
VIP Member
The whole Instagrammer thing being so unregulated really boils my piss. We have our own business, we work hard and business is good. It is not a trade that brings in free gifts, if we wanted a 4k sink, we'd have to buy it, if we wanted tickets to a middle class glitter festival, we'd have to buy them. It is baffling when companies shower Instatwats in freebies, so many of their customers are actually switched off to that type of marketing, case in point being quite a few smaller businesses going under after having embarked on Instatwat 'collabs'.

I look forward to the day when HMRC catches up with them all, and Instagram starts taking a cut from affiliate links. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for being self employed etc, it just don't see why, when so many other trades have to adhear to regulations, rules, guidelines, governing bodies etc, social media influencers seem to do whatever they like and get away with it all #rantover
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Jesus Chroist Almoighty (said in Irish obvs) on the cross himself would be proud of the Catholicism in your post @Dogmuck 🤣🤣

Pleeeeeeease do a parody prayer!!!!!
As requested 😜

Hail Clemmie full of Graze (.com#Ad)
The hoard you got free
Dressed are you in M&S linen
And messed is the fruit case Slymon Chesus!
Holy Clemmie, lover of FOD
Pay for the twinners now
Brand at the hour of its death
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It'll be forgotten soon.. Same as all the other times she's been a massive bully dickhead

It'll be like meldrum, she caused a massive shitstorm, lay low for a month. Came out bleating about mental health asking for sympathy. Fast forward a few months and low and behold she's back with the orange filter, and her smug, disgusting demeanour. Fooling all the sheep once again.

Clemmie will be the same IMO
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Well-known member
The last few pages are going round in circles people. I’m all for tattlecasim but honestly if I have to read the million updates that go on from
Morning to night why can’t others. I came here for MOD and now I’m in a rabbit hole with Mrs Hinch, CT and TFFO. So it’s a lot of reading on a night 😂
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I’m just so amazed that the SODs are still clinging onto their insta fame despite everything that’s happened. Surely any other right minded person would think “Ok, we’ve had a good run, some nice holidays, sinks, and festivals, but let’s just get back to parenting our four lovely girls and bring them up to understand how social media can impact their mental health and well-being.”

Lets not forget that Clammie’s excuse for Alicegate was her poor mental health at the time... so why in the name of god are they still desperately trying to salvage their influencer careers? Even stopping as low as to delete comments, buy followers and blame it on being not just hacked, but HACKED HACKED 🤔 It appears to be turning into a genuine addiction for them - forsaking quality family time to spend hours on Instagram (two accounts now!) silencing critics and ‘removing bots’ (lol!). And that’s not even counting the hours they must spend scrolling through these threads.

They are setting an awful example to their kids; that success as a social media star is more important than their own happiness. That free shit, influencer events, book deals and 20 grand holidays are better than quality family time. It’s so bloody pitiful, these kids are going to have such a skewed idea of what really matters in life 😔

Oh, and it it to early for a new thread title suggestion? I’ve just been struck by a wave of inspiration...

Bots a plenty, we’re under attack. Don’t blame me, I’ve been hacked hacked!

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So I was reading some of the comments on MODs photo and someone commented that they saw the photo being taken. So I went on her Instagram and there’s a video of the act they were watching, if you look closely in the bottom left corner you can see the twins playing with a lady wearing an orange T-shirt that says “Feckelss festival nanny”. So yeah, that’s how they go to a festival with 4 kids and have a great time with their mates, they have nanny
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A phrase that is often used on Tattle seems appropriate, Cash and Clemmie are two cheeks of the same arse. They are welcome to each other.
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Wow ! I have missed a lot.
FOD / Clembot have clearly been reading here, seen that @heretoreaditall2019 is clearly some sort of data analytics GENIUS and are shitting their pants.

Glad to see that they’re putting their heads together and have come up with a firefighting strategy: ‘someone’s been buying us bots’ ‘We’ve been hacked, gov!’ Do me a favour!

edited to add: whenever you post heretoread, I imagine you like this ❤:
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Active member
I went to scroll IG after reading this and have found Take That stuck in my head. Thanks a lot! They’re only marginally better than back when Roman Keating was mentioned (was that this thread....feels like ages ago!) 😂
FOD says it best... when FOD says nothing at all
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Ooh yes I remember. But didn’t DP convince us that she really wasn’t Clem? Wasn’t Dogmuck on the case with it too? Not much surprises me with the ghastly SODs but I would be genuinely shocked if Clemmie was posting on here again 😱
Pretty sure I had a private chat with this lady (brought her in for questioning) and I’m certain it wasn’t MOD (Took our a few finger nails, knee capped her and then decided to just do a DNA 🧬 test) Yep she was a lovely lady, had to apologise for being my over enthusiastic twatfaced self, gave her the all clear and let her drive off without any fines or points on her Tattle licence.
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We should show her some love! It must be awful seeing your home which your poured so much love, sweat and possibly tears into reduced to a ‘pile of drafty old bricks’ by the Prickmeister General! He is becoming more loathsome by the day.
myself and my partner have just spent 6 months renovating an ugly house into our forever home. Every choice was made by us, with love and thought and whilst it might not be to everyone’s taste, it’s ours. It would break my heart if someone came in and ripped out perfectly good (and decent and expensive) kitchens and bathrooms because they were offered another one for free. It’s vile and it’s greedy. Such a big account shouldn’t be encouraging such consumerism and waste when we’re trying so hard to not chuck our planet away! Yuck yuck yuck.

and I can bet the old fixtures were sold for their gain whilst they didn’t have to shell out for new ones.
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Chatty Member
How do you think Marnie will feel when she reads that article? Because let’s face it, she will eventually, nothing disappears on the internet. Knowing she was unwanted and an appointment made to end the pregnancy?!
I’m sure lots of people have been in that situation and made a choice to continue with the pregnancy and now love their child to death and can’t believe they ever considered otherwise - but you’d never ever tell that child they were unwanted right?!
My mother is a real narcissistic bitch who loves to tell my lot that they where unplanned (true) and that I booked in for an abortion every time (untrue)
she‘ll tell anyone who cares to listen and they tend to believe her
(not my problem-they don’t know the true story and they really don’t know me)
what made me laugh is the time she started with her bleating away (yet again) that they where unplanned and my son (aged 19) smiled and said
’unplanned is one thing nanna-unwanted and unloved is another-and mum has proved time and time again she very much wanted us and deeply loves us’
she refused to speak to him for about six weeks after that
he couldn’t have timed it better-all her friends and sisters heard him…
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It’s like she is too nervous to be fully on camera, she doesn’t look anywhere near as confident as she used too. She doesn’t want to make eye contact with the phone.
Nah I think it’s coz she knows her hair looks like what I used to do to my barbies when I played hairdressers with them in 1995.
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