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The video that was supposed to be uploaded this morning arrives! And while we can't rely on ol' Ruby to upload when she says she will, we can always count on her inability to use consistent capitalisation in her video titles.

"The Day before the End of Term" - why isn't that 'B' a capital, Rubes?

She forgoes the random emojis that she usually uses, to highlight the gravity of the situation. This is no time for laughter, random space emojis or monkeys hiding their faces. This is a disaster akin to a Roland Emmerich movie; uni is slowly ending, and the impending doom that Ruby faces at graduation is creeping ever-closer.

unnamed (1).jpg

"It's the penultimate day before the end of term," Ruby says, using words that she doesn't know the meaning of again. This would actually mean it's the day before the day before the end of term.


Shockingly, Ruby must've finally decided to look up the meaning of one of the numerous words she keeps misusing. However, she didn't do this until she was haphazardly slapping random footage together during "editing". So she just throws a lazy correction on screen.

Ruby only has "tyoo classes left", neither of which require any prep work apparently. Which probably means that Ruby did several days of unnecessary prep work for each of them in a shameless attempt to impress the poor lecturers who're just counting the days until she fucks off for good and they no longer have to wade through dozens of unsolicited emails a day from her.

Ruby has screwed around with time so much in her "daily" vlogs, lying about the time, day, month and year that it is to give the illusion that she's accomplished more in a day than is physically possible. Now, time has simply had enough, and has decided to fight back. Ruby picks up a clock to tell us what time she's currently pretending it is, and pushes a random button when the clock starts loudly wailing an off-key nightmare tune at her to get her to stop.


Ruby panics. Rather than apply basic logic, common sense or the problem-solving skills that even small children and household pets are equipped with to figure out how to turn the music off, Ruby just awkwardly bashes at it and attempts to twist it apart like some mindless, drooling caveman.


Eventually she just pulls the batteries out.

"I don't know WHY that started playing music," Ruby huffs, annoyed that her musical clock did one of the things that it's designed to do. "I didn't even knyow that it could dyoo that."


Because it's not like it's a clearly advertised feature on the product listing and the box and the manual or anything.

Ruby says she had to buy a new clock because her last one broke, and it's not hard to see why considering she immediately resorted to trying to tear the new one apart the second it made a noise.

Ruby's back yard is likely a graveyard for all the dead clocks she broke trying to turn off the alarm. She has to buy a new one every day because that 'off' button just proves too elusive for her and she has to destroy them each morning instead.


(See if you can find the 'off' switch, or the several other options that Ruby failed to find that would've silenced the music or turned the volume off.)

She says she's going down to the café near campus to "do a bit of admin work". Now, she definitely has a lot of admin work to do, considering the multitude of complaints flooding in about her stationary company regarding orders not getting dispatched and the complete lack of response from customer service. However, Ruby's definition of "admin" is "quick things you want or need to do", so it's a given that she won't be doing anything business-related and will instead be ordering more clocks.

Ruby also mentions that she's had a shower, hence the soaking wet hair. She does not explain why she hasn't dried it. I mean, everyone washes their hair and then lets it air-dry in winter, soaking their clothes in the process, when it's supposedly always freezing cold in their room. Leaving it wet is definitely not her new attempt to try to hide her thinning, receding hairline brought on by months of malnutrition or anything.


Ruby opens her tea advent calendar's offering for the day. She doesn't mention that day's 'act of kindness', but a little research reveals that it's to "back or cook something and share it with colleagues or neighbours". I weep for the poor bastards that Ruby's going to give the Christmas gift of cabbage porridge sprinkled with frozen peas.


She leaves the house, her hair still wet. Genius approaching, please clear a path.

"I really rarely leave the house to dyoo wahhk, and I really want to start dyoing it more," she says, "because otherwise I just spend all my time at my desk."



This you, Rubes?

If you find campus so noisy that you have to post passive-aggressive notes about it on social media, then what makes you think a public café is going to be quieter?

Ruby sets another goal for herself as she claims she's going to really start studying outside her house, even though uni's practically over at this point.

"I've read that changing study locations can help to keep you more focused," she says. Rather than realise for herself that she clearly never focuses in public spaces or when not at her desk, Ruby elects to just believe random factoids she read in fluff, faux-motivational Facebook posts instead.

There's nothing wrong with studying in your room if you find loud places distracting, or vice versa. But to set arbitrary goals for yourself to study in random public places when you already complain all the time that you can't focus in public places has nothing to do with finding a place you do your best work and everything to do with wanting to find a place where other people can see you pretending to study.

As in all things with Ruby, it's aesthetics over function. Why didn't you just go to a study space in the uni library, Ruby? Think of the 📚📖DARK MACADEMIA📖📚 vibes! The answer is that everyone in the library is there to study. In the coffee shop, she's a unique bookworm. It's the Instagram cliché that if you're not taking up space in a coffee shop when studying or writing, you're not doing it right.


Ruby takes up space in the café, ordering no food or drinks. If you ever had any doubt that Ruby's ronaphobia and crocodile tears over it were anything but a performance so she could embrace the golden opportunity to run home for a year, observe the above photo.

Ruby claimed to be so terrified and anxious about Covid that she had no choice but to flee from university - leaving her roommate and apparent best friend to live alone - so that she could retreat into a world of childhood fantasy and forget that graduation and adulthood were coming.

Now, she's maskless in an enclosed public place. There's a big sign next to her telling her to open the windows to provide adequate ventilation. All the windows are closed. Ruby had zero intention of opening it for the safety of herself and others.

Not even the fact that everyone around her is wearing masks spurs her on to put one on herself. People sitting within arm's reach does not encourage self-proclaimed germophobe Ruby to put on a mask or wonder if she needs to be in this crowded, enclosed space during a rapidly-worsening pandemic.

Hospitality venues are exempt from the current legal requirement for people to wear masks in indoor public places, primarily because food and drink is consumed (although wearing a mask is still strongly encouraged in government guidelines when not eating or drinking). Ruby orders neither food nor drink, but still refuses to mask up.

Then this happens:




What Ruby says to these strangers is unclear, but see seems threatened and confused. She's sporting a Karen face if I ever saw one, and multiple times points at her table as she seems to assert her claim over it.

She could be saying, "Excuse me, ruffians! You are encroaching upon my private study space! Please keepst thy volume to a minimum, lest I reportst thou to my mummy!"

She could be saying, "You there! You appear to be the manual-labouring, blue collar sort! Thankyou for your service!"

Who knows?

But if she were actually scared of Covid, would she have come to this crowded, public café where she doesn't need to be, where she orders absolutely nothing, and then refused to wear a mask or open a window?

Want to know what she did with most of her time in this apparently essential study/"admin" trip to this café?



She was taking random photos for her Instagram, so that social media could see that she was "studying" in a coffee shop. So for the people who're still getting radio silence from Ruby's stationary company after your order failed to materialise, this is what Ruby does with her "admin" time instead of responding to complaints and queries. And when Ruby wonders why she's always late to finish her assignments, this is also partly why.

Everything about this scene should show how little Ruby is worried about Covid. She never was. It should also show how much Ruby cares about the aesthetics of studying over actually getting work done comfortably and efficiently.

After refusing to wear a mask in close proximity to many other people for a prolonged period of time, Ruby decides to make a show of putting one on just to swiftly walk to the exit...


And then immediately removes it the instant she steps outside:


Reminder: Ruby accepted money from the NHS to advertise Covid hygiene safety precautions, despite clearly being unable to understand or follow them herself.

"My call has been changed tyoo...TAN FORTY-FIVE," Ruby awkwardly says, "and so I'm just heading--[JARRING EDIT]--back for that!"



While wearing a coat made from her grandfather's oldest, least favourite armchair, Ruby scribbles some random notes "as part of a friend's Christmas present". Ruby only has one friend. If Blakeney's had to suffer through this year of living with Ruby only to get some half-assed, illegible motivational notes written by a compulsive liar and taped to a card with hair-covered washi tape for Christmas, then she should just cut all ties.

And because Ruby has to shove an ad or sponsored segment into literally everything, it's time to unbox some tea, even though she has a mountainous stockpile already.


It's another tea advent calendar. And if you're wondering what the point in a sponsor sending an influencer an advent calendar nearly halfway through December, or who they think it going to suddenly be inspired to buy it at this point, you're not alone.

Either Ruby was incredibly late to collect this parcel, or "teapigs" is run by the same business-savvy mastermind as Ruby's own company.

They also sent a discount code for "20 pre-cent off" for Ruby's followers.


Each window has a random fact, which Ruby will no doubt memorise and then interrupt many lectures next year to parrot them off unprompted during completely irrelevant discussions.

As if reading my mind, Ruby interrupts her own video with a "Did you know...?" of her own.

"The 18th Century!" Ruby chirps, as she searches her Swiss cheese brains for facts regarding the 18th Century. "That's the time the tea tax was abolished!" As if to somehow prove whatever point she's trying to make, Ruby slaps a random, cited quotation on-screen which reveals essentially no information other than to point out that the tax on tea wasn't abolished at all, just drastically reduced:


If this is the type of effort she puts into her "ass-ays" then it's going to be a rough dissertation season for ol' Rubert De Niro.


Ruby says she's going to meet Blakeney, but is packing up a pile of presents to leave around town, because she evidently felt like she hadn't hit her stupidity quota for the day yet.

If you're thinking, "But that's a generous, selfless thought!" Well, not so fast. Ruby hasn't wrapped anything of any value or use to anyone. She's wrapped several of her overpriced, poor quality notebooks. Which is somehow worse than just getting coal in your stocking, or being eaten by Krampus.


So, let's unpack this a little...

Ruby's idea of a wonderful gift for people: Her own shitty products. Because that's not egotistical at all.

Speaking of egotistical, if the fact that Ruby's own notebooks are inside the parcel weren't a dead giveaway that Ruby herself left these everywhere (because nobody else would inflict these on another person) then her filming herself wrapping them and leaving them places definitely will. This isn't an act of anonymous, selfless kindness. It's Ruby trying to get some staged good press to inflate her feeling of self-worth.

But most glaringly, Ruby is practically Typhoid Mary, and at this point (if you believe her timeline) had been to a London Covid spreader event just days before, shows that she regularly refuses to wear masks in enclosed public spaces, and lives in such a state of unhygienic squalor that the next pandemic will likely originate from her kitchen. Yet she thinks it's a great idea during an escalating pandemic to go and leave things she's touched in public for strangers to pick up.

Reminder: Ruby accepted money from the NHS to advertise Covid hygiene safety precautions, despite clearly being unable to understand or follow them herself.

This is all a moot point, of course.

Remember that there has never been a single, confirmed recipient of any giveaway that Ruby has ever done. Ruby doesn't show herself leaving any of these gifts anywhere, and I don't doubt for a second that Ruby wrapped them, filmed herself showing them off for the good press, then immediately unwrapped them and put them back on the pile.

After mentioning that she visited a vintage charity shop, but refusing to name it and provide any free publicity to a good cause...

(You know what's coming, right?)


Of course she did. It's a shameless cliché at this point.

And to make her sponsor-chasing more blatant than ever before, Ruby lovingly films the Waterstones sign for the longest time to give them free advertisement, and then doesn't even fucking go inside.

She just turns and walks to her other favourite place to advertise for free: Bird & Blend.


Ruby claims that these Christmas-themed tea pouches were bought for the tea giveaway she announced. I'll believe it when I see someone receive one. She picked "dozy girl", which seems especially apt. And it's a good job Ruby has no actual intention of sending these, since she never bothered to ask entrants if they have any allergies, while these teas all contain nut traces. Ruby's out here trying to kill her viewers with something other than boredom for a change.


She meets Blakeney at a tasting café for a beetroot latté :)sick:) and a tiny sliver of cake (which is Ruby's first food of the day and she doesn't appear to eat any of it).

Ruby has decided to treat life like a Pokemon game - she's gonna catch that rare Omicron variant if it kills her, so after eating/not eating tiny cakes, they then spend an additional two hours occupying this small indoor space without masks.

But Ruby's going to pay it forward and make sure everyone gets sick for Christmas, as they write "anonymous" Christmas cards to lick, seal and leave around campus with the Rubola virus all over them.


Again, this is not anonymous. When Exeter University's most notable fuckwit influencer films herself writing them, it's going to be blatantly obvious who wrote these. It's another ego-boosting bit of performative kindness carried out in the most senseless way, at the worst time, which only benefits Ruby.

Ruby, if you wanted to do something actually kind for Christmas that didn't risk spreading Covid to numerous strangers, why didn't you...
  • Donate money to charity (not including the money you already owe to several charities).
  • Donate money, time or food to a food bank.
  • Donate your stockpile of clothes to charity.
  • Volunteer at a homeless shelter.
  • Volunteer your time to a charity.
  • Spend the month of December using your Instagram and YouTube to make content raising awareness for needy causes.
There's endless amounts of actual, concrete ways to meaningfully give back. Ruby has never done any of them. She chooses the cheapest, most transparently self-serving way every single time.


Continuing Ruby's weird trend of taking things that random strangers in academia say as gospel, she reveals that she never drinks caffeine after 3pm because a speaker at school said she shouldn't.

Ruby freaks out because there's TWO WHOLE COFFEE BEANS in her coffee-tea bag, and she reacts like she'd being offered heroin in a public park or something. Just ONE HIT of caffeine after 3pm will ruin your life.


Blakeney resolves the situation by just taking the tea bag with two beans and giving Ruby the one-bean bag, placating Ruby like one would a small child.


And after celebrating the almost-last day before Ruby runs home yet again by chatting in the gloomiest corner of the house, that's it for another vlog!
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Her meal... can't be more 300 calories by my estimation. Tomatoes (20 cals), hummous (80 cals?), bread (100 cals), falafel balls (100 cals maybe?), idk what the rest is but mainly looks like veggies. She's so irresponsible.
Please please let's not count calories here 🙏
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I watched Molly's latest video and it couldn't be more of a contrast to Ruby's recent readathon video.

Molly's readathon video:

A clear, honest title. ("My first readathon." - Video contains Molly's first readathon.)
Competent editing.
Likeable, unpretentious personality and manner of speaking.
Uses words that exist, with proper context and pronunciation.
Reads lengthy books aimed at adults.
No focus on hitting arbitrary book targets. (Molly is very clear and honest upfront that she'll read for the enjoyment of reading, switch books if she gets bored and isn't likely to finish any/all of them.)
Has interesting, articulate things to say about the books she reads.
Promotes healthy habits (reading, eating, self-care.)

Ruby's readathon video:

Title full of lies ("Reading 7 books in a day - cosy university readathon" - Ruby doesn't read 7 books and is on break from university. The cosiness is debatable.)
Incompetent editing. (Incapable of speaking a complete, unedited sentence.)
Awkward, pretentious and generally robotic delivery.
Mispronounces many words, invents many others.
Reads children's books, very short books or short stories.
Turns reading into a competition, which she has to lie and change the rules to win. (Ruby claims to read 7 complete books. These include short stories, very short books and many books she just didn't finish. She brags about her accomplishments anyway.)
Only offers bland, surface-level or completely incoherent insight into the books she reads.
Promotes unhealthy habits (reading as a box-ticking exercise, encouraging quantity over quality/enjoyment when reading, lying to achieve your goals, and encourages burning candles at 45 degree angles and possibly burning your house down.)

The only disadvantage to Molly's video is that she's adopted Ruby's 'reading while brushing teeth' habit, which is ridiculous by itself, but Molly does it after just putting on a lovely yellow dress and risking drooling toothpaste all over the book and dress.

Ruby's video, however, is an unmitigated shitshow of lies and incompetence. So, a clear win for Molly.
I just noticed that Molly has now changed the title from 'My first readathon' to 'my first readathon! 📚 enjoyment above "productivity"'

That seems directly aimed at Ruby and toxic studytuber productivity. Get her, queen! #teammolly
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Ruby Granger Routine Video Bingo!

true (1).png

Get yours made before the video goes up! I went with some obvious choices for mine but took some big swings to make things interesting - will she go for the cottagecore title, or has she moved on now she's back in the land of Dark Macademia? Will we finally see vermin in the house? Does she even have the energy to twirl anymore? Will she horrifically injure herself? Anything's possible!

(Site note: All online bingo card generators suck ass. I used BingoBaker.com for this one, and that was the best of a bad bunch.)
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For all the crap we give Ruby, I have to give her credit for how inclusive she is with her outfit options: She always includes a look for people who were just involved in a horrific car accident and their right leg is now mangled and bent at impossible angles. It's a very specific group of people, sure, but Ruby's got their backs.
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I'm still finding this 'WRITING IS MY WHOLE IDENTITY' thing depressing. If I were Mother Granger I'd be doing an intervention by now.

I don't think Ruby has enough ideas to have a career as a writer.
Sadly, I agree. The assignment she posted (creepy illustrations kids' book) just wasn't that good. I hate saying this because it's not easy to put your creative work out there to face scrutiny. Also, writing is an evolving process, so it doesn't make sense to expect a perfect finished product from a relative beginner at the draft stages. That said, Ruby had been working on that assignment for a while and was presumably close to submitting it? The storyline is unimaginative (at least from the extract we've seen) and the writing doesn't flow or have a good rhythm. The use of 'big words' combined with deliberate repetition and very simple storytelling makes me wonder who the audience would be. There are also some odd choices in general: ''plain Mrs Chew'' wtf? I feel sorry for this imaginary woman who has just been insulted by Roobee. 😅 That's before I even get to depacle.

Hi Tattle! I am a writer now and this is my whole identity. I no longer have a body and currently exist as a floating, omniscient fountain pen. This is the blurb of my soon-to-be-published, HIGHLY REQUASTED debut book.

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Chatty Member
Are you a superfan? Or Ruby? Cause if so, you might be in the wrong place just saying
There we are! I was wondering when the nutters would come out of the woodworks. The trademark Tattle 'if I disagree with you, you're the person the thread is about'.

Don't accuse someone of promoting ED behaviour and being horrible for showing small portions of food, and then support posts that make stupid comments about the food she posts saying it 'makes their teeth hurt to look at'.

I don't care if you think she ate it or not, it's besides the point. The food was fine, it doesn't take being a superfan or being Ruby to think that.
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The whole “I read xx books last year/last month” is so toxic and stupid. Reading is not something that should be compared. We all have different preferences, reading speed, time for reading etc.
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Right, I've been umm-ing and aah-ing posting this for about a week as I wasn't sure whether I wanted to stoop this low or not, but what the hell:

Can Ruby and Blakeney's shipping name be Boobee?
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you just gotta love that drumkit in there. as we all know, the victorians were REALLY into rock n roll. yeah. ba dum tss. francious
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Just in case the other...


...TWENTY-FUCKING-ONE morning routine videos weren't enough, Ruby's going back to the fucking well.

That's more entries than the Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Jurassic Park franchises combined. But people actually worked on those, so...

Ruby has mentioned that she'd like to work in TV or film as one of her many pie-in-the-sky career dreams that'll never happen. And judging by her approach to her YouTube channel, she'd just try to make a TV show where they filmed one episode and then kept airing that same episode over and over again with a different episode title every time.

Ruby used a title with capitals in all the right places AND an emoji that's related to the video. Unfortunately, she clearly burned herself out with this rare exhibition of brainpower and then had no energy or motivation to put any kind of effort into the video itself.


Her first order of the day is to chug a glass of stagnant, dusty water because the human body is 60% water and her room is 94% dust.

Next to her bed are some creepy pictures of young fictional children. And also what looks like a Ben & Jerry's tub.

"I wake up between 6 and 7, but on this particular morning, I woke up at 4:30," she says, which is probably a lie.

She also says she washes her face with cold water to wake up and uses carrot cleanser every morning, which she will probably count as one of her meals for the day.


(Pictured: Ruby practicing to be her favourite emoji. 🙈 )

She also slaps some rice toner on her face, which is another meal done. Eating disorder who? Ruby's feasting every morning!


Ruby has finally stopped her performative habit of pretending to read while brushing her teeth. Instead she's decided to just glare dead-eyed at the camera, challenging Tattlers to a staring contest for calling her out.

After losing her staring contest, she heads downstairs to cook "brackfast". She serves up the world's smallest serving of porridge while snacking on a tiny handful of pistachio nuts.


"One of the hardest decisions in the morning is cheesing the mug," she says. I assume this is some strange ritual where she lines her dirty mug with a layer of nacho cheese. The decision process boils down to a simple "Should I?/Shouldn't I?" choice.

Ruby "cheeses" an Emma Bridgewater mug, for some reason avoiding the "WHO'S YOUR DADDY?" mug next to it.


"I start every day with a mug of green tea," Ruby says. And then she pulls a giant elephant urn out of the cupboard.

After that, she assembles the world's most ridiculously tiny and disgusting-looking breakfast.



There's absolutely zero chance Ruby doesn't look at this and know that it's a blatantly ridiculous thing to have as a "meal" and a dangerously stupid thing to not just offer up as something she eats routinely, but to suggest it as a normal thing for all her viewers to eat, too.

This absolute cretin has not changed. She's been called out so many times, pleads ignorance, occasionally gives a fake "I want my channel to be a safe space, what can I change?" announcement and then goes right back to doing shit like this. She does not give one single fuck about the physical or mental well-being of a single one of her viewers. She is utter scum.

Even with this tiny serving, there's still no visible evidence that she ate any of it.

As if predicting the backlash she's bound to get, she starts some kind of strange Pagan arson ritual designed to protect her against people with valid and justified criticism bullies.



She threateningly strikes a match and waves it at the camera lens and then films herself just waving the lit match around for the longest time. 1/16th of this entire video is Ruby waving fire around.

Having displayed a callous disregard for the health and wellbeing of her fans and a stunning ignorance of basic fire safety, she then decides to just go all in on showcasing her greed and stupidity.

First up, some shameless self-promotion:


(Reading between the lines: "Of course I start by planning my day in my Pumpkin Productivity planner. But the rest of you common scum won't, because we never dispatched any of your orders! Thanks for the money!")

Ruby continues plugging her planner even after the PR wildfire surrounding it that burned through all the good will of most of her customers. It's a bit like saying, "Shop at BP petrol stations! They really care!" a day after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Read the room, Ruby; nobody wants to hear about your terrible planners unless it's you announcing mass refunds.


Ruby shows off her planner for that day. It's an ode to her fundamental stupidity and incompetence in many ways.

She still has zero clue what "admin" means, and shoves a bunch of random social plans and things in the "Admin Tasks" section, including "Blakeney Photos", which likely involves a telephoto lens and a lot of stalking, and something related to Margot - her dog who passed away.

Meanwhile, 'Expenses', which sounds very much like a business task, is just shoved in the general section.

I don't know what "Margot cups" are. They could be cups that are made of or containing her dead dog. But either way, it's not an admin task, and neither are plans with/involving friends. She insisted on putting an ill-advised 'Time to spend working' field, even though she never actually uses it, and nobody else should, either.

Ruby also keeps claiming time and time again that this planner was designed from the ground up to be the ultimate planner to suit her every need, yet every time she shows it, it doesn't seem to meet her weird purposes. There's sections without tickboxes where clearly she wants them. There's sections with tickboxes that she ignores and makes her own anyway.

And there's a reminders section, a main section, an admin section and an events section, all of which serve the same purpose and she uses interchangeably. It's the most profoundly stupid bullshit. But we're not done yet; the Ruby stupidity train will be making stops at several stations before reaching the end of the line.


Ruby works on her dissertation. Note that she doesn't use a Pumpkin Productivity planner - even she's not stupid enough to use though.

She's still sticking with letter writing as a topic, even though it's barely related to literature and clearly a blatant excuse for her to ramble 10,000 words of nonsense about letter writing "etti-KAT" and "ASS-thetics" and shoehorn a bunch of poorly-researched Victorian bullshit into a degree dissertation where it doesn't belong.

She shows off the possible title: "The Sense of a Letter." It alludes to the superficial, aesthetics-first approach that Ruby is undoubtedly going to take with this.

But again, the puddle-brained lack of common sense is across the board - Ruby wastes a tonne of time handwriting a bunch of notes, even though she's only going to type this up in Notion and about 14 other places. This is the same dim-witted moron who keeps complaining that she doesn't have enough time to do important things and is always riding the edge of a deadline instead of being prepared. This kind of shit is precisely why.


And then she continues wasting time by whipping out her Pumpkin Productivity timetable pad and using a pointless product for more redundant busywork. Note the 'transfer to tablet' task, where she can reward herself with a productivity placebo for her repetitious busywork, even though she's wasted time accomplishing nothing.

Again, this is another shitty, pointless product that does not suit her pretend needs. Each entry has one tickbox. Ruby crams it with additional tasks and has to create extra tickboxes. If you know you regularly need tickboxes for multiple tasks per session to pat yourself on the back for wasting time, why not build them into the design.

There's multiple possible explanations. Ruby has no real input in the design of her stationary and the low-rent company that Ruby's management team uses to manufacture and ship her products merely offers them minimal design tweak options for a very limited selection of products. Or they could have revised the design, but that would rob Ruby of the ego-boosting fuzzy feeling she gets when her abundance of busywork "productivity" can't be contained within the boundaries of even her own planners and timetables.

Also note that this timetable does not begin at 4:30, when she claims to have woken up. And there is no slot for "BRACKFSST" or any kind of food break at any point.


(Outfit #2.)


(Moments later...Outfit #3. It's supposedly not even 8am yet...)


(Ruby's "made" bed.)

Her bedsheets have apparently had enough of these nightmarishly squalid conditions and try to escape the bed and flee the room while Ruby throws a random assortment of face products on. After plugging Glossier, because of course, she mentions that she puts on some "ASSPY-AFF" CC cream. Linguistics scholars believe that these alien words may derive from the human term "SPF", but opinions differ.

After she's gotten ready and travelled through time at least twice to change outfits, she subjects her parents to a horrifying "BRACKFSST".


You'd get served better food in the fucking gulag. This doesn't even look like it's edible, let alone a meal. And I can't tell if that's a food tub or just a temporary toilet they keep in their kitchen - with the state of their home, anything's possible.


Ruby heads back upstairs and takes an awkwardly long time trying to forcefully blow out her candle, to the point where her random "Polar ACKS-PRASS" ticket almost flies away in the gust of wind. Her candle snuffer is within arm's reach.


After posing like a deranged fucking lunatic for no reason other than she is one, it's time for another outfit change:


"It's really cold at the moment," she says, as she does at all times, regardless of the weather or location, "so I layered up and put an ACKS-tra tyoo jumpers on as well as my kyoat."

Ruby paints it like she just threw a jumper and coat onto what she already had on, even though there's a black t-shirt clearly visible that she wasn't wearing before and she cuts to a completely different outfit from top to bottom:


She looks like she got dressed in the dark in a lost clothing warehouse.

Putting aside her wardrobe inconsistencies and lies, wearing a t-shirt, two jumpers, a scarf and a coat is by no means normal. It's no shock that she's always cold since she's been malnourished for a year, but also maybe try wearing the scarf under your coat and not lazily draped over it.


She dumps her camera/phone in the mud to record herself walking away for some reason.

When she's back, it's time for more tea - rhubarb and custard flavour - and Ruby grabs her favourite mouldy-looking mug and is magically back in outfit #3 again.


And then she buggers off into the sparse squatter's den of the "lounge".



She pretends to read in the rubbery-looking chair with her bulky mug balanced precariously on the armrest, ready to spill all over her at any moment.

The wonky tree looks just as likely to drop on her. And to add to the safety hazards, a lava lamp burns away unattended in this room up the farthest corner where nobody will ever see it anywhere.

One layer of obnoxious royalty-free music just isn't enough, and an especially loud, sinister and weirdly oppressive rendition of Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy starts playing over the current track.


And because subjecting them to her food nightmares wasn't enough, Ruby forces one of her family members to act as unpaid cameraman, film her pretending to read and no doubt shout encouraging praise when she reads an entire sentence.

And that's it!

Merry festivities and a happy Saturday, y'all! 🙈 💫
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I watched this out of morbid curiosity.

Main takeaways:

All comments praise Ruby for being so brave and that they're so proud and her words brought them to tears. All Ruby actually says in the video is "Bullying is bad, everyone should be kind." I didn't realise stating the obvious was brave?

Ruby claims she was bullied, but that she didn't realise it at the time. At no point does she say what this "bullying" entailed, but she alludes multiple times to it just being that people didn't want to be friends with her. Yeah, no shit. You left everyone in your class eyebrows-deep in homework they could've avoided because you wanted to suck up to the teacher.

"Having gone through this myself, I'm a lot more apt to help others." That's not what that word means. This after she says it's important to think about the things we say before we say them. That applies to basic English too, Ruby.

Here we see a day in the life of someone suffering a harrowing ordeal at the hands of bullies, but we're not told who.

Ruby wakes up huffing like a petulant child as the dogs bark downstairs. Are the dogs bullying her? Is she bullying the dogs? Are they all being bullied by someone else? It remains to be seen.

Ruby angrily puts her hair in a ponytail and then eats half a chocolate bar in a blind rage. The camera lingers on the wrapper, because bullying doesn't stand in the way of product placement.

She looks through texts from someone called Amber. Is this the bully? She seems to point out that Ruby had an ugly spot, so maybe?

She gets in the car with her mother, who's ready to drive her to school. Apparently this child is called Izzy, not Ruby, but the mother seems very unsure of the name. Early onset dementia perhaps?

Izzy/Ruby has trouble remembering the basic subjects she studies, so we can see she's not the brightest bulb. This seems to run in the family, as her mother starts the engine to drive to school, reverses 6 inches and then turns the engine off. They've arrived at school apparently! It's very convenient for Ruby/Izzy to attend school in her own driveway, but you have to ponder the environmental concerns of driving half a foot twice a day. Surely Izzy/Ruby could cycle instead?

Ruby/Izzy mills around the grounds of "school", closely guarded by the family dog. Is this the bully?!

She attends class(?) and scribbles a snail/sun instead doing any actual work. Since her class is only 1.4 seconds long and she's the only person in attendance, this doesn't seem like the best use of her time.

She flees the "classroom" and hides around the corner of her house school, where she checks for anyone following her, then reads a book, awkwardly defacing the corners with her fingernail.

She wanders to the house's school's "basketball court" which is comprised of one hoop, bend at a jaunty angle. One of the pitfalls of attending school in your own garden is that the athletic facilities aren't always state of the art.

A BASKETBALL FLIES AT HER OUT OF NOWHERE! It couldn't have been the dog, unless she's being bullied by Air Bud, which seems unlikely. Is her house/school haunted? Is she being bullied by poltergeists?! This is a trickier situation than we could have ever foreseen!

Back in her kitchen the school, she eats a sad sandwich, before talking to a bohemian hippy type who looks like her father but is actually her teacher, Mr Aldridge (Does the name sounds familiar? Because it should! That's Erimentha's teacher, too! Is Erimentha bullying Ruby/Izzy?! Or is Ruby only capable of coming up with one surname for a teacher?)

Mr. A is concerned that Izzy/Ruby's not been herself lately, but considering his career has reached the lows of teaching minute-long classes of one from a dank kitchen, it seems like he should be focusing on his own life right now.

Izzy/Ruby assures him, unconvincingly, that everything is fine and she has to leave as her mother's waiting for her. He should be able to see through her lies - the school day has only been in session for mere minutes, and he's sat in the same house/school as her mother.

After wishing Mr A. a good evening, Izzy/Ruby flees outside, where it's clearly early morning. Her mother is waiting in her car, presumably because the school day was 3 minutes long and she hasn't had chance to unbuckle her seatbelt since dropping Izzy/Ruby off at "school." Her mother doesn't even go through the charade of starting the engine this time. Izzy/Ruby just gets in, then they both immediately get out.

In her bedroom, Izzy/Ruby starts writing a letter. She starts halfway down the page, because wasting paper is good for the environment, but can only get as far as the letter 'I' - it's left ambiguous if this is because Izzy/Ruby is all that matters in the universe, or because she can't spell beyond that letter as her education takes place in 30 seconds-a-day sessions.

It's now nighttime, and Izzy/Ruby opens her chemistry textbook to find a note from Amber: "Just wanted to let you know that nobody likes you. :) - Love Amber. ❤"

It's tough to fault Amber's reasoning, or the friendly tone with which this information is offered. After all, we're shown just one day in Izzy/Ruby's life, and she doesn't bathe or brush her teeth at all, so she must be hard to be around. But since there's no other students in her house-school, and nobody has had access to her book besides her teacher-dad, her mother, the dog and the basketball-playing poltergeist, this is a true Agatha Christie whodunnit - who left the note? Who is Amber?! The dog? Her mother's split personality? A twisted figment of Izzy/Ruby's imagination?

Answers on a postcard, Tattlers: Who do you think it was?
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Satisfying Click

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Erimentha arrives for PE before her peers as she now wishes to demonstrate her physical superiority. She hears her classmates talk about 'meaningless' things such as TV shows and weekend plans.

They start playing tennis and her serve is perfect, because of course it is.

There's a bit of back and forth between her and the others.

Suddenly, everything goes white


No, she's not dead, it would be God meeting her at the gate anyway, not some amateur like St. Peter.

She's concussed and the school nurse is there.

Kimberly hit her with the tennis ball. Her mum is on her way to take her to hospital.


She's in A&E and having a wonderful time observing the sick people around her. She guesses a man has a broken arm by looking at his ulna bone and notes how much pain he is in. You stay away from him, Erimentha Shipman!

Her mum bought some things to the hospital - not packed by her, because in this novel, she is mentally regressing at an alarming rate, she wouldn't be able to pick the right stuff - Erimentha had already procured an Emergency Hospital Supplies Kit. This is not a joke.

The doctor marvels at Erminetha, telling her she's the most medically-informed child she has ever met, because that's what most NHS doctors have time to do. Ruby needs to read House of God and understand the meaning of the word GOMER

Erimentha passes the broken-arm man on the way out, offering her condolences and hoping he recovers quickly and painlessly. Never, ever, let this girl near you with a syringe.
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