
New member
Well, this has all been an eye opener! I'm new here - followed MOD then FOD after having my baby girl. They seemed to know what they were doing and i had no clue. Bought a lot of expensive baby things i didn't really need or could afford after falling down the instagram rabbit hole. I knew it was all a bit fake/gifted, but i didn't know the extent!

I had some respect for their success as they've clearly grafted/networked for it. But the content increasing felt controlled and contrived. I'm glad to now have the reason to unfollow and switch off from them.

Anyway... the whole Alice thing just shows how fake these relationships are and how hellish it must be to live in that competitive world. I can't believe i was envious of that! But I guess the freebies and ad money made up for it for them.

I felt a bit sorry for FOD, but this bobble post shines a light on his real persona and motivations. He pretended to be fun, loving dad and husband who just happened to get lucky on Instagram. They way he has so obviously boosted the post and covered up negativity just shows that it's all strategic and calculated. To value the lifestyle above the real relationships in his life is actually really sad.
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I don’t follow any instamums as I found the interiors made me hate myself. We live in an untidy and probably slightly grubby house with mismatched furniture and colours not of our choosing on the wall (we rent), covered in toys. I get depressed instantly looking at the pictures of their houses even though I know some of them are just shovelling clutter behind them. I’m so used to looking like crap before kids, let alone either, that the clothes stuff bothers me less, and as for the size 10 body positivity....

Sorry, heartfelt rant there! But I wouldn’t recommend them to any new mum at all.

The MoD thing has been so interesting as I got really down when one of the gang had her 40th shortly after mine. I felt totally shit as mine was a bit of a disaster and I felt like I wasn’t in that sort of group of friends who could do something like that. But MoD was there and I assume that the group is in disarray now.
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Chatty Member
His hairband post has 1332 comments. They're not things like "welcome back Simon" or "thinking of you and your family" or even "how's Clemmie?". There's nothing really syrupy sweet and toe curling which you'd expect the real sheep to type... The vast majority of the comments are actual, proper engagement, wonder, interest and awe about missing hairbands.
The average number of comments on his other recent posts is about 200.
I smell utter bullshit. Fucking obvious, embarrassing and desperate. Cringe.
So they’re filling up the comments with bot engagement to drown any dissenting comments. Taking tips from Putin.
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Blimey, he really is having a pity party, isn’t he? Cheer up. Your wife called you a twat, probably not sincerely (sadly). She also cocked up your influencer empire a bit. You’ll have to console yourself with your four healthy children (who will be better off without the Instafame), your six figure salary, your beautiful home, and your marriage to the love of your life.
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I’ve been a ghost watcher of this thread for a while but I just can’t bite my tongue anymore after this “reno” sham.

Firstly, Slymon is blatantly reading here. There’s a 3 hour time gap between the original bathroom stories and the one that mentions it was designed by West One and an AD. That delay fits very nicely within the time between his original stories and all the posts here calling him out for not mentioning the stories as an ad and at least the one I saw stating they didn’t design it.

Secondly, to describe this as a reno and to call the house a pile of bricks is quite frankly disgusting given where some people have to live and what the house was like before they bought it. I’m sure it’s been posted somewhere within this thread before (perhaps now deleted) but for anyone interested this house was stunning before they moved in, following an genuine £85k reno by the previous owners. Far far nicer than what the average person could ever afford. https://www.realhomes.com/completed-projects/from-doctors-surgery-to-eclectic-home

Thirdly, clearly this was content meant for Clemmie’s account which they’re contractual obliged to post. They were probably facing down a large bill for the build if they failed to produce content about it.

Simon/Clemmie if you are reading this please do yourself a favour and at least try and be a little bit transparent. Do you really believe people are so stupid as to not see through it all.

For all of the Hoopers bullshit I will add that there are some very mistaken / deliberately misleading posts on here about house prices. I’ve been hunting for the best part of two years in SE and you definitely cannot get a period home (which is the comparison because this is what the Hoopers own) with that many bedrooms in Beckenham or anywhere nearby for 400k. As for the person who said they should have just bought a doer-upper for 100k...please show me anything with 6 beds for this money in SE that isn’t a house boat!
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I don’t know why she didn’t just make Gas & Air her thing, she would have probably gotten to where she wanted to be (in terms of profile) with that - she could have been such a great ambassador for Midwifery and the healthcare industry in general. She could have still included bits of family stuff and daily life as a working mum etc but no... she was so feeling herself with her reductive fashun sense and basic home reno, neither of which had any originality about them. Even her V sign in the air, mouth open ‘living my best life’ pose was borrowed straight from DLAM, and their house already looks so dated and uninteresting - what is influential about that?! If Clemmie had stayed in her lane more with midwifery, I could totally imagine seeing her on TV talking about pregnancy, babies and women’s health and she could have carved out the media career she so desperately craved that way.
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Bla bla bla yawn

Well-known member
Another post about a post-covid world where we should all look after the environment and travel less.... stop taking free flights to Abu Dhabi and ripping out perfectly good bathroom suites then, you grabby cunt!
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It’s all just a bit tragic. Middle aged parents in glitter at festivals #bestlife, selfies for days, pretend hilarious japes and ooopsies all kids have tantrums and lose hair bands and I think this is why i just cleaned them all out and went back to what I like on insta - illustrators, ethical small businesses, interiors , architecture etc. Not wallies being bigger wallies for likes and free peanut butter

We get enough eye rolls at home taking pics of the older kids for ourselves let alone if we wanted to be glittery leopard printed tossers on walls for the gram. Imagine - youth must be cringing hard at this if they ever go near the sidebar of shame
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Before all this I thought FOD was just a bit annoying but he has really shown his colours throughout this. He’s an absolute C U next Tuesday! He really does strike me now as a very unpleasant person, really makes me wonder what life in the SODs draughty mansion is like behind the lens. I think he’s got a real nasty streak.
I really think she wanted fame for just her and he took over and used the girls, and whilst she loved the money and kudos of the brand, she would’ve much preferred it to be her thing and she would have filtered the girls out. So at some point he’s made a decision to carry on regardless of her views and feelings and she clearly has resentment towards this. They haven’t rung true for a ling time.
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That contrived explanation about why he was taking 15 pillows and 8 duvets to the tip: "if you're anything like us, you've carried all the crap from the four houses you've lived in previously!" Yeah I believe you.

Also don't come at me with your twee "reduce, reuse, recycle" sticker on instagram, you patronising salad. My carbon footprint for the last decade is fucking miniscule compared to yours in one year alone.
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Lydia from BountyMargate has an excellent eye for colour and a knack for sourcing interesting items. Clemmie... not so much, no matter how much F&B she throws about.

I don’t understand why you would proudly announce you ripped out a built in cupboard that looks solid timber (possibly Victorian and original to the house?) and no doubt threw it in a skip, and replaced it with a janky, mass produced metal cupboard.

Why buy an older home if you want to rip out features and cover up original floorboards?
CD604C2D-F85A-405D-BD9C-46A2FD0D6F91.jpeg 964A6BEB-1B41-41DC-98F8-D405E837E240.jpeg

And while I don’t mind the wallpaper for maybe a library or study, they have taken a striking and handsome room and turned it into an incoherent, #Instacliche mess.
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Hi 👋 Sly hi 👋 Clams - I see you took my advice and followed ahousebythetrees. Good to know you’re both reading here and taking our advice. So here’s another top tip, now you’ve got the hang of this kids privacy thing (covering their faces), how about you take down your “of daughters” site so any future photos with emojis over their faces won’t look absolutely ridiculous because their images are plastered all over that site, one swallow and all that! And while you’re at it take down the photos of your kids room...remember you said you’d “never show their room” it was your rule! You can just focus on your house account, together, coming up with those inspirational ideas and plans and then rolling up your sleeves and...begging someone to do the hard graft for you...or just continue pretending you’re capable of some DIY, I don’t mind either way, it’s a win win for the girls. You’re welcome! #gifted
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I’m going to bestow on them the age-old patronising put down from influencer to critical commenter:
‘You’ve obviously got a lot of time on your hands’

She’s reading the comments underneath each photo, she’s checking here to see who’s posted a joke / critical post. She’s deleting, she’s blocking. She’s even stepping into the mind of FOD, with the whole ‘I’ll just go and ask Clemmie’ 😂 Such commitment to the cause!

I’m imagining Clembot with multiple screens in front of her, flask of black coffee, and repetitive strain injury in her clicking finger. It’s a beautiful day.


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