate me. Completely agree with others on here who have said it began to feel like some sort of government distraction technique, as they wheeled him out time & time again for VE Day, his 100th birthday & all the rest of it. I started to wonder about the family’s motivation too, especially when the Captain Tom gin, charity single, autobiography & children’s book appeared! Accepting the freebie Barbados trip put them firmly into the same category as all the influencers who have been swanning around in Dubai & Mexico for me.

I’ve seen the petition for him to have a state funeral, wouldn’t surprise me at all if they don’t make him Saint Captain Sir Tom Moore now that he’s died! 😂
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Ultimately she led her father to an early grave even at his age. The irony that he raised money in a pandemic and she then dragged him on a freebie holiday to the Caribbean where he caught covid. If he were still about we would be none the wiser as she would still be draining every last drop of money that she could get and flogging her dear old dads name for personal gain.
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Well. The flypast over my Grandads house earlier was lovely but sad because he would have loved it but sadly he passed in hospital (and no his family were not allowed to gather....same hospital as Tom but never mind).

I drove past the crem forgetting and was covered with police and TV crews. Local roads were closed aswell as the hearse went through.
Crem doesn't usually do Saturday services but seems they did today. Us normal folk get 30 min services and not allowed to choose our own pallbearers or walk in behind the coffin. We have to wait at the door until it's placed down and then enter but seems tis all one rule for the rest of us. But it was a lovely service for him.

I've had to bite my tongue writing this so I don't flip. But I'll attend my Grandads funeral, also a war vet, without the fanfare and an actual private family funeral.
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Twitter calling for the British Grand Prix to be renamed in his honour. And for the clap to be worldwide. I just cannot cope with some people. You guys here are my tribe lol.
It’s actually taking the piss what about the doctors and nurses who have died because of working and catching the virus, if a state funeral happens it’s scandalous they can find the money for a state funeral but a footballer has to force the government to help feed the kids while off school, I give up.
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Well I’ve just sat and watched the whole interview.
I think that they thought their “friend” Piers would go easy on them, especially as they had their children with them. He did appear to give them an easy time at the start but then BAM! I think they were shocked that he kept pushing because he knew they were hiding something.
I love how they wouldn’t answer him when he asked why don’t they pull down the pool now due to public opinion? Instead they insisted they need to wait for the council decision.
They truly believe they are blameless in everything don’t they?
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Chatty Member
I had no idea the daughter was so thirsty on twitter and posting in his name every day. Confirms what I always thought
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I had no idea Sir Cliff and Russ Abbott were in the same bubble as Sir Tom. That would explain why they aren't social distancing from him when they know the risks.
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