
VIP Member
I will not be waiting for a justice system that only convicts 2-3% of rapists. The evidence reported is strong against him. I believe the women. I don’t doubt them for a moment. Russell Brand is a rapist. Sue me.
As a lawyer - totally with you. The confidence people claim to have in our criminal ‘justice’ system scares me tbh. People who say things like they’ll only believe hes a rapist if a jury finds him to be one are literally saying that what they consider truth or not is something to be determined by a system we know to be deeply flawed. Juries ignore legal directions all the time, they acquit men on the strongest of evidence all the time - the fact that the CPS send such a low number of rape cases to trial already should be an indication of how strong the evidence in those cases is and yet the defendants still get away with it - and we know that sadly, and horrifyingly (to me at least) female jurors are more likely to acquit accused rapists. The people who are yelling about women taking ‘too long’ to report sexual assault cannot even begin to fathom what this system will put these women through and, once they’ve been chewed up and spat back out, most of their cases won’t even MAKE it to a jury because of the ‘lack of evidence’.
I completely believe Brand has done what he was accused of, not least because there are themes/overlap in the victims’ accounts given they don’t know each other, but also the fact that he/his lawyer had such a violent reaction to the one woman emailing about it - he knows what he did and he had a lawyer on tick prepared for the first woman to complain about it. Not the actions of an innocent man. I’m also convinced his whole ‘sex addiction’ story was meant to be a defence for when these incidents came out.
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Are you even British?? Have you never heard of Innocent until proven guilty? He doesnt have to prove anything, the burden of proof isnt on him its on the accuser! Jesus wept the nutters on this board are just a bunch of screaming harridans!!
you are a cunt😗
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If women keep screaming at men to ‘stand up against misogyny and ask what you can do to stop rape culture’ this ain’t going to get them to do that. It’s hysterical (and that’s understandable because this pushes all our buttons) but they will close their ears to it.
outstanding use of “hysterical” here. speaks volumes.

any man who closes his ears to women begging for their help in stopping rape culture is NOT a decent man. i don’t know how you can’t see that.
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Its a s
a spliff oh please it's not a bug thing it's not like snorting your brains out or off your face on ket
Alcohol is far worst weed should be legal urs the most natural thing going.
Hate to say it, but this post is not necessarily the best advert for weed.
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I'm not a Ferne Cotton fan but she dated Watkins for less than a year I'm 2005, before the time his behaviour went significantly off the rails. They didn't live together. It seems to have morphed into "they were together for years, she must have known".
I can't imagine how horrible it must be to forever be linked to such a horrendous paedophile. People who'd known him since school didn't know. Why would she?

she dated him, very casually, for a matter of months. people talk about her as if she was his wife of decades and so must have known the absolute inner workings of his secret life and minds. and even in that case, peoples’ closest friends and families haven’t known the true extent of what they get up to. there is no need to keep bringing her name up linked with his.

again, the way people need to continually mention vaguely linked women rather than actually holding men accountable for their crimes is absolutely rage inducing.
To side eye Fearne Cotton for not knowing about Ian Watkins is at least as bad as not believing the women who've come forward to accuse Russell Brand, i.e. misogynistic bullshit.
She should own her mistakes

Also a facilitator. Potentially.
come on. what are you basing this on exactly?! again, why hold a man fully accountable for his actions when you can drag a woman instead?
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Just had my husband come in mansplaining that RB is a victim of a msm witch-hunt as he’s talking against them on YouTube and I should take everything with a pinch of salt.

I take fucking nothing with a ‘pinch of salt’. He says this without having even watched Dispatches.
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Chatty Member
Ngl you need to have a very strong word with your husband. I would be absolutely appalled if my other half was telling me to take this with a pinch of salt.
I had an hour long "debate" with my other half, because apparently I'm believing stuff and should think about why he's been targeted, and because he's going against big pharma ect. I had to try and explain why the women should be given credence, but I eventually gave up as it's like talking to a brick wall. I was raped several times aged 13 by a 19 year old. And I've been sexually assaulted by partners in the past. Apparently if that happens once to someone, if they go back to that person again it means they must have consented to it, otherwise why would they go back... I swear to god I really had to hold my temper or I'd have lost it. He has no idea, absolutely fucking none. And why is it some men (and women) just can't seem to grasp that the element of cohersive control (especially in this situation, a more powerful, older, and well known male) could easily make a 16 year old, or any other age person for that matter, go back after being hurt.

I'm trying to teach my teenage daughter NEVER to let anyone do anything to her she doesn't consent to, I've drilled it into her since she was young due to what happened to me.

Sorry for the rant but man was I pissed, but I also knew I was fighting a losing battle. He will never understand, like many other people unless it's happened to them personally they just can't grasp it. Again, sorry for the rant.
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You’ve proven my point quite clearly.

The more we say ‘boo hoo’ about the other side and keep screaming about how much worse we have it, the more divided we will become.

What do men need to do to support women? Maybe it’s enough for men to not abuse or rape women That’s enough for me personally. They’ll never understand what being a woman is like not will women ever understand the struggles men face.

I’ve already said what we need to do (not just women, everyone) find common ground and really listen to each others struggles and stop dismissing them because ‘you’re a man and you wouldn’t understand.‘it’s the opposite of mansplaining and we all know how well that goes down- like a shit sandwich.
I can’t believe what I’m reading. Women being raped, sexually assaulted and killed by men on a frequent basis for centuries gone by is not a ‘struggle’ that can even begin to be compared with men who are boo hoo upset because ‘not all men’ rape.

I don’t need to meet them in the middle on this. It’s stupid to even pander to that kind of response and behaviour to men’s reaction to rape. We need to demand more of them. Not reduce our expectations of them because ‘poor men’.

Society’s response to criminal behaviour is everybody’s responsibility including violence against women and girls, and all I’m seeing at the moment is women fighting the battle but still not being believed over powerful men. The ‘not all men’ brigade are the ones that are only concerned with themselves and not the women actually being attacked.

So yeah I literally don’t give a shit hearing the moans of anyone who is of the ‘not all men’ attitude. There’s more important things to discuss.
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If what these women are saying is true, then absolutely it’s rape. I just meant, as of yesterday, a lot of people weren’t even aware of the accusations, and now everyone believes C4, when he hasn’t been charged yet. Take it to court and trial him before he gets branded.

As I said, absolutely he’s treated women like shit, but I was merely saying, to what extent? No one knows the full truth yet. If he’s found guilty, I’ll be the first to say I was wrong for ever doubting that, but I just think trial by media is wrong
I will not be waiting for a justice system that only convicts 2-3% of rapists. The evidence reported is strong against him. I believe the women. I don’t doubt them for a moment. Russell Brand is a rapist. Sue me.
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So, for all those bewling on about ‘why didn’t they go to the police?’ Let me tell you what happens when you want someone charged for serious sexual assault.
1. You ring up the police, after having thought long and hard and agonised about what you’re going to do.
2. Within the first week, you’re rung up by two or more officers who investigate sexual assault in the county where the assault happens.
3. They make an appointment for you to come and see them/they will come to you for a taped interview.
4. In the meantime an officer liaison rings you and refers you to sexual assault organisations/charities and asks if they can report what happened to your doctor.
5. The police come out. In my case, the video equipment didn’t work the first time. You give your interview to camera, stating absolutely everything that happened at the time in question. This is traumatic.
6. The police go away and pass the file and recording on to the CPS while they interview the accused.
7. Time passes.
8. As ever, the CPS decides not to prosecute. They have considered whether to prosecute over separate domestic violence charges - you’ve passed the photographs of bruises and welts to them - and, even though they have abundant evidence, state nothing will be gained.
9. One of the officers you’ve been liaising with will tell you the CPS has decided it’s a case of ‘he says, she says’, tell you to get on with your life, and warn your abuser not to contact you ever again.

That’s it.
And I wasn’t even famous.
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The women who have taken part in this will not believe this will end in criminal charges. I imagine they have been told very clearly how unlikely that is, even if the police took an interest, it would be incredibly difficult to secure a conviction.

They have gone years and years knowing he will not face criminal charges, I imagine they’ve accepted that reality and that this, public exposure for what he is, is a consolidation prize to seeing proper legal justice.

Anyone just spouting the “just go to the police” line are at best naive and at worst utterly void of any critical thought
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Sorry but these women truly just wanted to have sex with him just as much as he wanted sex with them.
He didn’t rape them or beat them,he was a young man spreading his seed.
No harm done.
what an awful, vile thing to say. I hope I don’t know you in real life. I hope you don’t have daughters or know any children or young girls. I hope you are not responsible for safeguarding anyone. People like you allow people like Brand, Savile, Weinstein and co. to get away with their crimes. Thanks for showing us the type of vile, misogynistic person you are.
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Sideboard Bob

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Interesting perspective from a journalist. This is why I 100% believe Brand is guilty, everything from the investigation can be verified with solid proof.

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I think we need to as a society not think of SEX at all where rape is concerned.

Rape is just women-hating violence, dominance, misogyny in its most concentrated form.

Rape and sex are nothing to do with each other.

Rape is about violence.
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To side eye Fearne Cotton for not knowing about Ian Watkins is at least as bad as not believing the women who've come forward to accuse Russell Brand, i.e. misogynistic bullshit.
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When you have instances of date rape where two people are alone in a private setting how do you honestly prove one person's word against the other when the only defining issue is consent? Do I need to tell my son to get a signed contract and some form of ID off of every girl that he sleeps with? Even then, what if she changes her mind after she's signed it? It's an absolute legal minefield and I don't really have any practical answers.
I have to say I find it rather telling that your first thought about what to teach your son is how he might cover himself legally rather than how he should treat women he intends to sleep with. If someone accused your son of rape but he had this signed contract (which btw, would not hold up legally as you are allowed to withdraw consent for sex at any time and therefore you can't pre-consent to sex in that manner) would that mean you automatically disbelieve the person accusing him? Not really difficult to teach your son that he should only sleep with women who want to sleep with him, if they say no or seem unwilling at any point he should stop immediately and check, he shouldn't sleep with women who are blackout drunk, etc etc. Seeing as there are rarely any consequences even for men who actually do rape women, if I were you I'd personally be far more concerned with teaching your son how to be a decent man and less so with covering his arse legally. If he ever did rape someone he'd almost certainly face no consequences but surely you're more concerned with ensuring your son knows he should not rape someone rather than whether or not he is found legally guilty of having done so?!
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Chatty Member
Well then give the evidence to the police, let him get charged and we'll see the outcome in court. But right now, he's innocent.
I’m not going to argue with someone who has clearly come on here just to upset people. Read the article and watch the documentary and see how confident you are in shouting about his potential innocence. Savile never went to trial and he’s sure as hell guilty.
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