
VIP Member
Ugh - i hadn’t the misfortune of seeing that video until now - ‘they think they’re going to Dublin?!?’ Like Dublin is the ratarse swamp of degradation - I mean why would they think we’d take them to Dublin?! Smug fuckers.
Oh, and the girls hugging him, saying thank you Daddy, I love you Daddy.
No, girls. Do not thank him. Thank YOURSELVES and the content you have created for them.
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FOD’s post made me feel quite sad. He’s like a kicked dog that is ridiculously grateful for any small ounce of kindness that she shows him. It’s nice to show gratitude but a gushing post about her “letting him” pursue his passion (for 48 hours) is quite telling imo about how little fun he is usually allowed.
I don’t feel one bit sad for him or her get a grip people .... it’s not like they’ve had their house repossessed or have a long standing illness, sick children or living one pay cheque to the next they are loaded, she comes across as a moaning cow, he plays the dimwit adoring husband but every so often you get a very slight peek at his temper. Let’s face it it’s a tiny teeny glimpse into their lives on Instagram he can act gormless, hapless and ‘sad’ but he manages to hold down quite a good job so he’s hardly the hapless twit he makes out,and I don’t buy that ‘look at me all alone’ shite either for fucks sake people he’s in Japan the jammy bastard... meanwhile She faffs around fannys one day a week whilst juggling new teeth, a troublesome fringe 🙄 unflattering outfits, unruly dog and kids and moaning about it oh and apparently she’s a bitch before her period 🙄🙄 they live a quite affluent life so I’ll save my sadness and sorrow for people who genuinely deserve it like bowelbabe you know fighting stage four cancer someone who really has something to moan about but who is grateful for every extra minute she gets to live each day.... rant over 🤘xx
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I cannot stand white women who get offended on behalf of POC.
one of the instamums (I forget which as they all blur into one homogenous blob) felt that it was ‘so important she use her position of privilege to challenge the institutional racism demonstrated by Instagram in temporarily suspending her page’. I find that statement pretty insulting to be honest. If it distresses you so much then go and challenge some real institutional racism, not champion a woman who went on an unhinged and racist rant about white women and blamed old Clemster for any birth complications experienced by anyone who had Their baby delivered at Kings, ever.
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non binary coat

Chatty Member
This is good

In the few instances I have worked with larger influencers, the experience has always been the opposite. Entitled individuals who at best think themselves too important to speak to collaborators themselves, but instead force you to converse with their managers or agencies (very often inexperienced young girls with an even higher sense of entitlement that are just difficult to work with, Hooper included), and at worst will think nothing of charging £5000 for a badly taken smartphone photo and caption with no thought to run it through a spell checker, leaving you to improve their content for them, then pay them for the service.

Of course, this is the behind the scenes stuff. The stuff that even brands themselves don’t see a lot of the time, just the comms teams that organise the work. But what it results in is fakery. When influencers will say ‘yes’ to any brand deal that pays, they lose their influence (and it won’t take long for their audience to see it). What you end up with is an Instagram feed full of brand content disguised as normal life, leaving consumers feeling inadequate and pressured into spending to keep up. I’m not personally a big consumer, but still feel the pull of this.

There’s an awful lot about the current environmental crisis that is tied into consumerism. I’ll always want to work with brands that are built around sustainability, and make room in their industries for ethical retail that sells a story we want to follow. But I no longer believe influencers are something I can put my time into as part of that.

A re-focus on genuine, organic social media and digital marketing, traditional PR that allows newsworthy content to be given priority by the right publications, and content marketing that accurately conveys the messages a brand has to its audience will firmly make up Ella St Communications’ offerings.

As an organisation that promotes sustainability, I have to address the ethics behind consuming. I believe the most ethical ways of communicating sustainability are those using the methods mentioned above, and I’m looking forward to working with brands that agree with my stance on this.

Oh, and a big middle finger to Clemmie Hooper, you big twat.

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If it makes anyone feel better I’ve got a strong girls club T-shirt and a scamp and dude jumper!! No rug though!
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Who the actual fuck has ‘guest rooms’? We have our bedroom, my lads bedroom and a shit/suitcase room. We have a living room, a dining room and a kitchen - we do not do any studying thus not needing a study. We don’t need an adult sitting room either because we’re not massive cocks.
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Breakdance Badass

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Sorry to be a pain, but every time I read someone saying “Bella Mackie (Greg James wife)” it totally grates on me. Especially on IWD do we have to say who her husband is? Sorry it’s been doing my tits in!! Old Slymon must be regretting the day he jumped right in with AXA!!
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I don't doubt that's true. But working mothers (in whatever capacity) get the short end of the stick for being away from their children. We shouldn't judge. None of us are perfect (apart from me, obvs) 😂

And yes I know she probably does it for the money, gifts etc but there are worse parents out there then Clemmie Hooper.
Er, but she only really 'works' one midwife shift per week, and that's not even every week. The rest of the time she was basically having the time if her life. Endless freebie lunches, product launches with huge goodie bags, red carpet premiers, freebie girlie weekends away, freebie shopping trips. How is that 'working' pray tell?

Even with over £200K in the bank + Slymon's big salary she was STILL choosing to rarely be there for the twins bedtime, and she STILL chose to put the twins in full time nursery, just so she could carry on playing.

She will never get this time back with the twins. Never. And it's not out of financial NEED. It's out of financial GREED.
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I think the affiliate percentage is approx 7%. That’s what one of them (who I like) said on their stories recently.

So it’s not pennies like a lot of them like to make out.
So if you think about it you get someone popular, they have a deal with gusto ( or however you spell it) or a supermarket that’s the grub sorted, they have a deal with say Very - that’s all their clothes sorted, car deals, furniture gifted, tiles, wallpaper, shampoo, treats, shoes, hair products, make up, generic crappy poster type pictures that they all fucking have, rugs 🙄 oh and holidays - it begs the question WHAT THE FUCK DOOOOOO THEY PAY FOR .... all the while moaning about their kids or some shit or the Reno of their house that Instagram has paid for and they post inspirational bollocks and chat like they are just faffing through life trying to make do you know like we do except they struggle with their gifted lives and holidays to Florida or Japan or wherever the fuck they are off to .... yeah just like us just fuck off ( apologies for the excessive amount of fucks tonight) oh and they all seem to have fucking sausage dogs 🐶
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I know it’s a small insignificant thing in the grand scheme of things but the cringe camping posts from Sarah T involving MoD have prompted me to cancel my Red subscription. I haven’t enjoyed it as much since ST became editor and the unrealistic lifestyle she has and now pushes through the magazine content are a no. Don’t want to be a sparkly leotard, stripy pj wearing clone using an expensive pizza oven at a low grade festival five minutes from home!
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My husband is dyslexic, has an IQ of 158 and is dual qualified in Medicine and Law....so don't try to use that one Gimmie
...oh and both daughters are also dyslexic , dyspraxic and dyscalculic; 1 has MA and MSc & is deputy head and other has First class honours degree in Business ...at least we have morals and don't have to sell our souls on the 'gram
I love Tattle for the difference between these two posts.

Her feet are like boats.
Both equally receiving a like.
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It's the most read article on the guardian at the moment, FFS during one of the most important general elections!

But the most liked comments on FB are apt:

"Influencer" is the most ridiculous term I've heard in years . "Wanker" has been in use for ages and is more accurate

I can't wait for the day when we don't have to hear the words "Instagram Influencer" anymore

Probably more chance of a Whitney Houston comeback tour than this person influencing me.

The day I take any notice of what an "influencer" has to say is the day that I officially ask to be placed in a small room that has soft walls,floors and ceilings ,with a door that can only be opened from the outside and dressed in a jacket that has long sleeves that allows you to hug yourself !

This is what happens when you make stupid people rich and famous.
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Does anyone else not follow people because their insta names are annoying? I completely missed out on the tomdickery of DLAM and TMS because when I first saw their accounts I found their @instanames too cringeworthy.

If the SODs lose the daughters they become MO and FO. I really like the idea of the new MoFo brand.
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Damn I don’t have a superhero 🦸‍♀️ mask but I do have a cape and a wig and you will find me at the bar! I think that’s enough clues? 🤔
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View attachment 163311

Saw this earlier from one of the (probs what MOD would describe as lower tier) insta mamas hitting back at using the term ‘gifted.’ She’d also put something the other day about how a pic is not just a pic and people have to understand how long it takes to prepare it.

FFS. It’s not a job!

Seems to be spurred on by this vixeldrew who’s stirring the pot.

View attachment 163312
Gifts are actual work for me. Cos it’s such hard work receiving something for free, taking a photo of it and posting it on Instagram. Key workers right there, patron saints of society.

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