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Come over Clem, your business contacts can help get us some merch #tattlerssupportingtattlers #strongtrollsclub
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I don't understand who he was moaning to on his stories? Other parents? His wife? His parents? Was he asking to be taken out for a drink and patted on the back?
Think he just wanted someone to slide into his DMs and offer a hand job or something to lighten the mood.
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Are you able to summarise it the jist of it? I have a sleeping baby beside me and don’t want to turn sound up 😄
I had to turn it off. My issue is that no ones actually checking the source material [clemmies posts] before commenting on what they believe the narrative to be. How can you accuse her of “trolling black women” when she commented on one black woman and it was [in my opinion, and that of many others] a factually accurate diagnosis of said black woman?! I find the woman in this video to be articulate, calm and poised in her delivery and very engaging...but I can’t listen because she hasn’t done her homework and that’s why it’s bullshit and unfair. This hysteria and desperation to publicly lynch and humiliate someone, and try and even cost them their job and career is just nasty to me. She’s done something inexplicable. So inexplicable I would suggest she’s either not well in terms of a breakdown or perhaps something more long-standing. But has she been racist? Not really. She’s used a racist stereotype but in my view it’s voided because she’s not said it as a generalisation, she’s said it about someone about which it’s factually true. Examples have been cited on this very forum all weekend!! I feel more enraged about the Chinese whispers than anything to do with the truth. No one seems to care?!
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Long time lurker!!

This site is fantastic 😂 For so long I would watch MOD/FOD and a couple of others with such envy thinking how great everything they have it and judging myself and my world by their standards..

And then Alicegate appears and suddenly I feel a lot better about myself!

I've spent the last few days going through old tattle posts horrified at how MOD has carried on, the rose tinted glasses have been lifted and now I just can’t stop laughing! Who does she think she is?! And her husband?! Oh how the mighty have fallen...

Instamums have well and truly had their day... still follow the odd one though so I don’t miss out on the carnage.

Cheers Tattlers, you’ve made my week 😘
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I get what you’re saying. I can’t help it. I feel really sorry for her. She’s being put to the lions now. It must be quite frightening for her. All the smaller Insta Huns will be having a field day (when I bet a load of them have tattle accounts and will have done the same). Plus she didn’t actually slag off her mates (with exception of MP), she slagged off people she barely knew.

She’s lost herself. She might have lost her job. She’s potentially lost hundreds of thousands of pounds (I know she has enough!).
she knew exactly what she was doing.
She’s a grown adult.
her reasoning is absolutely ridiculous. It’s the kind of thing a child would say “I only did it to try to make people like me”
Oh please, spare me.
This is a woman who is making god knows how much money off her social media persona. She knew exactly what she was doing.
she’s made multiple fake accounts on tattle she has been posting for months - it’s a continued and deliberate pattern of behaviour- not just a few messages to try to change public opinion of her.

she’s full of shite.
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What really gets my goat is that time & time again, Tattle gets the blame. If any of these 'influencers' or their sheep actually came & had a look at what's been written on here then surely they would see its all a load of crap? Take the Sali Hughes nonsense for a start. The majority of comments on here are calling people out for being sly & sneaky. Yes, there are the odd few bitchy things said but that accounts for hardly anything.

Who hasn't had a gossip with their mates over Heat magazine or on a night out? These bloody influencers really need to take responsibility for their actions & words instead of blaming trolls for absolutely everything they disagree with. The excuse that she was 'trolled' for 3 years is rubbish.
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I mean ... what the hell? It hurts to look at it. (not the cool AF man dancing) but ... ‘I want to be his friend’??? Subtext: SEE?! I WANT TO BE A BLACK MAN’S FRIEND. I AM NOT LIKE HER, LIKE SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED
no words.
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Oh my god. CC actually sounds so mature and reasoned, MOD sounds like a catty sneering bitch. I felt a bit sick reading that. Really passive aggressive bullying. I honestly can’t believe she’d put that out there 😱😱😱
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I'm not very good with writing what I feel but, my eyes have been well and truly opened with the black lives matter and how it intertwines with these influencers. A brand I have bought from before and follow (hari and the gang) just uploaded a picture of mumthatslays wearing one of their hoodies. I immediately thought, I have never seen a black influencer promoting their clothes before. I took a look at their grid. MOSTLY white influencers. I scrolled back to february and the only other non white person I could find was the fashionable pan! There were NO black women/men. Yet today they've uploaded a pic of mumthatslays as if to say look we do post non whites also. I am appalled to put it bluntly. I have honestly never noticed how these brands are actively focusing on the privileged white people to flaunt their products. I have spent money with these people. The strangest thing is they are asian who own this company!
I really am downtrodden with this whole influence culture, it's basically a load of rich white people, getting stuff for free that the rest of us have to pay for.
And these two are the very worst. I'm a nurse. The fact that she is in a trusted position and is racist is terrifying to me, and she got away with it and brands are STILL working with them.
I'm just done.
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Soz back again - this bit particularly boils my piss 😡😡😡😡
“While my intentions were positive”
Errrrrrr no Sly...your intentions were to get paid. You were given a brief to do an advert about insurance in IWD...the only intentions were to make money. If you’d had any positive intentions about the women in your life you’d have maybe taken a day off insta and cooked them dinner/taken them out/ told them how much they matter to you. You’re such a cunt!
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Candice has been handed a blinder here, whichever way you look at it she can play it to fit with her narrative. She was a sex worker - circumstances made her so. She was a pimp - it was hard for her at that time and she has fought with all her might to dig herself out of that hole like the warrior she is. Oh she’s agressive and doesn’t listen to arguments- she HAS to be!
She can spin this like the wheel of fucking fortune.
Her mate is a fruit loop - oh I once had a kidney blockage after breathing the same air as this white midwife, get to fuck. Clemmie is a first class shyster but she didn’t cause your fucking kidney blockage. It’s a funny old thing but I had a black midwife, lovely woman she was but did she listen to me when I told her my drip insertion had tissued? No she didn’t. Did she realise that the drip she’d put in contained nothing but saline? For 4 hours? No she didn’t. Do I think she should be struck off? No.
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Got blocked. For merely replying "let's hope not" when one of the sheep asked if slymons last post/pic meant clammie was returning to insts
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Actually even when you correct for socioeconomic factors, education, language etc there isn’t a physiological explanation for why the maternal & perinatal mortality rate is so much higher if you’re not white. Some of it may be due to complications that occur more commonly such as pre-eclampsia - but this affects white women too. As does diabetes, blood clots, infections.

It’s uncomfortable to think that people within the health service could be unconsciously racist or treat women who aren’t white less well. But if simply being black changes your likelihood of dying during or after birth, even if you have the same condition as a white woman may have, then you have to consider whether our health service gives as good care as it could to women and families of all ethnic backgrounds.

(Previous midwife here)
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To recap for everyone who has joined because of this like me....

So.., MOD, Clemmie Hooper is considered one of the most famous mum bloggers, champions being a midwife, empowering women and has published books and podcasts to that effect, and has passionately led campaigns to have chat forums taken down that discredit her, with trolls/bullying nasty comments.
She gets a huge amount of negative commentary on these forums as people feel her and her husband exploit their children and overshare their affluent lifestyle, not declaring ads etc, and she reads the comments and has engaged as herself in the past, all normal, normal for people who are famous to have some people not like them and normal for her to feel a bit defensive and that she shouldnt be trolled...
She made a fake account in 2017 and kept going on it slagging off the people she was at events with etc, then made other fake accounts when people questioned it, made up a fake son and stories about a fake family and a sister in law who “worked with Clemmie” around her fake brothers' fireman shifts?! then all the people on this thread caught her out so she had no choice when some of the other famous instagram accounts posted about it,
she was sat logging into her instagram doing ads and content with other public figures then logging into tattle to be really nasty about them and her husband, whilst on holiday twice and whilst at home.
The other accounts she bitched about were thefatfunnyone Jess, Mother Pukka Anna, Mercer, Laura That Mummy Smile, Mercer, Mrs Hinch, Hunger Mama, Candice Braithwaite, her husband FOD, Carraway, INPOlife, PTWM, Mrs Meldrum, emily pink house,Cat not so smug now, a lot of these people constantly supported her, attended her events and considered her a friend or positive role model.
She said things like that "us poorer lot" to sound like one of the people, the best comments were really cringey and the worst fuelled racism and genuine trolling towards the people she was genuinely in person close friends with, doing podcasts with, being a midwife too...
People are so shocked because even when other users on the chat forum caught her out she posted "I'm not MOD, im not an instamum, im working class...I just used to know some of them before the fame went to their heads etc" she ONLY issued her apology when the evidence was already out in the public and she was forced and in the apology she lied and said she joined earlier this year only to defend her family, but she joined last year, was really nasty about Carraway before ever posting about her own account, then started commenting on the forums about herself early on, in a really patronising manner " come on guys I actually think Clemmie's blog is lovely, she is actually refreshing, i found her mooncup posts really helpful, I read about birth stories after the birth of my son". "is Clemmie any different to Jools Oliver and Giovanna Fletcher having her kids model they are just like child actors, I actually think Clemmie is really transparent with the few ads she posts" etc
The usernames were leopardprintvans and aliceinwanderlust on Tattle and she used to post on mumsnet , generally people that are disappointed think well it was numerous comments over the past year, she clearly felt those things (she defended Clemmie Telford only) and if she hadn't been caught out she would still be doing it now, she logged on time and time again and posted over and over again,

some of her comments...
"fod is a twerp, grade a tw**, i dont like his exposure of his kids but what is he without them..."
"ive noticed DLAM sells her clothes and pockets all the cash unlike MOD
I think MOD had cut back loads on posting her kids and is really transparent with a handful of ads, she speaks about things others dont and is I for one find her insightful...
MODs grey is tasteful unlike MRs Hinch, to my knowledge it was already grey when she moved in she has painted some walls...
I dont find MODS advertising sly, she is really interesting the other instamums are drivel..
I dont follow MOD but ive just gone to check and she did actually tag those ADs correctly...
I used to know MOD before my son was born...
i think grandparents pay the kids school fees MOD And FOD might be more sensible than to use instagram money...
the lowertier instamums think its all so easy...begging is embarassing..
MOD and FOD have 1.5 million followers so surely some can afford holidays that are tens of thousands £, why cant they post for them, the TOWIE lot get free holidays and no one berates them like you do MOD
"i grit my teeth when i see another ad for a brand that is way beyond my financial means...theyre given everything on a plate without having to do much..
"cash directly tried to ruin my friends life (dont know anything about that one)
if there was any genuine harm to her children wouldnt the police act...
when are the brands going to take responsibility, the greed is their fault. (well M&S?)
saw fatfunnyone on tv slagging her off, all her pictures in her underwear and long captions talking shite, she isnt funny
motherpukka used to be in all the instamum pics and nights out but she ditched them all for her campaign and failed attempt to be the next zoe balll, one minute she is in africa one minute she is with grandmother pukka swooshing her hair for garnier, smacks of bullshit and inconsistency...her husband is great but her changing room scenes are contrived...
they're desperate, intolerable, all begging to be at the top, all bitches...
the oversharing is whiffy... convenient when the money is good enough...
emily's story made me want to put icicles in my eyes...she is bland, try hard..
nssm got asked on the ski trip she was lucky, year 9s etc...
inpo inst cliimbing is cringey...
theyre like a chav wannabe of mod and fod..
we havent had an abroad holiday in years,,, camping in devon is all we can manage, not affordable to common folk like us...
wouldnt suprise me if she skied in a thong shouting women supporting women doing the awful friday finger thing...
id never trust a journalist... tier 3 will insta the shit outa their kids to get to tier 1, its an ad she has to get the sheep to use the company...
theyd attend the opening of a fridge....
candice is shady,,,cant even repeat the rest again ...

(btw i'm so bothered because I thought I knew and respected her. I've supported her and admired her promoting supporting women, i'm in a similar profession and I believe you have a duty to be a role model for people her daughter's age and your clients, especially if you choose to make your family life and your motherhood a livelihood)
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