
VIP Member
Ok it’s exciting, money and high profile, but why does she keep going on about how proud she is? Proud of what? Putting clothes on? Posing? Managing to almost close her lips over her teeth? Proud of bloody what? How is this a ‘strong woman’ or aspirational. It’s flogging unpleasant clothes for M&S. Trying to make people buy things because she’s wearing them.
More proud than being present at the birth of people’s babies? More proud that actually doing hard work and something worthwhile.
And she spent her day in a theme park ‘working’ doing what?
God she is so awful. Worse by the day.
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Bring it back to utter basics, anyone who videos themselves talking to the camera is an utter knob!! Instawankers for sure
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TMMI has completely paraphrased Kelechi there. I'm sorry but what Kelechi shared was story after story calling MOD a demon, she said that people with mental health problems aren't fit to work as midwives, she said that white women smell, she shared bullshit posts from other people blaming all sorts of things on MOD, like a blocked ureter (how Mod was to blame for that I don't know), she said that Mod bullied black WOMEN (plural) for months, and she was massively aggressive after being warned by Instagram. She spouted so much shit that was untrue.
This isn't Instagram being racist IMO

These instamums want to be seen as woke so badly that they'll implant themselves in just about anyone's arsehole
I wholeheartedly agree with this. And I'm a person on colour. I swear the people defending kalechi have not watched her stories first hand. She was madly aggressive.
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Evening all 👋
Not been on here or insta today so just done a quick catch up on both. It was a lot of hard work. So please, someone tell me, how does one, run a “of daughters” account, a “of horrors” account, read comments on those accounts, then respond where necessary and delete...continually, work a full time job, parent 4 girls, care for a dog, go on 40km bike rides, do a fuck off massive renovation AND read here? Honestly that just knackered me out typing it! Something isn’t happening, obvs they aren’t renovating but I’m guessing the dog and the kids are getting kicked to the curb in order to police their Instagram accounts and read here (for expert reno account and drilling tips). Seriously if I don’t come on here 5-10 times a day to check what you funny bitch trolls are writing I’m pages behind and that’s without commenting. The way the Hoopers are patrolling their HOH account I’m guessing nobody has eaten in a week in that house and there’s dog shit everywhere!
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It's been a month. Is she supposed to become a recluse? Perhaps live in the attic? Only go out on days she has to catch babies? She didn't scream from the roof tops she was going. She didn't put it in Instagram. She's not rubbed it in anyone's face. Think people need to calm down a little.
I’m a bit of a sucker. I’ll admit I until recently harboured hopes of her actually being the lovely midwife I thought she was, who just got a bit big for her boots when instafame went to her head. However her handling of this is awful.
What I would have loved is a hint of her living normal life, with her girls. Being spotted shopping in Sainsbury’s, just being normal. A weekend with her girls. Not just yet more of her fucking POSING with yet more Mamas on time away, fannying around fucking France. She’s just always being so cool and so part of something, it’s fucking tragic. She’s literally just carrying on exactly the same.
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non binary coat

Chatty Member
I'm so so glad for MOD starting a conversation on homosexuality. I spent the summer touring around the country in a Winnebago attending pride events to inform them that they will all be burning in hell. But now I've decided love is love and popped off to Claire's accessories to get some rainbows to wear.
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Candice going on about resurrecting from the ashes and recovering mentally from what happened. You would think something terrible happened. Girl it was just a scandal you were lucky to be part of because it gave you the exposure you needed to get more money and your first book deal. And you knew that from day one, ain’t no recovering needed. These women are worst then politicians when it comes to lying to your audience !
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I notice that HM has launched pre-ordering and publicity for her cookbook today. What a fortuitous coincidence that this has happened in a week in which she’s added 5k followers. It’s astonishingly good timing, isn’t it?
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Am new to tattle life (followed Sali Hughes and MOD and Caroline hirons for years). What disturbs me about these influencers is not that they are being paid thousands by big brands, we all need to earn a living and most of us probably aspire to earn the maximum amount we can.

What disturbs me is that these women are relatable and their posts are side by side with the photos of our friends/family on ig. So our minds would automatically associate them with people we trust. And these women are repeatedly promoting cosmetics and clothes that are priced far above what the average woman can afford. I find that many disgruntled ex followers feel duped because they were encouraged to spend ££££ they really shouldn't be spending. I have a strict budget so I wasn't affected really. And there is 0 acknowledgment of this by any influencer, that they are driving vulnerable women into possible debt. Yes there is an element of personal responsibility but you can't expect people to be happy and gushy when your entire business model is built on encouraging average women to overspend. There would be some backlash and as a parent you should not be putting your children in the middle of that.

This entire saga just shows that influencers are not your friends, they are just representatives of an industry that relies on people overspending. Hence it is no wonder they receive so many perks and Clemmie goes to extreme lengths to preserve her 'image'
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why the fuckity fuck did tonight’s story seem a good idea ?? Has he had a bump on the head?? Has he completely lost his mind?? He’s had all week to carefully choose what to upload so what possible reason could there be for such a ridiculous post?? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
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It reads a little like the way I apologise to my husband sometimes “I’m really sorry that you’re a massive twat and can’t listen to simple instructions. I shouldn’t have reacted to your massive twattery by rolling my eyes in such an unpleasant manner and using a sarcastic tone of voice. The fact that you’re clearly going to continue being a huge twat means that I will take some time to reflect on how I interact with you in future. Again, huge apologies that your inability to ’adult’ in any meaningful way meant that I needed to intervene.”
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non binary coat

Chatty Member
Interesting article by Constance Hall in regards to Clemmie Hooper

She sounds like another lying instagraner "I’m not going to mention the names of these sites and I beg you not to look them up. They hurt people, they are obsessive, they are personal, they pick on your looks and your weight, your parenting, and your relationship.". When has mods looks ever been discussed in what way? Everyone says she's very pretty with a great figure. The gifted teeth maybe, but she chose to get them done.

"some of the most disgusting hate sites for bloggers that exist." Where's the hate? These floggers hate being held to account. Don't want people to judge your parenting then stop selling your kids for money online!
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There’s only been a handful of morons on the post, this one is relentless though. Thank god for St Clem and her big boob altruism, let’s ignore the professional misconduct & racism we need #aff links to click?
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The midwives she is close to at Kings confirmed that her husband knew and she only spoke ill about him so it would throw ppl off and look genuine. She according to midwives there hasnt been at work, not seen since the incident.
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I do have kids but they are all around fOd's age, so onto the scrap heap for me. I can't stand his condescending spiel like he is a 'special' person because of his kids. All of the insta clowns crowing on abut mum/dad life, you got this mama, only mamas understand crap pisses me off no end. Not everyone wants to or can reproduce you idiot FoD. Go choke on your worm tablets on your next mini break.
probs posted this in the wrong place....whatever. Wankers like him (and there are lots) make me see red.
💯 this. Everything you say resonates with me. My kids are older (not as old as FOD) but why has motherhood/fatherhood turned into such a game show? Are people really that basic that they need memes affirmations and hashtags to prove their worth? #hardestjobintheworld - love try doing a 12 hour shift down a pit. There’s no denying parenthood has its trials but Jesus wept so many people can’t have kids and would cut their right arm off to experience those trials. Stop making it into some kind of massive drama, guess what you’re not the first person in the world to have a kid!
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Hey Wankpuffin! Guess what? We can all grab life by the balls when we’re getting the world thrown at us for free 👏🏻 But for you, those opportunities have come because you’ve sold the privacy and childhoods of your children to strangers, milked them dry to earn money and ‘life changing’ experiences for yourself. Is it worth it? Let’s hope so.
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