
Active member
Quite something that the most rational, reasonable, balanced posting in regards to what’s happened is going on here - the place they’d have painted as a snake pit of remorseless bitching. Meanwhile on Twitter it’s reached some sort of hysterical pitch where the narrative is now that MoD regularly and repeatedly posted targeted racist comments, then exposed CB as a further act of racist revenge, then purposely had kelechnekoff silenced for nothing but calling her out (never mind at all the insane, inflammatory nature of what she was posting prior to being suspended) and is now probably directly responsible for the distress and death of all WoC during childbirth. Thus she should be silenced and removed from her profession, at the very very least, though I’m sure even that won’t be enough in a day or so.

She’s a smug influencer, no doubt, and was idiotic in what she chose to do. But this is all terribly out of hand now and has become so warped from the starting point. Not only must she be absolutely up the wall, but those who all clambered on to ‘expose’ her should all be starting to feel a bit twit twitchy at what they’ve set off. Nobody is coming out of this well at all.
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It says an awful lot about Hollie The Yes Mum, Hungermama, FOD, Tetyana, and all these other muppets slagging her off who were previously ‘friends’. No one has any class any more.
If you were hurt by someone, why would you publicly shame them. If you actually cared about them, you would respect yourself a little more surely? Clemmie Telford has largely avoided it, but even her comments on others posts are pretty sickening. She and her family stayed with the Hoopers and MOD was at her home birth sharing those newborn cuddles. If this was my friend, I would be feeling really sorry for them and how they’d done that when they had so much, because it does clearly show how nothing bought MOD any happiness. If she couldn’t stand FODs popularity and refusal to see posting their kids as anything but ‘fun’ then clearly this was at odds with her profession and what she wanted to share. Whatever the bitchy side of her nature, she wanted fame off her own, her looks, her house, her holidays and not based solely on her kids. He eclipsed her with his (debatable) humour and the kids. I thought for ages she seemed very unhappy.
Not making excuses but thinking about how no one, not a single person has said, you did a shit thing but I love you. Even FODs open comments, if he loved her, he’d shut that down, it’s soberinv to read, even as an outsider who thinks she’s a bitchy, grabby money-chaser. The comments on her posts are everywhere now.
Why is her management allowing this?
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That was the exact moment I started to feel sorry for CH After I saw the who the f**k is Alice video.
I also emailed NEXT and asked why they had these type of women representing their brand. 🙄
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This HofH crap reminds me of when a rogue trader type has to fold a business because it owes its customers thousands of pounds and they kind of just disappear and lay low for a bit then pop up with a completely new company and brand and hope that nobody will join the dots. Sorry Clammie but you cannot polish a shit and you most definitely are a prize turd. Anyway I’m here for it, if only to be reminded of the interior styling genius you really are!
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So imagine your highly profitable Instagram account has been hacked, imagine they’d breached your defences and those hackers dropped over 5000 new followers on you, they’d deleted all the negative comments, blocked negative accounts and god knows what other damage they’re doing as they rampage through your publicly open Instagram account. Ask yourself, would you spend all night slowly deleting these infiltrators, a one man army battling against the Dragon, or would you simply close down your site to stop these pesky hackers adding more followers, blocking negative sites and deleting negative comments then contact Instagram and report the hack? How stupid are all these banks who freeze accounts when they’ve been hacked? Surely they should just keep replacing the money the hackers take until the hackers decide they’ve had enough and leave!
Fuck off Slymon and Clammie you pair of absolute lying, beggy, freeloading, scruffy (thanks for that one @Heyjude it’s so true) twats. If this was a real hack then your first move would be to close down! You think we are all stupid, you’re wrong, we see you, we see through your lies and manipulation, we will not let you get away with it! 😡
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Come on Clemmie at least have the balls to put it on your grid so it stays forever and let's see what the public have to say.

This is a cowards way out.
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Will they go with the trope of, "We're having a social media break for some much needed family time," like Harry and Meg?
PTWM has announced she’s having a social media break this weekend 😂 for someone who is addicted to her phone and posts self-indulgent shite every 5 minutes this is unheard of. Maybe worried the press will come sniffing about what the years of PayPal donations from her followers has been spent on, why her followers raised money for a house deposit for her (for a house that she hasn’t bought) and why she appears to run a DA service that has limited safeguarding practices and potentially puts very vulnerable women in serious danger.

There’s quite a few Instamums panicking at the moment I bet about various things.
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Just want to go back to this for a minute. It’s hilarious so so true 😂😂😂
Honestly, I’ve told him the whole saga from day 1 and he still doesn’t understand my outrage. If I’m honest, my friends aren’t interested either and I’ve been signed off work for a couple of months, so I don’t have my coworkers to chat to. You lot are the only people I can talk with and vent about the awful world of influencers. I’m so glad I found this forum
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Um, Slymon.... did you.... did you put your phone on the pavement with a timer on, lift up your bike by the side of the road, and grin like a maniac at it? Right, yep ok. Just checking!
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I understand the reasoning she claims: she joined to change people's opinion of her. Fine. That seems logical, albeit a bit sneaky. I can understand posting things to make herself sound good. But why slag off lots of other people in the process?
As for thousands of people talking about her? It must be unpleasant and unsettling - I'd not like it. But if you sell your privacy and the privacy of your kids for #gifted stuff, many people won't like it.
I'm not condoning in anyway people making threatening comments or outright abuse or making comments about the kids. But most of the comments on here are along the lines of "I don't like MOD because X and I don't like how she sells her kids' privacy" and that's a legitimate comment and not "trolling" or abuse.
Her reasoning seems so flawed and I still fail to see why she felt the need to slag off other Instamums in order to change people's perceptions of herself. Bizarre.
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I can't stop looking at this thread with utter morbid curiosity. It has me questioning the very fabric of humanity and also whether I am a bad person.

Surely there is someone who loves Simon enough to tell him to shut the fuck up and close down his social media pages? Who is looking out for the kids? Do any of their friends parents consider raising the alarm that he is not only exploiting them but has completely robbed them of any anonymity.

On one side it is really fun to hate him, the comeradery, joining in forces to share our outrage...but in the same way are we voyers watching him slowly reach rock bottom? Where does it end? Do his kids read this? It is all just such a hideous car crash.

BRB need to get more popcorn...
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Chatty Member
Howling at how many ‘bucket list moments’ FOD has had this year;
- Luxury snowboarding trip
- Festival after Mod’s glasto trip
- going to Japan to watch the World Cup
- going to watch F1

All sans family

I think he’s going to have to stop trotting out the ‘rare me time trip away’ narrative soon, he’s managed one a quarter.
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Before I unfollowed the Yes Mum she announced a new range of cards on her ‘squares’ and the card in the picture had a typo on it. Someone pointed it out and then got jumped on by loads of “Its okay hun, it just shows you’re a human being” and “OMG I cant believe you’re having a go at dyslexia” type comments.

Pure and utter shabby, unprofessional tat.
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Why can’t I just block her? It’s like a scab I have to pick.
I keep thinking about this. Why am I/ we so fascinated (not sure if that’s the right word) with them? Why do I want to see what they’re up to and participate on this forum?

For me personally I’ve followed her life for seven years. I feel like I know her because she’s shared so much intimate stuff.

I used to be able to relate to her on some level - I’m a midwife with young kids. I used to admire her; when she worked hard as a caseloading midwife. She seemed so passionate about her job.

And she was gorgeous and stylish with good taste.

Over time I grew so disillusioned with her values.

Ultimately if I’m honest I watch and read here because it makes me feel better about my own life. I feel morally superior I guess. It helps remind me that although I don’t have money, holidays, all the shiny things none of that matters.

I also used to feel bad about myself comparing myself to her. And bought some things influenced by her. Cringe.

It felt like I was the only one who saw through her. Like the emperors new clothes with everyone fawning over how wonderful she was. Reading the comments here makes me feel validated. Finding like minded people plus you lot are hilarious
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Hi. New here. Been reading since the hell broke loose. Thought I’d be intrigued at FOD’s subsequent posts, but just finding them all very boring?

I knew of MOD a while back. I used to live a few roads away from her in London and spoke to her very briefly in the local twin group about twin breastfeeding (I have two year old twins). When I discovered I was having twins, I found both MOD and FOD inspirational. I really panicked about coping with twins, and there they were, living the dream with their’s and making it look so easy and fun, and having them down the road to me made me extra star struck.

However, after having my own, I quickly became bothered about the ‘use’ of their twins. Twins are so often made out to be a gimmick, their individuality isn’t championed by many twin parents when it needs to be, and it’s something I really try to be conscious of with my own.

I’ve been reading tons of you have a problem with the way they (especially FOD) uses the twins, of course, but does anyone here have twins and so does it hit home especially in that way?
I had twins in 2017 and was directed to them there, sadly one of my twins died at birth at 37 weeks so I unfollowed from there, simply bc it was too painful for me to see twins and especially identical twin girls as mine were. I never really had anything ‘against’ the ODs I found tattle after the whole thing and mainly went on to unfollow a lot of the super salesy Instagrammers I used to like (CT, SM, inpo etc). So the whole thing really changed how I look at Instagram and how it was making me feel (shit) also how you can have so much that others might love to have (ods) and still not be happy. It made me look into my own shit - working on being grateful for all I have rather than jealous I’m not in a girl gang or have 30k followers 😂 xx
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