
VIP Member
Vile trolls had earlier taken to social media to slam Captain Tom and his family for jetting to Barbados in December.

Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield hit back at the nasty comments and sent Captain Tom their well-wishes on This Morning.

Discussing the story with Matthew Wright and Julia Hartley-Brewer, Julia said: "I was stunned to see some trolls on social media saying: 'Oh, if he didn't go to Barbados!'

"He went on a lovely, warm, perfectly legal Caribbean holiday with his family, and I think that's absolutely wonderful he did that and nothing whatsoever to do with his ailments now.

"I do think the trolls need to take a day off."

Phil added: "A life off! Just sod off!"

Holly added: "The timings don't work out with this so it's totally irrelevant anyway!"

From The Sun
Yet Phil and Holly were slating that influencer for being in Dubai just the other day!

What hypocrites. 😠
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I’m sorry that he’s ill. I really am. However his family going off to Barbados is no better than the influencers going to Dubai. It’s all the same in my eyes. If you are endangering others it’s irresponsible.
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I feel we're aiming a bit high here...

Channel 5's Captain Sir Tom Moore Biopic as shown on 5Star

Jane McDonald as Hannah

Jane McDonald to sing the soundtrack

Jane McDonald to announce the competition to win 10000 unsellable Captain Sir Tom Moore books, only £15.50 to enter the phone competition, 2p goes to charity and £15.48 of your call will go to the IT'S WHAT HE WOULD'VE WANTED Ingram Moore holiday fund.
featuring the hits
I would walk 500 miles
Money money money
Woah! We’re going to Barbados
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I think this could end up blowing up in his daughter's face.
very much doubt it,

my issue is the absolute irony of it all, I don’t know how many of them went away,
But his USP was protecting and “funding” the NHS.

he’s now come home and received treatment for pneumonia, which has lead to him delaying his vaccine and getting covid, his daughter is also infected, god knows who else, and all of this *could* have been avoided if they’d waited for 6/9 months to see where we were pandemic wise 🤷‍♀️
barbados have an increase in cases due to travel, the last 12 months of his life have been something nobody could dream about!
how necessary is a “bucket list” trip when you’ve released a number one single, “wrote” a book, had the world cover your story, and set yourself and your family up for life in the process. When many his age haven’t seen a solitary person but care staff in nearly 12 months
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When they go through the timings of how quickly everything happened it’s like the whole U.K. was in some sort of fever dream. 3 weeks from the first story about him walking to him having a number 1 single?!?! 3 weeks?! I know we were bored (in the house and we’re in the house bored ) but that’s mental. And less than 6 weeks till he was knighted (which still makes me so so so mad. He should NOT have been knighted.)
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Why is having a different opinion now considered 'trolling'? I'm sorry I don't agree with you, Hannah Double-Barrelled. I'm sorry you felt the need to take BA up on their offer of a freebie holiday, which, ultimately, saw you 100 year old father off. I'm sorry you are loving the media attention so much, but are hating the negative comments. I'm sorry the village where you live, in your sumptuous house, is also occupied by 140 families who had to visit the local food bank last month just to stay alive (data available online - Need Project). Cry me a river.
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The daughter has turned him into a brand to bankroll them long after he’s gone.
The old man was used for fame and profit in his last year and he wasn’t even aware.

This is just the beginning of brand Tom.
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I'm probably a complete bitch but I hated all the silly good news stories during covid; from the people DJing on their balconies to the people "rowing the Atlantic" from home.

The forced uplifting good news was annoying like those emotional manipulation X factor montages. I don't care.
I agree, I think some of it was probably genuine but a lot of people saw it as an opportunity to try and boost their profile or launch/revive their careers. Then again I was against doorstep clapping from the start so I am miserable.
Same here, the bit I particularly disliked was nurses and doctors dancing on tiktok. Came across as bad taste and attention seeking to me especially as sick and dying patients in the same building.

I didn't clap either, it's patronising, I pay taxes to fund the NHS and expect that those paid do their job, if I worked in the NHS I wouldn't expect a clap or glory, it felt like a forced gesture of community togetherness
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Iconic Member
Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives.

Unless you have a daughter who’s shown herself as a marketing genius, using her elderly, frail father for exposure and profit that she will be benifit from for years to come.

Then you’re a “national treasure” and you can do what you like.
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New to this thread but glad to see it. I never donated to Cap’n Tom despite being pestered to do so by my other half (a Luddite btw!)

Couple of reasons really.

First, I never believed in donating, via this type of proxy, to the NHS. I prefer giving to my hospital’s League of Friends.

More than that, I’d rather the government allocated fair and sustainable funding. I always got the impression the Treasury and NHS bean counters were quietly relieved that money was being pumped into the NHS in this way, willingly, by a nation that was, essentially, shitting itself about COVID and looking for the comfort of hope.

This man and his story fitted that narrative perfectly and Hannah knew it immediately.

Secondly - and as we now seeing - the lack of transparency concerned me. Where, exactly, was the money going? Inevitably there had to be costs associated but I didn’t feel comfortable with how it was playing out.

The involvement of the usual media sycophants put me off too.

And, the family may not realise it, but that ridiculous ‘holiday’ to Barbados left a sour taste in many throats. So many people I know, of all ages, wondered what the fuck they were doing and felt it was entirely inappropriate.

I am pleased that my gut was right on this ☺
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I know he was made famous for the walking frame etc but if you must give him a statue, give him one of his younger days, maybe military uniform.
His very unremarkable military career consisted of him teaching soldiers how to ride motorbikes in India for a bit and then returning home after getting bitten by a mosquito. It doesn't even deserve a footnote in a book, let alone a statue!
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This is nothing to do with this one particular person as I have no clue about him.

But it's so odd the way so many people once they reach a certain age are all considered salt of the earth types. Surely those people that were cunts throughout their life are still cunts as an OAP?
Fetishisation of WWII and anyone who fought in it, is my view. The British have been doing it for decades, and Capt. Tom fitted right into that mould and at a time when the media and politicians wanted to bring people together to capture that British fighting spirit (🫣🫣). Same with the pot banging on the doorstep too - such a fucking cringe thing to do. I couldn’t believe how people collectively got totally into all of that.

Tom Moore was in the right place at the right time but it should have been a fleeting moment and it wasn’t. His daughter’s greed and ego meant the whole thing was rinsed dry and then some.
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Miss Begotten

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I think it was a photo of all the family in Barbados and the fact that Tom had taken all of his war medals with him to wear.
Well doesn’t everyone do that? Last time I went on holiday I took my 25 metre swimming certificate from 1979 and my Brownie knitting badge, and made sure they were in all the holiday snaps. Just in case. 🙄
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It’s like mass hysteria on social media, folks indulging in performative grieving and trying to out-sad one another.

I’m getting a very good idea of what it would have been like had Diana died in the time of the smartphone.
Diana’s death was far different though. Princess Diana had been in our lives for far longer, we saw how her engagement/marriage all played out over the years. It was a bloody shock when she died and I can remember exactly where I was at the time. The outpouring of grief was amazing and the initial way in which the Royal family dealt with it was alien to what most of the public felt Princess Diana deserved. It was only a week later that the Queen and Prince Harry, William, did a walk around greeting the public, because the public wanted to show their sadness.

Captain Tom, well this is just so over-the-top for a man nobody knew existed a year ago. Yes, he served in WW2, so did many others. Yes, he lived to 100 years old. I am not denying his achievement, but the schmaltzy and saccharine outpouring of grief for an ordinary man is nauseating, especially given the fact that so many elderly people are not in a fortunate situation of having their family around them.

Captain Tom has had a great PR and marketing team around him. Like I said yesterday on the previous thread, his daughter Hannah has played her hand well in hoodwinking the public. 😉
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I know this has been said numerous times but if they were working class the police & fraud squad would have been involved 100% wouldnt they
Also it would never have received the attention that it did. It was all so ridiculous.

As for this 👇 she really did believe her own publicity, didn't she - FFS. 😡

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