So despite featuring in the Mirror and the Standard, and despite desperately asking people to tag their friends (you must be bloody joking), there was STILL a net loss of 424 off one post?

Yep! 😬 I have a theory btw: I think he’s buying likes, not followers. They’re long enough in the game to realise that’s a major red flag to brands and the first thing they look for, it’s also easy to spot in follower listings that a lot of social measurement tools have. Whereas likes aren’t, and likes can help game insta’s algorithm of surfacing his content on explore pages. And obviously inflating his post performance when pitching to brands.

Looking at his engagement rate it’s something like 2.4% for likes and 0.05% for comments, obvs you’d always expect a discrepancy between the two but I feel that multiplier is HUGE, plus 2.4% is a pretty good engagement rate tbh which doesn’t reconcile with so few comments nor the loss of followers. I used to be a social data analyst (still in data but thankfully not there!) at a big ad agency years ago and we didn’t see anything near that rate, but admittedly that was predominantly for huge multi national brands rather than our relatable peer to peer marketing pals.

If anyone has any names of comparable influencers (I’ve only started taking major interest post shit storm) please let me know and I’ll do a little comparison table of their like & comment rates to see if there’s any weight in this theory?? Yes I’m incredibly bored @ work x
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Chatty Member
His charity post infuriated me. Imagine how far that £4000 sink would have gone to that charity. Or the £2000 bbq. Or the countless gousto boxes. Or the F1 trip.
What a twat.
It’s the free milk and food that pisses me off. Children are living in poverty yet these 2 get (or were getting, did the milk man ditch MOD yet?) free essentials while FOD so humbly says that he wants no gifts from friends and family. Such a stand up guy.
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Is it just me or is it bloody irresponsible to have your very young children picking dirty plastic shite up that’s been god knows where off the beach with their bare hands 🤷‍♀️
Doesn’t matter to Sly because
1. Video with twinnies in ✅
2. Twinnies wearing odd wellies ✅
3. Virtue signaling ✅
4. Cunt ✅
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I swear to god, if he comes back with another cringey dancing video I will personally start following MOD and message her telling her to divorce him for being such an absolute twat.
He clearly gives no fucks about her too, he’s just wanting to get back to being ‘crazy’ dad posting ads and wacky videos
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Perhaps this will be looked back on in years to come (if there's still anything to look back on) as a prime example of the empty shallowness of Instagram influencers and their contribution to the want want want culture and their (the Instgrammers') endless greed for more. Hey guys, this Instagram gig is a real doozy! Get as many followers as you can by promoting values of togetherness, forgiveness and relatibility with other people who joined the baby train, whilst simultaneously making them want things they can't afford and yearn for things they'll never have (and which you got only because it was free or gifted) - holidays/clothes/home furnishings/someone taking whimiscal shots of you looking thoughtful in leopard print - making them feel shitter and smaller about themselves than before they came across your vacuous content. Phew! Essay over. Side note: I had never heard of the other names before this thread!
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Texting with my husband:
'Are you still reading on that Tattle thingy this morning?'
'Don't you have better things to do with your time?'
'Yes, yes I do. What's your point?'
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That baby is ginormous! Pretty much as big as Alaska

Dear god guys, I really didn’t need any more of these over-inflated-ego-child-selling twats in my life 🤪 these are the largest children ever. That one on the left only just turned 3 😱 I thought it was about 6. And as for the baby breastfeeding from 1 boob, it looks like it would just eat her whole. I’ve just seen a video of the girl one being given a ridiculously beautiful dolls house (for a 3 year old?!?!) and the mother’s voice and commentary ‘do you love it?’ ‘Daddy has been working on that for a year’ she give no fucks whether daddy knitted it with his arse hairs, she’s just 3. These people sell their children childhoods for fame and money. So so gross.

My son yesterday said that if he had a job he would not have to go to school. He’s 7. I told him he was too young for a job unfortunately. So he said ‘oh, is the only job I could do YouTuber? Is there no other jobs for kids?’ I tried to explain that actually it is the parents USING their kids, but he was having none of it. Went on to tell his teacher he’s leaving school as he’s going to be a YouTuber. It’s the same with Instagram. Utterly wrong.
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Unaware of the numbers of instamums and their popularity until the whole MOD drama came out, I only joined tattle to read more into it. I was on my second week of holiday from work and I don't want to go back today in case I miss something 🤦🏻‍♀️
The numbers surprised me too! I had a baby this year and thought I knew all the instamums but my eyes have been opened. It’s been said before but it really is like an mlm...there are hundreds of them all clones of each other trying to sell us stuff we don’t need 😂
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🖕 to his 'Barbie Pink' apology - what in the name of arse is all that about? Call the early noughties coz Tom from MySpace wants his jpg back! I have never seen anything look so impersonal and self-centred disguise itself as an apology. The colour.... Why??!!! Is it because the #ad was related, BY HIM, to IWD and all females will feel the vibe? Pink, just like his wife's dogs-dick/vagina onesie? That apology screams ME ME ME ME - excessive use of the word "I" couple of uses of "my" and again relating it to HIS platform going forward....... Mate, I'd rather take my chances of being a passenger in a plane piloted by Stevie Wonder than consider looking to his Instawank page for future inspiration. It ain't no platform, Slymon. It's well and truly a flatform. Flat AF. Like a plank. You are a plank. You are Tosser_of_Salads - wind your neck in and deal with it! 🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗
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Thanks for sharing the influencer pay gap page. I did get lost down that rabbit hole but then I started to think...some of these people are “outraged” at what they are being paid for “services” and I’m like, why? I’d say a good 80% of influencers are talentless twats who’ve stumbled into this game or jumped onto the money train, they haven’t studied to be an influencer, they haven’t sacrificed anything to be an influencer, they have not worked their way up to become an influencer, they all have basically found a social media platform and exposed some or all elements of their life and put a price tag on it. Do we have to feel sorry for them if they are unable to negotiate or if they are prepared to take less for their “posts”? Personally I think we should all be offended that anyone is paying anything to any of these people. There’s not an ounce of talent between them and they are describing themselves like they’re modern day artists who suffer for their art, they do not, they are people who have kids, have houses, like clothes and/or clean and they want someone to pay them to take a photo/video of them doing this - that is the biggest outrage not gender or race pay gaps for influencers- the fact influencers even exist! We need to reset here, are we sad that black influencers are getting paid less than white influencers or are we sad that black influencers are getting black people into debt by selling them shit they don’t need? I’m more concerned about the latter.
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Can’t stand either of these two but two parents away for the weekend together or apart isn’t a big deal. I’ve looked after my grandchildren when their parents have gone away separately because their trips just happened to coincide. The kids were absolutely fine and had a ball just as MOD and FOD’s 4 will no doubt be having with their grandparents. What I do detest is the way he is just so blatant about yet more freebies coming his way 🤢😡 He is becoming more smugger (if that’s a word 🤣) by the day. She has deleted her account, we can always pray for a miracle and hope that FOD does the same
Lets be honest, the children probably had a better time with doting, present grandparents than these 2 buffoons spending the weekend working out how much of the reno there is left that they will have to pay for and trying to keep hold of a freebie Christmas holiday. No doubt while he eyes her over his phone thinking
‘gif? Class A twat? Hmm I’ll show you. I’ve had a vasectomy and buy tampons 😡
and she stares at her phone thinking
‘I just want to pop on Tattle and moan about Simon, fuck me he’s so annoying’
At least the grandparents would just go for a walk without filming them or put them to bed without launching them off the top of the house on to the trampoline just for the lols.
They probably all could do with a breather.
But sadly, the chance of Simon closing down his account is about as likely as him turning down the trip to Abu Dhabi and asking for a donation to the homeless or asking gousto to support a food bank.
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For starters, within the same parent/mummy influencer market we have:

Mother Pukka
Clemmie Telford
Susie Verrill
Dress Like a Mum
Steph Don’t Buy Her Flowers

There must be many more!
Thanks for this - don't have time to add any ~insights as I'm off to get my early scan today!!! What do you guys reckon to this then???

Most interesting is his like rate is 51 times his comment rate, by far the highest. I know he has significantly more followers than the rest of this sample (LMK if you want me to add anyone else...) but that's over double his next closest follower count Mother Pukka?

Mccains if ur here hun you can have this consultancy work for free xx


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I am the same. I totally know what you mean. I have a 10month old. It's easy to fall into the trap that you must have x product to be a good mum etc.
Hope brands realise now that watching a group of the same women again and again week after week go out for three course dinners or stays at luxurious hotels is not the best way to sell us your shit!! It’s over!
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Looks as though Clemmie’s popped round for brunch with the nauseatingly smug Sarah Tomczak (who has actually been celebrating her birthday - by her own admittance - for a month 🙄). Tbf, there’s not much else to do in Thanet....

I might be putting myself out there as a dickhead for saying this, let me know if I am - but if I turned up to a “brunch” and it was just fucking muesli, I’d go back home.
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