
VIP Member
It’s so obvious they’ve had to change the slant on the House of Horrors account to re-hide Clemmie. No-one believed it was FOD when it was all wallpaper and pink light shades, so now all of a sudden, it’s DIY 🙄🙄🙄🧐
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And the Insta-blaggers I get contacted by - cut & paste messages, eg below;

Hello I hope you’re well,

My names xxx and I am looking to collaborate with some businesses.
I run my daughters brand rep page xxx on Instagram, our followers are mainly other parent/mum accounts and I think the products your business have would be perfectly suited to my followers!

We already promote for lots of amazing small businesses and have reviewed other products in the past and are now seeking more to help businesses grow and gain more of a following.
Is this something you would be interested in?
I look forward to hearing from you


- Some of these messages are from people with less than 2000 followers. I mean WTF?!! I really see it as attempted theft. What possible value do they think they can add to a small brand, struggling to get started??
God it feels good to vent! 😂
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I have a twatter account but don’t use it...set it up 10 years ago at least...but have no Fuxking idea how it works. Just got in there and was looking at the scouse rachel/clemmie et al exchange then it said tweet no longer available - does this mean it’s been removed?
I don't understand twatter either. Adjusted mine to make it 'twattier'


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I’ve just scrolled riiiiiiiggghhhttt back through MODs insta. She really did used to be a completely different person. I first started following her in 2016 when I’d just had my first baby and she’d had the twins. She seemed so much happier! The posts are much more care free, relatable and just generally good fun- even the moany ones. They were mum moans which we could all relate too, not a moan because she can’t decide on a new farrow and ball colour 🙄 . She seemed to be good friends with people back then too- real friends. But I suppose all that could have been fake too. I felt a bit sad looking so far back, it reminded me of when I was in maternity leave and I used to look at her insta and enjoy it and relate to it. Even without all this latest drama, she seems so smug, bored and not at all genuine anymore. Anyway! Such a shame. Instagram looks like it’s destroyed her- and massively aged her husband too! He looks 15 years younger in 2016.
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View attachment 179147

Here it is in all its glory

View attachment 179148

"I got a buzz from buying something in a size 10 rather than XXXL". Lovely
What? Get a pregnancy massage... “You’ll be amazed how good you’ll feel after having some Proper hand action”? Doesn’t Fod know how...maybe a book on foreplay might have been a better idea love!!!

Size 10 my arse! She’s always had enormous boobs even pre-pregnancy there’s no way on this earth a size 10 anything is getting close to fitting her. Yet another pile of shit for new mums, what if the new mum was a size 16 before pregnancy? How the Fuck do you think that size 10 jacket equates to them? I mean, telling a pregnant woman to buy a leather jacket for when she gets “better” is shite in itself but why didn’t she say, maybe get something that’s a size smaller than your pregnancy size so you have something to aim for in 6-12 months after your baby arrives. I still think that’s shit btw, but at least she’s being more realistic with size and timings, like you go from XXXL to size 10 before that goddamn leather jacket is out of fashion!

What she really should be saying is, don’t stress the weight shit, take care of your baby, take care of you, eat healthy food wherever possible, sleep, sleep, sleep wherever possible, the rest you’ll learn to wing it but most importantly don’t buy into any of this insta bullshit! Your body is amazing it’s just grown and given birth to another human. You’re amazing no matter what you wear or what size you are.

I honestly cannot believe that she has been allowed to have that book published under the auspice of the Midwife title...that shit has nothing to do with midwifery, that shit is an Instagram photo shoot for an aspiring celeb! Get over yourself love and have some empathy and twat! 😤😡
Soz, for ranting but this has really irritated me! I’d better go and ask my husband if he will buy me some new threads and if he could possibly hang out some washing tomorrow, if he doesn’t mind!!!!!! 🙄😏
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Gone girl back from safari then.

And I’m sure his mate’s wife, she of the “new twins”, is fucking thrilled.
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14. It’s 2007 and Fod goes speed dating in the city. Top class banter ensues ‘I never go north of the river me.’ (Not realising the city is north of the river. ) I just love the vibe in south London: Brixton I just love, so many cool bars.’ ‘I love France and used to go there every summer as a child’ ‘ I loved uuuuuuni’ ‘I love garage, jungle and hard house and have my own decks’ ‘I just love women. I get on really well with women’ and then he gets drunker and drunker....he wakes up naked on a traffic island and someone has stolen his phone and mini disc player containing all his home DJ sets.
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TROLLS! Holy sweet baby jebus I’ve been away for the weekend and so much has happened. I kept sneaking in for a look and a chuckle and want to thank you all for your dedication and hard work, especially checking in on our old pal clunge.

Wtf though house of horrors has gained almost 16k of followers in 24 hours!!! Fortunately Slys account is still going down like a racist instamum on a local rugby player, despite his breakfast 🥞 bullshit! Just 33 more souls to save and he’s down to 946k and another 500 day loss.

This is absolutely outrageous that they’ve come back so hard and fast without dealing with the elephants in their zen room! Absolute tone deaf twats!


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I am not a huge fan of Jacob Rees mogg but he shows an example of reverse classism and how media /politicians have manipulated exactly what he said .
They reported his words without the context.
I believe what he said as watched the footage was was with hindsight knowing what we know now I assume he meant how fast and non control as the fire was accelerated by the cladding.
Foresight a wonderful thing they trusted the fire service stay put advice to stay put.
Unfortunately he used the words common sense in that sentence which implied he felt the residents were not that clever and that's why ended in such tragic consequences.
He should have used his words more carefully and been more sensitive.
I am not sure he had the intent to come across as classist or racists.
The coverage of peer doreen Laurence accusing the fire service of being raids was far worse and dident get as much attention from the media.

Do we think this is big news because they were middle class, wealthy and high profile.
It's juicy celebrity gossip.
It's clear she upset a few and maybe her influencer peers were jealous of her success.
But because we talk about MOD cash and Candice and some of Alice's post the issue of racism and classim has come up.
I don't doubt clemmie could be bitchy.
But does she deserve all the vitriol.
I guess peers and some fans feel betrayed and angry as they were taken in.
It be interesting what happens with some of her colleagues as think this has blown the lid of the not so strong girls club and spread kindness like it's confetti.
Jacob Rees Fuckface is absolutely classist and racist. 100%. The man is an abomination.
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@HouseRed you mentioned in your first post here that you spoke to mod briefly at a twins group but you seem to know quite a lot about them.
Yes, and I know about the buying/selling/giveaway/giving back to the brand stuff because of the activity on the Facebook group. It would come up on my feed over the course of the year that I was in that group. No need to get your Miss Marple on.
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I just went onto mummy smiles stories to see what it was about and I honestly don't know how she has 23k followers, she is really irritating, I stopped watching after she said like 3 times 'I have a heart?' (I love how she made that sound like a question). Her insta bio says she is a social influencer, and having lurked on this page for about 5 days now reading all the tea on Clemmie I think my eyes have opened somewhat in terms of what a poisonous bunch these odious women are.
I've followed MOD and FOD for years, I really liked FODs stories (I remember showing them to my husband who in hindsight correctly called him a load of bull)
I got pregnant March 2017 and started having pains at 5 weeks doctor thought I may be miscarrying so I went off to the hospital and whilst I was there I got given Gimmies pregnancy book as a gift. It has nothing in it about early pregnancies so I messaged her, a short message basically asking for reassurance. No reply.
I mean I wasn't expecting a response but looking back at how much she scrutinises her criticism online I am.sure she did see it.
I also recently found her stories quite dull and got a pissed off vibe from them and couldn't relate to her at all so I.unfollowed her and kept following FOD.
Since this furore I've found that accounts like mutha.hood and feathering the empty nest etc have all unfollowed her. I only started following them because of how much clemmie bigged them up on her stories a few years ago (when she wasn't quite so dull)
I only hope that we get some sensible journalism on this soon because witch hunts aside, I feel like instagram needs to do more about these instahuns, peddlars of tat and grabbers of freebies, because the next generation are aspiring to be these kinds of shitty people and its scary.

Voltaire once wrote: “To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
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Right well I’m just going to say it. I feel (a bit) sorry for MOD now. Someone has found extra evidence somehow and forced MODs hand.
I think she could lose her job and a LOT of money while all the tier 3 Insta Huns revel in her misfortune.
There’s more to all this...
Really? You feel sorry for an adult being caught bullying people in an underhanded manner because she’s been exposed for being sly?? Good grief. I do not feel sorry for her. She’s threatened to sue people for slander yet an apology on insta gets people feeling sorry for her?? Nope. Nuh uh.
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Just jumped on here to say now getting free milk... Ffs

I started using milk and more because I wanted to reduce our plastic waste, lower our carbon footprint yada. Immediately want to cancel now the fods have got their grimy paws on it
Really awful following FOD joking about food banks that they’re now accepting free milk...families struggling to feed themselves and the FODs are eating and drinking for free. Joke.
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FOD: Keep *FUCKING* smiling Marnie, until the light goes off.

Marnie: That'll be another £20. And I get eight friends to sleep over on my birthday.

FOD: Whatever, just look delighted.

Marnie: *flaps book jacket with ornate light-up interior* Is this what you've been doing since you disappeared the minute you got back from Manila? I thought we might spend some time together. You know mum has been trying on 'fits' in her special dressing room all day and posting on her pretend cardboard phone because you won't let her have a real one. I DON'T THINK ANY OF THIS IS NORMAL, DAD.

FOD: Here's another tenner.

Marnie: Cuh! *RICTUS GRIN WHILE HE FILMS*. Can I go now?
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New thread suggestion: tune and lyrics from the Divine Comedy song!

"Take the National Express, when your life's in a mess... (just try not to drive over your wife)"
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If you have Covid you isolate for 7 days. Other household members for 14. Who had it, who didn't, who went out bike riding????
I think the official line is MOD had it and was tested, he had same symptoms but was not tested. MOD may well have been off work while she was ill, they claim they isolated but during that time FOD posted on a bike ride, at the beach with the girls, and at the supermarket.

They are cut from the came cloth as Dominic Cummings.

FOD deffo tested positive for twatitis though #fact
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